
发布时间 : 星期六 文章人教版必修四第一单元语法:主谓一致更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 1 Women Of Achievement


(Agreement between subject and verb)


I am seventeen. She is sixteen.

主谓一致有以下几种情况: (一)并列主语的主谓一致

1. 两个单数名词由and 连接,作主语时,表示两个


My brother and I have both seen the film. 我和我的哥哥都看过这部电影。

Steam and ice are different form of water. 蒸汽和冰是水的不同形式。

2.两个单数名词由and 连接,表示同一人、同一物或同一概念,或表示不可分割的整体时,谓语动词用单数。

The professor and writer is speaking at the meeting .(表示同一人) 那位教授作家正在会上发言。

A poet and novelist has visited our school .


一位诗人兼小说家参观了我们学校。 War and peace is a constant theme in history .


战争与和平是历史永恒的主题。 The knife and fork is on the desk. (表示不可分割的整体)刀叉在桌子上。

3 .被every ,each ,many a ,no 修饰的单数名词由and 连接,谓语动词用单数。

Each boy and (each) girl /Every boy and (every) girl has an apple .


Many a teacher and (many) a student has seen the film.


No sound and no voice is needed .一点声音都没有。 4. 由or , either...or , neither ..nor ,not only ...but also,not ..but 连接的并列主语,根据就近一致原则,谓语动词的单复数形式要和与它邻近的主语的数保持一致。由there 或here 引导的句子,主语不止一个名词时,谓语动词通常与邻近的名词或代词保持一


One or two friends are coming this evening .

今晚有一两个朋友要来。 --Is either he or I fit for the job ? 他适合还是我适合这个工作。 --Neither he nor you are . 他和你都不适合这个工作。

There is a lamp ,two pens and six books on the desk .桌上由一盏灯、两支钢笔和六本书。 Here are some envelopes and paper for you . 这些是给你的信封和纸。

5. “名词或代词+with, along with ,together with, as well as ,rather than ,but ,except ,或not 等+名词”结构作主语时,谓语动词的数应和第一个名词或代词保持一致。

Mary ,along with her sisters ,attends the conference regulary .

玛丽和她的姐姐们经常参加这个会议。 Tom, not the students ,has gone there . 是汤姆而不是那些学生,已经去了那里。 (二)某些名词作主语的主谓一致

1.集体名词group ,family ,class ,army ,team等作主


The class consists of twenty-five boys and twenty girls.(The class强调整体)

这个班由25 个男生和20个女生组成。 The class are doing experiments. (The class强调各个成员) 学生正在做实验。

2. 形式为单数但意义为复数概念的名词 people,police ,cattle 等作主语时,谓语动词用复数。People “民族”时例外。

The police are looking for the lost child . 警察正在寻找那个丢失的孩子。 Cattle feed chiefly on grass. 牛主要以草为食。

3. 单复数同形的名词sheep ,deer ,means(方 法),works(工厂),Chinese(中国人),Japanese(日本人)等作主语,谓语动词的数与实际意义一致。 Every means has been tried .

每一种方法都尝试了。 All means have been tried . 所有的方法都尝试了。
