大学英语第二册第8课 课文及课后答案

发布时间 : 星期四 文章大学英语第二册第8课 课文及课后答案更新完毕开始阅读

2. Why have professors given up the traditional term paper requirement?

3. What did the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland do to discourage cheating. 4. How did most of he students at the University of Maryland respond to the measure taken by the Department of Psychology?

5. Tell in your own words the story about Abraham Lincoln and the one about George Washington. 6. Are the stories true? Where does the author think lies the importance of about stories?

7. How does the author form the opinion that people need to know one another to be at their honest best?

8. What is a watch-dog committee? How does the author explain why there are so many of them at all levels of society?

9. How, according to the author, is dishonesty linked to the economy?

10. Do you agree with the author that dishonesty has something to do with distrust? Give your reasons. 11. Basing yourself on the information in the text, how would you answer the question asked in the title? 12. Discuss the attitudes towards cheating on your campus.


5 Give the opposite of each of the following: increase inside minus(减) clear major soft full fat rise dead

inclusive stupid heavy absent absolutely true fresh push at most widen

6 Replace the italicized parts in the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best retain their original meaning:

1. It is an encouraging sign that people's purchasing power is rising.

2. We have made many attempts to solve the problem, but so far our efforts have been unsuccessful. 3. Last month a city-wide(全市范围内的) campaign was started to dissuade people from smoking. 4. All those who attempt to turn back the wheel of history will ruin themselves in the end. 5. Social customs are not the same as what they used to be fifty years ago. 6. Prices of eggs usually drop in the spring when they are more plentiful.

7. There is little sense in treating the child so severely. After all he is too young to know that he was doing wrong.

8. Frequent sleeplessness may be a sign of some psychological or physical problem.

9. While it may be more convenient to own a car, it is also expensive and troublesome at times. 10. For some strange reason Mr. Park didn't make his identity known when I first met his in New York.

7 Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. On the other hand incident reinforce Behavior a case in point admit (to) Overnight anyway corresponding Out of style evidence lie in Attach tend as to

1. I'll have my long skirts shortened because they are ____ now.

2. The honest young surgeon _____ making errors in judgment on more than one occasion.

3. We took a(n) ____ train to Paris, which arrived just as the sun rose.

4. In discussing their plan for the coming weekend, his son suggested they watch a football game; his daughters, ____ , insisted they drive to their aunt's in the country.

5. Mr. Grey wrote to say that he'd received the letter and the _____sample from our company. 6. Meat ____ to go bad quickly in hot weather if it is not properly preserved. 7. No agreement was reached ____ how the plan should be carried out.

8. After the robbery, the police arrived at the scene of the ____ to take statements from the victim and the witness.

9. I have come to understand that all rights carry with them ____ responsibilities.

10. Where there is a will, there is a way. Your eventual success in the experiment is ____ . 11. Mr. Watt's worst mistake ____ his belief that he would never make a mistake.

12. The jacket seems much too expensive; and ____ , the weather is getting too warm to wear it. 13. The ____ we have seen so far suggests that lack of vitamin C may indeed be the cause of this illness.

14. The new buildings here are all ____ with steel, for the sake of safety in case of an earthquake. 15. Social sciences such as psychology and sociology are concerned with the study of human _____.

8 Express the meaning of each of the following sentences, using he words given in brackets: 1. In our eyes, the Great Wall of China is one of the wonders of the world. (think of ...as)

2. Medical scientists have long recognized a connection between cigarette smoking and heart disease. (link)

3. San Francisco and shanghai are both major seaports and financial(金融的) centers, but San Francisco differs from Shanghai in the it is hilly and surrounded(环绕) by water on three sides. 4. As investments(投资) increase, profits will rise accordingly in times of rapid economic growth. (lead to, corresponding) 5. The man declared that the signature(签字) was not his.

6. Successful completion of secondary school is required of all the candidates (求职者) for the position. (meet, requir4ement)

word Building

9 The prefix mis- can be added to nouns or verbs with the meaning \misbehavior -- bad behavior

mispronounce -- pronounce wrongly

The prefix dis-, on the other hand, makes the meaning of a word just the opposite, e.g. Honesty 00 dishonesty Satisfied -- dissatisfied Like -- dislike

Now add the prefixes mis- or dis- to the following words: Agreement ___ advantage ___ appear ____ Approve ___ behave ____ comfort____ Count ____ contented ____ continue ____ Close ____ deed _____ direct ____ Fortune _____ guide ____- hearten ____ honour _____ judge _____ lead ______

obey _____ order ____ print _____

spelling ____ translate ____ understanding ___

10 The prefix over- can be added to nouns, adjectives and verbs with the meaning \He overcharged the customer a penny. (He charged the customer a penny too much.)

