
发布时间 : 星期一 文章大学英语自测题库更新完毕开始阅读

Section 2. Instructions for Bidders ………………………………………………5 Section3. Bid Data Sheet ………………………………………………………43 Section 4. General Conditions of Contract ………………………………………51 Section 5. Special Conditions of Contract…………………………………………73 Section 6. Schedule of Requirements …………………………………………93 Section 7. Technical Specifications ……………………………………………97 Section 8. Sample Forms ………………………………………………………99

1. Bid Form and Price Schedules ……………………………………102 2. Bid Security(担保) Form ……………………………………………106 3. Contract Form ………………………………………………………108 4. Performance Security Form …………………………………………110 5. Bank Guarantee Form for Advance Payment ………………………111 6. Manufacture‘s Authorization Form……………………………………113 7. Qualification Documents ……………………………………………114 8. Specimen of Letter of Credit Issued by the Purchaser ………………124

Section 9. Eligibility(合格) for the Provision of Goods, Works, and Services in Bank-Financed Procurement(实现) ……………………………………………131

Postscript…………………………………………………………………………135 Example: 对工程的技术要求 第 97 页 51.与投标有关的数据 第_________页 52.合同中有无特殊条款 第________页 53.证明投标人的资格 第________页 54.合同书写方式 第________页 55.有关银行担保事项

Task 5

Directions: The following is a fax (传真). After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No. 60) following it. The answers should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.


October 1998

Huaxia Industries Corp 563 Min Hua Road Guangzhou P.R. China

Attention: Mr. Allen Yong

RE: Request for ABC Inc. Presentation

_________________________________________________________________. Gentlemen:

Further to the presentation made by ABC (Canada) Inc. in July, we would kindly request that a follow-up(跟踪的)meeting be held in order to give you a more in-depth knowledge of our system and capacities.

Our Mr. Robert Weitendorf will be in China early next month, and could arrange a trip to Kaibab


site on November 5, if this is convenient to you. We suggest the agenda (日程表)could be as follows:

Morning: Detailed presentation of ABC‘s new SYMPHONY system Afternoon: Answer customer question on SYMOHONY Discussion with site personal (人员)on specific requirements for the upcoming Kaibab


If the above is acceptable to you, please advise the undersigned(下列签名人) or our local contact in Beijing, Mr. Li Ming. We look forward to the opportunity with you, and discussing your needs in more detail. Yours very truly,

ABC(CANADA)INC. Janice T. Fabian, P. Eng.

China Business Development manager

56.What is the fax about?

________________________________________________________________ 57. What is the purpose of the meeting?

Enabling the receivers to have_______________________________________. 58. Who is going to hold the meeting for ABC Inc.?

________________________________________________________________. 59 What will be discussion with the staff of the site?

Detailed demand for_____________________________________________. 60.When do you think the meeting may be held?


Part IV Translation- English into Chinese (25 minutes)

61. Despite the great achievements made by China over the past decade or so, many problems

remain to be solved.

62. Around ninety thousand people were left homeless and one hundred and thirteen killed as a

result of the flood.

63. Peace and development are the main themes(主题)of the times, an era full of both hope and


64. It is reported that so far, foreign financial institutions have made their way into nineteen cities in

China .

