
发布时间 : 星期四 文章(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年辽宁省辽阳市英语八年级(上)期末统考模拟试题更新完毕开始阅读



一、选择题 题号 1 答案 B 答案 A 二、单词填空

21.1)paper 2)pollution 3)planets 4)planted 5)environment 三、句型转换

22.1) will be 2) won’t be 3) fly to

4) What will be like 5) don’t agree 四、完成句子

23.1) What think of bad 2) much better 3) to play 4) How much 5) How far 五、完形填空

2 B A 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 C 7 A 8 A 9 D 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 B C B C A A A A C 题号 19 20 24.1)B 2)A 3)C 4)C 5)D 6)C 7)B 8)A 9)D 10)D


25.1)sandwiches 2)fourth 3)to turn 4)dug 5)butter 七、阅读理解

26.1)C 2)C 3)B 4)D 5)B 27.1)2)A 3)4)C 5)【小题3】D 【小题4】【小题4】C 【小题5】【小题5】B 八、书面表达

28.Last Sunday I went to summer camp with my classmates. It was sunny and warm. We went to the beach by bus.

In the morning, we went swimming and played in the water. In the afternoon, we played beach volleyball and relaxed ourselves on the beach. At night, we had a big party. We sang, danced and played games.

My summer camp was really interesting. I was tired but happy.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.–Your spoken English is much better.

--Thank you. My teacher often asks us ________ English as ________ as possible. A.to speak; many B.not to speak; much speak; more

2.His parents _________ him very much, and he loves them very much, too. A.talk about

B.care about

C.listen to

D.stay up

3.(题文)It's careless (粗心的) __________ the same mistake again m your composition. A.or you to make B.for you making C.of you to make D.of you making

4.(题文)Almost every child getting a “Hongbao” in the Spring Festival. A.wants to B.hopes to C.looks forward to D.expects to 5.—The banana is too big.

—You can ________ first, and then give a half to me. A.cut it in half B.cut them up C.cut it half D.cut up it

6.—We plan to drive our car to Dalian next month. —Are you joking? What if it ?

A.breaks away B.breaks down C.breaks up D.breaks off 7.Mr. Li became ______ because I was late for class many times. A.happy A.a;an

A.the other time exercise. A.fewer,more




11.—Maria,why do you only go to Walmart Supermarket for shopping? —Because it's ____ my home of all the supermarkets in our city.

A.closer to B.farther from C.the closest to D.the farthest from 12.—What can I do for you ?

B.excited B.the;an B.another time

C.angry C.the;a C.other time

D.interesting D.the;the D.all the time

8.─Do you know ________ old lady in blue? ─Yes,she is a teacher of ________ university. 9.I can't go to the mall with you tomorrow. Let's make it _________.

10.If you want to be healthier,you should eat ________ junk food and take ________

C.to speak; much

D.not to

—Please peel three bananas and __________. A.cut up it B.cut them up C.cut it up D.cut up them

13.—They plan _________Lijiang on National Day of 2018. —Sounds great ! A.go to A.two days ago

B.to go to B.last week

C.to go C.every day

D.going to D.next week

14.My cousin is going to take piano lessons ________. 15.- _____________ on Saturday? -She is going to take guitar lessons. A.What does she do

B.When is she going to take guitar lessons C.How is she going to do D.What is she going to do

16.He ________ corrected his mistake and got a good grade. A.first




17.-What do you think of Steve's show?

-I don't want to watch it at all, It is becoming _____________ . A.funny and funny C.funnier and funnier A.a

A.such a; that


B.such; that

B.more boring and more boring D.more and more boring C./

C.such; as


D.so; that

18.I bought_____umbrella in the supermarket yesterday.

19.It was ______ lovely weather ______ we decided to spend the day on the beach. 20.—Is Amy popular in your class?

—No,she isn’t. Because she doesn't ________ others. A.bring out 二、单词填空


1)Jack was very s___________ because his best friend didn’t believe him. 2)Thanks for your i___________ to visit the Great Wall next week. 3)Can you ________________(打印) this passage for me?

4)Please ______________(答复) to my e-mail as soon as possible.

5)She enjoys music very much. She’s going to the _______________ (音乐会)on Saturday. 三、句型转换


1)Jack is so young that he can’t understand it. Jack is not old________ ________understand it.

2)His uncle is a doctor. His father is a doctor, too. ______his uncle and his father ______doctors. 3)How honest the boy is! ______an honest boy ______is!

4)Did you use them for keeping warm? ______they ______for keeping warm?

B.get on

C.feel like

D.care about
