
发布时间 : 星期三 文章现代酒店采购成本控制更新完毕开始阅读



摘 要


关键词:酒店管理 采购成本 企业竞争


Moderno Hotel Purchasing Cost Control

——Taking Nea Metropolis Hotel in Xingtai as an example


The purpose of hotel operators in order to get more profit, the profitability of the business must be to enhance the competitiveness of their products to achieve market competition, price level reflects the strength of an indicator of the competitiveness of their products in the procurement chain refinementscientific processing can help hotels save cash expenditures for this link, and thus achieve the purpose of lower prices, improve the competitiveness of enterprises, the Century Plaza Hotel in Xingtai City, for example, in the procurement chain cost management of the hotel commencedresearch, study and analyze the problems currently existing in the hotel industry, food and beverage cost control, and proceeded to make the appropriate solution.

Keywords: Hotel Management Enterprise Competitive Procurement Costs


目 录

前 言....................................................1 第1章 课题研究价值.......................................2 第1.1节 论文研究背景及意义...............................2 第1.2节 本文的理论意义、实践意义及可行性.................2 第1.3节 本文的理论突破点及研究方法 ......................3 第1.4节 文献综述.........................................4 第2章 酒店采购成本概述...................................7 第2.1节 对酒店成本控制方面的研究..........................7 第2.2节 酒店采购成本控制的意义............................7 第2.3节 酒店采购成本控制的内容和方法......................8 第3章 新都酒店采购成本与效益的分析 ...................12 第3.1节 新都酒店简介.....................................12 第3.2节 新都酒店采购环节管理.............................12 第3.3节 新都酒店在采购环节的制度管理.....................14 第3.4节 酒店采购成本控制体系不完善..... ...............17 第3.5节 实现酒店采购成本科学控制的途径...................19 第4章 结 论.............................................22 参考文献.................................................23 致 谢...................................................24


