
发布时间 : 星期一 文章大学英语自测题库更新完毕开始阅读

16. I want you to come to the party but _________ you don‘t want to come, you don‘t have to. A. while B. before C. unless D. if 17. She ________ have been listening to our conversation. It was private.

A. shouldn‘t B. mustn‘t C. may not D. oughtn‘t to 18. The doctor recommended that he _________ for a few days.

A. rests B. rest C. rested D. will rest 19. I have no objection to ________ the window to get some fresh air.

A. you to open B. your open C. your opening D. you open 20. Documents _________ with chemicals will not become yellow with age. A. treating B. treats C. be treated D. treated 21. His parents seem to have no influence _________ his actions.

A. to B. for C. in D. on

22. If I ________ how awful the job was going to be, I wouldn‘t have accepted it. A. realized B. had realized C. was realized D. did realize

23. We don‘t need all the bedrooms in the house, so we use one of them ________ a sitting room. A. to B. of C. in D. as

24. When Winnie and Steve decided to paint their living room, they ________ about the color. She wanted white, but he wanted blue.

A. was disagreeing B. would disagree C. disagreed D. had disagreed 25. He gave up his job _______ for his family and for himself.

A. both B. much C. all D. little Section B

Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

26. The boys next door used (like) _______ making and flying model planes, but they seem to have stopped doing that now.

27. The child told the (true) ________ when he said he hadn‘t broken the window.

28. My paintings (exhibit) ________ for the first time by the New Arts Gallery next week. 29. Why dose he always come to see me at the (bad) ________ possible moment?

30. I shouldn‘t have taken your umbrella if I (know)_________ that it was the only one you had. 31. (Not pay)________ attention to anything his colleagues say, he frequently doesn‘t know what‘s happening in the company.

32. The doctor received an (urge) _________ call from the parents of the injured child.

33. It‘s a lot (easy) ________ to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken than at home.

34. Did you notice a young man (enter) ________ the house just now?

35. The chairman said, ―The plan (discuss)_______ now must be kept as a secret.‖

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are some tasks for you to fulfill. You

should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.


Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements,

numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B,C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to another. Some northern European countries have had ―black snow‖ from pollutants that have traveled through the air from other countries and fallen with the snow. So air pollution is really a global problem.

Air pollution can kill babies, older people, and those who have respiratory (呼吸的) diseases. As found in cities, air pollution increases the risks of certain lung diseases.

Air pollution can cause both airplane and car accidents because it cuts down visibility (视线). There are other possible health dangers from air pollution that we don‘t know much about. For example, scientists are trying to find out whether chemicals that we don‘t know much about. For example, scientists are trying to find out whether chemicals that reach us from the air may cause changes in our cells. These changes might cause babies to be born with serious birth defects. Scientists are trying to learn how all the many chemicals we are apt (易于的) to take into our bodies from air, water, food, and even medicines act together to affect our health and the way our bodies work. That is another reason why it is so important to begin to control pollution now instead of waiting until we learn all the answers.

Air pollution costs us a lot of money. It corrodes (腐蚀) our buildings. It damages farm crops and forests. It has a destructive effect on our works of art. The cost of all this damage to our government is great. It would be much more worthwhile, both for the government, to spend our tax dollars on air pollution control.

36. Air pollution may lead to airplane accidents because ____________.

A. it may cause pilots to be ill C. visibility is reduced

B. engines may fail from dirt D. it brings a lot of black snow 37. Scientists are trying to find a link between pollution and __________. A. intelligence levels C. man‘s behavior B. birth problems D. the nervous system 38. Scientists have not yet determined __________.

a) all of the effects of pollution on the human body b) the successful control of pollution

c) when the atmosphere first became polluted d) how some snow becomes black

39. The author suggests that before air pollution becomes more serious, ________.

a) some factories should be forced to stop operating b) buildings should be protected

c) more trees should be planted in cities

d) more money should be spent in solving the problem 40. We can conclude that __________.

a) civilization may be destroyed if pollution is not controlled b) pollution is more serious in Europe than it is in America c) most people do not know that pollution is a serious problem


d) we should learn all the answers before we begin to control pollution Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41through 45.

