大学英语第二册第8课 课文及课后答案

发布时间 : 星期六 文章大学英语第二册第8课 课文及课后答案更新完毕开始阅读

d. the men of the Bathtub Navy, braving dangers and death, performed their glorious act of honor.

4. In her letter, Aunt Edith

a. told Dr. DeBakey about her family and her long -cherished(渴望已久的) wish for traveling. b. asked Dr. DeBakey to do her a special favor and operate on her heart. c. requested Dr. DeBakey to give her a prompt answer. d. all of the above.

5. According to the writer, Dr. DeBakey performed the operation on the woman's heart due to his a. self- confidence. b. desire for greater fame. c. warm- heartedness. d. all of the above.

6. The author's chief intention in telling the third story is a. to expose racial discrimination (种族歧视) in the 1950s. b. to applaud the non- violent boycott led by Martin Luther King, Jr. c. to sing the praise of Rosa Parks' courage and firmness. d. all of the above.

7. what are acts of honor according to the writer?

8. Ther writer of this piece has a strong opinion, which he supports by describing three incidents. What is his opinion?

9. What is the author's attitude towards his subject? a. optimistic b. light -hearted c. matter of fact d. enthusiastic

exercise B

Translate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the passage.


Skill: Transition l

Transition(转折) means the movement from one sentence to the next. Smooth and logical transition connects sentences in meaningful ways and makes clear the relationship between ideas, thus giving coherence to your paragraph and making it easier for the reader to follow your line of thought from one sentence to the next.

There are four basic ways to achieve good transition in a paragraph.

1. Use a pronoun to refer to a person, idea or thing just mentioned in the preceding sentence, e.g. of all figures from America's past, Abraham Lincoln is dearest to the hearts of the American people. In fact, the admiration they have for him borders on worship.

2Repeat a key word or phrase in the preceding sentence, e.g.

according to a recent poll, 61percents of American high school students have admitted to cheating on exams at least once...

After all, most students have been faced with the temptation to peek at a neighbor's test paper. And students can be hard on themselves in judging such behavior...

3Use a synonym, a different word of much the same meaning as the one used in the preceding sentence, e.g.

Of all Jefferson's many talents, one is central. He was above all a good and tireless writer... His talent as an author was soon discovered, and when...

I first heard this tale in India, ... Later someone told me that the story appeared in a magazine. Exercise

1. Fill in the blanks with proper pronouns:

Dr. Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists of all time, but ____ response to life was simple and direct. Once when ____ was out in a very hard rain, ____ took off _____ hat and put ____ under ____ coat. When ____ was asked why ____ had done____, simply replied that the rain would damage ____ hat but ____ couldn't hurt ____ hair.

2. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the underlined words in the paragraph:

My first visit to the cinema was a very unhappy one. I was taken there by some friends when I was only seven years old. At first there were bright lights and music and I felt quite happy, When the ____ went out, I felt afraid. Then the film started and I saw a train on the screen. The ____ was coming towards me. I shouted out in fear and got down under my seat. When my ____ saw me, they started to laugh. I felt ashamed and sat back in my ____. I watched the _____ to the end but I still felt afraid. I was glad when the ____ ended. PART II

Paragraph writing

Directions: Write a paragraph of 120-150 words analyzing some of the causes of cheating in American schools. The following ideas may help you in your writing. 1. increase in the use of state exams. 2. lack of self-confidence

3. influence o parents and books on children 4. negative effect of some efforts to prevent cheating 5 distrust


Do you believe that women were biologically(生物学上) superior to men? Is it true that me easily develop work-related diseases that women don't? Words to Know

Conventional 普通的;常规的

Drastic 极大的;迅猛的

Host 许多

Regardless 不管怎样;无论如何

A host of 许多

Trend 趋向

Stress 紧张,压力

Regardless of 不论;不顾

Maintain 坚持;主张

Status 地位

Liable 易于... 的;有... 倾向的

Link 联系

Occupation 职业

Diet 饮食

When women began to take up managerial ( 经理的) and professional jobs in the mid-160s, conventional wisdom held that career success would bring with it a host of work-related health problems. Job stress, it maintained, would leave women as badly damaged by high blood pressure and heart attacks as men. A new finding appears to put such concerns to rest(解除了这种忧虑). North Carolina researchers headed by Kathryn Rose have found no overall increase in women's blood pressure to go along with their increased presence in the workplace. In fact, professional women enjoy lower blood pressure than women who stay at home.


In a 1960 survey, 64 percent of the 2,500 women surveyed listed their occupation as homemaker(主妇). Working white women chiefly filled sales and clerical(职员的) positions. Black women, who reported higher employment rates, had largely domestic jobs.

Sixteen years later, 54 percent of the 3,800 women surveyed worded, about one quarter of them as managers and professionals. This drastic difference in employment patterns led Rose's team to compare blood pressure readings for working and non- working women.

In the 1960 survey, the researchers saw only a very small trend toward higher blood pressure in working women. In comparison, women in the later survey had lower overall blood pressure, regardless of employment status. However, the decrease was more obvious, at 23% among working women than non -wording women, who experienced a 4% decrease. Overall, the working women had lower blood

pressure than those who were not employed. 17percent fewer working women suffered high blood pressure than women who stayed at home.

However, Stephen Havas of the University of Maryland School of Medicine questions any link between high blood pressure and employment. He says the condition is far more closely related to weight, high-sodium(钠) diets, and alcohol, Other studies show that workers are healthier than nonworkers. Rose agrees that high blood pressure among the stay-at-home women may result in part from the healthy worker effect - that is, health problems may keep these women out of the workplace.

Answer the following questions:

1. what did people predict about women taking up managerial and professional jobs? 2. what did researchers find in the 1960 survey about the blood pressure of working women? 3. what is the new finding about the health of working women?

4. what is Stephen Havas' view about the causes of high blood pressure? 5. what does \