Now add the prefix over- to the words given below and then put them in the blanks to complete the following sentences. Change the form where necessary. Anxious crowd eat load Population praise weight work

1. I consider that the critics have _____ that book.

2. Tom didn't go to school this morning because he ____ at the dinner party yesterday and was sick. 3. Larry said it was ____ that made his father ill.

4. The reporter found housing conditions in the ____ slums(贫民窟) of the city appalling(令人震惊的). 5. I'm afraid the girl is a little _____ for her age and height.

6. The driver who had an accident last year was blamed for ____ his truck again. 7. Your daughter is old enough to look after herself: I think you are ____ about her. 8. ___ affects a great many other needs of mankind besides bread.


11 Rewrite the following sentences, using the \ Models: 1. I employed someone to paint my house.

I had my house painted. (The subject is the person who orders the thing to be done.) 2. His watch was stolen.

He had his watch stolen.(The subject is the person who suffers as a result of the action.) 1. Helen will ask someone to alter that dress to fit her.

2. It was Qin Shi Huang who got the people to join up all the walls.

3. I got someone to bring me my meals when I was ill in bed with a bad cold. 4. Three of his teeth were knocked out in the fight.

5. Bill's hat was blown off when he was crossing the bridge.

6. The sleeping cat lay too near the fire and its tail was slightly burned.

12 Rewrite the following sentences after the model:

Model: As students gain confidence in themselves, it is less likely that they will cheat. As students gain confidence in themselves, they are less likely to cheat. 1. It is likely that our team will win the game. 2. It is not likely that David will get home before dark.

3. It is very likely that these old buildings will be knocked down in a year or two.

4. As the young man was very short of money, it was likely that he would apply for the dangerous job advertised in the paper.

5. It was even less likely that the old lady would survive the operation if she got any worse.

6. As Nancy is one of the best tennis players on the school team, it is most likely that she will be singled out for special training.

13 Answer the following questions with the help of the models and the words given in brackets: Models: 1 Q: What was the purpose of the campaign? (catch, students who took tests for other students)

A: The purpose of the campaign was to catch students who took tests for other students. 2 Q: Their intent was to catch everyone, wasn't it?

(not, catch everyone, but rather, catch enough, to spread the word)

A: No. Their intent was not to catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the word 1. What is the wish of the scientists? (find new resources, for mankind) 2. What is her goal in life?

(work hard, for the happiness of all people in the world) 3. What was the object of your visit?

(consult(请教) your uncle, as to how I could learn English better)

4. What was Jefferson's purpose in making on-the-spot observations of the James River? (find out, whether its South Branch was deep enough to be used by large boats) 5. Your approach is to learn everything about something, isn't it?

(not, learn everything about something, but rather, learn something about everything) cloze

14 Put in the missing words: (A)

as more states require high school students to pass competence exams before guaduating, e(__1__) suggests tthat cheating among students is also o_____ t____ r(__2__). Many educators are concerned about dishonest b(__3__) among examinees, and have l(__4__) a number of c(__5__) to control cheating. In spite of their efforts, however, cheating seems to be increasingly c(__6__) among students in both high schools and universities. N(__7__) arguments have been made about the cause of this widespread problem. Some experts believe it is l(__8__) to changes in American society as a whole since, u(__9__) earlier times, modern American is largely a nation of strangers. Additionally, m(__10__) values are not taught or r(__11__) as they were in \(B)


Tom Brown was a good boxer. He had a (__1__) of very powerful fists that he (__2__) used at ordinary times. He was (__3__) successful in boxing and had (__4__) many championships(冠军称号).

(__5__) one of his holiday trips to a small town, he (__6__) to see two men attacking a young lady (__7__ ) he was driving his car (__8__) a back street. Mr. Brown immediately (__9__) the car and rushed out to (__10__) the girl.


When the policemen came, they (__13__) that the two men had (__14__) and a young gentleman was (__15__) on the ground, beaten black and blue.


\didn't you fight (__18__) instead of letting them hit you (__19__) this?\asked another. \(__20__) enough to beat four of them with our (__21__)!\

\I haven't (__22__) my gloves,\answered Mr. Brown calmly. \boxer must (__23__) go to fight without his gloves (__24__). That's one of our rules.\
