【英语】 中考英语英语完形填空汇编专项训练100(附答案)及解析

发布时间 : 星期四 文章【英语】 中考英语英语完形填空汇编专项训练100(附答案)及解析更新完毕开始阅读

【英语】 中考英语英语完形填空汇编专项训练100(附答案)及解析


1.阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Dear Michael,

I am glad to learn that you have been chosen to study in China. Your dream has come true! I can well remember that you 1 China for the first time when you were nine. Ever since you returned, you have been interested in Chinese culture and have put a lot of 2 into learning Chinese. When you first started to learn Chinese, I 3 it was nothing but a passing fad (一时的狂热). However, you didn't 4 halfway, but kept on learning and did a good job in the HSK(汉语水平考试). Now you finally got what you had 5 for a long time. You got the chance to 6 life in China for one year. You should have it, my son, for chances only come to those who are 7 .

When you study there, you will have to face 8 in everyday life that you have never experienced before, but after a year abroad, you will return with a new 9 at life—and at yourself.

Your mum and I are both 10 you. Keep it up, my son!

Love, Dad

1. A. built 2. A. difficulty 3. A. thought 4. A. cheer up 5. A. written 6. A. introduce 7. A. prepared 8. A. examples 9. A. look

B. visited B. success B. agreed B. grow up B. wanted B. honest B. touch

C. missed C. effort C. forgot C. turn up C. toured C. friendly C. guess

D. changed D. space D. added D. give up D. paid D. imagine D. helpful D. speed

B. experience C. respect

B. meetings C. challenges D. dreams

10. A. different from B. similar to C. polite to D. proud of

【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)B;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9)A;(10)D;


(1)动词辨析。句意:我记得很清楚当你九岁谁第一次去中国。A建造;B参观;C想念;D改变;根据I can well remember that you China for the first time when you were nine,应该是9岁时参观中国,故选B。

(2)名词辨析。句意:自从你回来后,你一直对中国文化感兴趣,并且在学习中文上付出很多努力。 A困难;B成功;C努力;D空间;根据 However, you didn't 4 halfway, but kept on learning and did a good job in the HSK(汉语水平考试). 可知你对学习汉语投入了很


(3)动词辨析。句意:当你在开始学汉语时我认为你只不过是一时的狂热。 A想;B同意;C忘记;D添加;根据 However, you didn't 4 halfway, but kept on learning and did a good job in the HSK(汉语水平考试). 我认为这不过是一时的激情而已,故选A。

(4)短语辨析。句意:然而,你没有放弃,而是继续学习并且在汉语水平考试中做得很好。 A(使)高兴起来;(使)振作起来;B成长;C出现;D放弃;根据前面it was nothing but a passing fad这不过是一时的激情而已,后面however然而,转折,应该没有放弃,故选D。

(5)动词辨析。句意:现在你终于得到了长久以来你想要的东西。 A写;B想;C旅行;D付;根据 Your dream has come true! 这里是现在你终于得到了你长久以来想要的,故选B。

(6)动词辨析。句意:你得到了的机会在中国体验生活一年。 A介绍;B体验;C尊重;D想象;根据 I am glad to learn that you have been chosen to study in China. 可知此处是你有机会体验中国的生活,故选B。

(7)形容词辨析。句意:你应该拥有这样的机会,我的儿子,因为机会只留给那些又准备的人。 A准备好;B诚实;C友好;D有帮助的;根据常识可知机会是留给有准备的人的,故选A。

(8)名词辨析。句意:当你在那里学习时,你将面对日常生活的挑战。A例子;B会议;C挑战;D梦想;根据 you have never experienced before后面说你以前从未经历过,可知此处是面对挑战,故选C。

(9)名词辨析。句意:但是出国一年后,你将以新的面貌看待生活和你自己。 A外表;B触摸;C猜想;D速度;根据you will return with a new at life—and at yourself. 你将以新的面貌看待生活和你自己,此处指回来后以不同的面貌生活。故选A。

(10)短语辨析。 句意:你的妈妈和我都为你感到骄傲。A不同;B与……类似;C对……有礼貌;D自豪;根据Your mum and I are both和文章的内容可知他靠自己努力得到自己想要的,应该是以他自豪,故选D。

【点评】此题考查完形填空。 在掌握全文的主旨大意的前提下,通过对故事的线索、短文各段的逻辑关系、短文内容之间的逻辑关系及人物情感的发展等的分析和理解,选出答案。

2.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。 A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need some hearing aid (助听). Not quite sure how to 1 her, he called the family doctor to discuss the problem. The doctor told him there was a simple test the husband could do to give the doctor a better 2 of her hearing loss.

