
发布时间 : 星期六 文章国标安全标志-中英文禁止标志标识更新完毕开始阅读



以下为禁止标志: 禁止吸烟No smoking 禁止烟火No burning 禁止带火种No kindling

禁止用水灭火No exthinguishing with water 禁止放易燃物No laying inflammable thing 禁止堆放No stocking 禁止启动No starting 禁止合闸No switching on 禁止转动No turning

禁止叉车和厂内机动车辆通行No access for fork lift trucks and other industrial vehicles

禁止乘人No riding 禁止靠近No nearing 禁止入内No entering 禁止推动No pushing 禁止停留No stopping

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禁止通行No throughfare 禁止跨越No striding 禁止攀登No climbing 禁止跳下No jumping down

禁止伸出窗外No stretching out of the window 禁止依靠No leaning 禁止坐卧No sitting

禁止蹬踏No stepping on surface 禁止触摸No touching 禁止伸入No reaching in 禁止饮用No drinking 禁止抛物No tossing

禁止带手套No putting on gloves

禁止穿化纤服装No putting on chemaical fibre clothings 禁止穿带钉鞋No putting on spikes

禁止开启无线移动通讯设备No activated mobile phones 禁止携带金属物或手表No metallic artilesor watches 禁止佩戴心脏起搏器者靠近No access for persons with pacemakers

禁止植入金属材料者靠近No access for persons with metallic implants

禁止游泳No swinmming

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