Depression isn‘t just feeling down. It‘s a real illness with real cause. Depression can be set off by stressful life events, like divorce or a death in the family. Or it can appear suddenly, for no apparent reason.

Some people think you can try to get yourself out of a depression. That‘s not true. Many doctors believe that one thing that may cause depression is an imbalance of serotonin (血清素) —a chemical in your body. If this happens, you may have trouble sleeping. Feel unusually sad or irritable. Find it hard to concentrate. Lose your appetite. Lack energy. Or have trouble feeling pleasure. These are some of the symptoms (症状) that can point to depression—especially if they last for more than a couple of weeks.

To help fight depression, the medicine doctors now prescribe most often is Prozac. Prozac isn‘t a ―happy pill‖. It won‘t turn you into a different person.

Some people do experience mild side effects, like upset stomach, headaches, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and nervousness. These tend to go away within a few weeks of starting treatment, and usually aren‘t serious enough to make most people stop taking it. However, if you are concerned about a side effect, or if you develop a rash (皮疹),tell your doctor right away. And don‘t forget to tell your doctor about any other medicines you are taking.

Prozac has been carefully studied for nearly 10 years. But remember, Prozac is a prescription medicine, and it isn‘t right for everyone. Only your doctor can decide if Prozac is right for you.

Prozac has been prescribed for more than 17 million Americans. 41. Some people think depression is _______.

A. a mental state that can be overcome without medicine B. an illness that no medicine can cure

C. an experience everyone has in his life time

D. something you can avoid by leading a happy life

42. What do some doctors think is the real cause for people to feel depressed?

A. Unhappy events happening in one‘s life.

B. A lack of balance of a chemical in one‘s body C. Difficulty in concentrating on something

D. Sad feelings, lacking energy and eating disorder. 43. What does the phrase ―set off‖ (Line 2, Para.1) mean?

A. start B. develop C. take off D. put on 44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Prozac is a medicine prescribed occasionally by doctors. B. When taking Prozac few people can have a side effect..

C. Prozac can help one fight depression, but it doesn‘t suit everyone. D. Only a small number of Americans have taken Prozac in recent years. 45. We can learn from the passage that one can _______.

A. take Prozac only after he asks the doctor

B. decide whether Prozac is right for him or not


C. also treat other mental diseases with Prozac D. buy Prozac directly from a drug store Task 3

Directions: The following is a quotation from an encyclopedia. After reading it, you are required to

complete the outline below it (No.46 t through No.50) in as few words as possible. You should write your answers briefly on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.

An abbreviation (缩写词) can be defined an a shortened form of a word or term. Abbreviations are an attempt to communicate information fast and accurately. But this goal is not always achieved. To many people, particularly to those new to a field, reports and papers sometimes seem to be written in a telegraphic style with abbreviations so interspersed (夹杂) as to make the message almost meaningless. Frequently it is necessary to search through several reference books to find the exact word or phrase represented by an abbreviation. Owing to the lack of a comprehensive dictionary of abbreviations and the divers definitions of abbreviations among subject areas, it is common practice in most scholarly publication to include in the introductory text or in an appendix (附录) at the end of the book a list of the abbreviations used.

Another method is to explain the abbreviations to the reader the first time it appears.

Librarians, like everyone else, tend to use abbreviations to save space and time and to eliminate the necessity of repeating words or phrases that are long and complicated. In the library and information science field, abbreviations are used primarily for magazine and book titles, names of organizations, corporate author entries, names of computer programs, and publishers‘ names. Abbreviations Definition: _______46_________ Purpose of using abbreviations: To pass messages __________47_________ Causes of difficulties in using abbreviations: 1. lack of a comprehensive dictionary 2. _________48________ Ways to introduce abbreviations: 1. _________49_________ 2. to give explanations Users of abbreviations mentioned here: _________50__________ Task 4

Directions: The following is the contents taken from a bidding (投标) document for a construction project. After reading it, you are required to identify the page numbers of the sections in which you can find out the contents given in Chinese. Then you should put the corresponding numbers in the brackets on the Answer Sheet numbered 51 through 55.

Contents Preface ……………………………………………………………………………I Introduction………………………………………………………………………VI Section1.Invitation for Bids………………………………………………………1