\what you do,\said the doctor. \about 40 feet away from her, and in a 3 conversational speaking tone (音调) see if she hears you. If not, go to 30 feet, then20 feet, and so on 4 you get a reply.\

That evening, the wife was in the 5 , and he was in the yard. He said to himself, \about 40 feet away, and let me see what will happen.\

what's for dinner?\ No 6 .

So the husband moved closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and asked, \what's for dinner?\ 7 no reply.

Next he moved into the dining room where he was about 20 feet from his wife and 8 , \

Again he got no reply. He walked up to the kitchen door, about 10 feet away. \dinner?\

So he 9 right up behind her. \ \ 1. A. save 3. A. loud 4. A. until 5. A. toilet 7. A. Still 9. A. ran

B. help

C. face

D. guide D. suggestion

2. A. choice B. excuse C. idea

B. strange C. special D. usual B. before C. when D. as B. garden C. kitchen D. dining room

C. move D. reply C. Just

D. Almost

B. Even B. stood

6. A. dinner B. way

8. A. laughed B. repeated C. thought D. added

C. walked D. jumped C. fourth D. fifth

10. A. second B. third C;(10)D;




(3)句意: 你可以这么做,先站在离他40尺的地方用平常说话的语调和她说话看她是不是能听到 A.大声的;B.奇怪的;C.特殊地;D.平常的,惯常的。为了验证听力是否有问题,一般先用正常的语调交谈,故答案是D。



【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)C;(6)D;(7)A;(8)B;(9)

据 So the husband moved closer to the kitchen, 可知他妻子在厨房里。故答案是C。 (6)句意:没有回答。A.晚饭;B.方式,方法;C.移动;D.答复。根据前文 you get a reply 可知,这里是没有得到回复故答案是D。

(7)句意:仍然没有答复。A.仍然;B.甚至;C.只,正好;D.几乎,差不多。根据 Next he moved into the dining room where he was about 20 feet from his wife 可知他又靠近了他的妻子,说明之前仍然没有得到回复,故答案是A。

(8)句意:于是重复道“晚饭吃什么?”A.大笑;B.重复;C.思考;D.添加。根据前面问妻子的话 \可知,这里是继续重复原来的话,故答案是B。 (9)句意:于是他正好走在她身后。A.跑;B.站;C.步行;D.跳跃。根据前文的 So the husband moved closer to the kitchen, 和 Next he moved into the dining room 可知他丈夫在走着一步步靠近。故答案是C。




Michael Hassard, a former engineer for NASA, hikes and camps, takes long bicycle rides and plays football. He always looks active, 1 he cries quite often. \all the time,\

Mr. Hassard cries so 2 just because he is a Highly Sensitive(敏感的)Person(HSP). This kind of person is very sensitive to feelings-their own and 3 of others. Mr. Hassard first realized he was highly sensitive in his early teens. He said when he sang in the church, there were songs that he had a hard time 4 . Why? They moved him so much. Sometimes his friends 5 his tears and asked him what was wrong. He always answered,\he learned to control his feelings 6 practicing the songs over and over again in his free time.

Researches of HSPs show differences in their neural(神经的)activity. Compared with non-HSPs, HSPs pay 7 attention to the environment around them and care more about the 8 of their friends and parents.

Scientists say that high sensitivity can be 9 in at least 100 spices(物种). We cannot have the idea that HSPs are different from us and stay far away from them. Instead, we should help them find 10 to deal with their feelings. In modern times, HSPs can be excellent teachers, artists, reporters, etc. 1. A. so 2. A. hardly 3. A. that

B. but B. formally B. Those

C. since C. easily C. these

4. A. getting through B. turning down C. taking away
