
发布时间 : 星期二 文章江南大学中级口译教程(英汉对照)更新完毕开始阅读


The Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month(around early June)is celebrated in memory of Qu Yuan,an ancient poet and loyal minister who drowned himself while in exile from a corrupt court.Zongzi,a kind of glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in reed leaves,were originally prepared as sacrificial offerings for Qu Yuan’s departed soul and droppd into the river where he drowned

himself.Today,however,dragon boat races are held during the festival and the zongzi are consumed by the living.


The Mid-autumn festival which occurs on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month(around mid-September)is an occasion for viewing the full moon.The round moon is a symbol for completeness,and by extension,family reunion.The specialty of the day is the yuebing(mooncake),a round pastry filled with nuts,candied preserved fruits,bean paste,duck egg yolks,etc.


The Spring Festival,the most important traditional Chinese festival,marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New year. The Spring Festival is celebrated according to the lunar calendar,and generally occurs some time in the first half of February. The Spring Festival is also called Guo Nian in Chinese,meaning keeping off the monster of Nian.The legend has it that Nian was a fierce monster back in ancient times.It looked liked a strong bull with a head like that of a lion.Usually the monster stayed deep in the mountains.But at the turn of each spring,the monster,unable to find enough food in the


mountains,came out of its mountain lair and entered villages to eat whatever it could catch.Villagers were so scared that they moved away to escape the ferocious

monster.Later people found that Nian was afraid of three things:red color,bright flame and loud noise.To prevent Nian from entering their villages,villagers painted their doors red, burned stalks of bamboo,which made cracking sounds.Ever since then,Nian never again came to the villages.Thus, a tradition was established.Later, the noise of the cracking bamboo was replaced by the bang of firecrackers for the Spring Festival.


Customarily,lavishly consuming food and drink is a major activity during the Spring Festival. People are usually particular about their food. In addition to the popular seafood,poultry and meat, regional custom dictates that traditional favorites should be prepared and consumed.Since the festival marks the first day of a brand new year,the first meal is rather important.Such foods as jiaozi(boiled dumplings),tangyuan(soup of small rice balls cooked with fillings),niangao(New Year cake,thick steamed pudding of glutinous rice flour)and babaofan(steamed sweet glutinous rice pudding)are signs of good luck and indispensable in every household.The Chinese character gao in the word niangao is homonymous with the word”tall”,suggesting “growing up and prospering”in the new year,and the round sweet dumpling is a symbol of family reunion.


The recreational activities during the Spring Festival are varied and colorful.The Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are traditionally performed during the festival . Walking on stilts is another traditional performance event popular in China.According to the archives, Chinese ancestors event began using stilts to help them gather fruits from trees. Today’s skillful performers can perform truly amazing feats and extremely difficult movements on stilts.



Nowadays,with the improvement of living standards,people have taken up new ways to celebrate the traditional Chinese New year.No matter what changes there might be, the traditional highlights of the Spring Festival will remain the same:hoping for a propitious and happy new year,each family will clean up the house and put up an antithetical couplet on each side of the door.Dressed up in their best,people will get together,treat each other to the most delicious foods and exchange auspicious greetings.Most important of all, the Spring Festival is the occasion for a family reunion.People away from home for various reasons will always try their best to come back home before the New Year’s Eve for the family reunion dinner,the most important meal of the year.


Traditionally,the Spring Festival season ends with the Lantern Festival which falls on the 15th of the first lunar month.The Lantern Festival has been the great occasion to display and watch lanterns since antiquity.A poet of the Song Dynasty wrote these lines,”The sky is ablaze with myriads of fish-shaped lanterns. It is fun everywhere on the Lantern Festival.Lanterns in shape of horse,lion,dragon and human figure are all attractive.Streets and lanes are packed with singing and dancing children.”


I have given a brief introduction of traditional Chinese festivals.I sincerely hope that you have the chance to experience for yourself the happy festival atmosphere in China.



我很高兴有机会向诸位 介绍中国书法这一宝贵的文化遗产及其对中国旅游业的贡献。 I’m very glad to have this opportunity to talk about Chinese calligraphy, a highly-valued Chinese cultural heritage, and its contribution to Chinese tourism.

中国有句古话是这样 说的:\山不在高, 有仙则名;水不在深, 有龙则灵。”中国书法好似山上之 仙、水中之龙。

An ancient Chinese saying goes that” Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal, and any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon”. Chinese calligraphy is like an immortal on a mountain and a dragon in a river.


Chinese calligraphy is very different from other forms of writing. During their long history of development Chinese characters have evolved and been written into many different artistic styles, including the inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells and in ancient bronze objects, the seal character, official script, regular script, running script and cursive script.


Many Chinese characters are pictographs and often the meaning of a particular character is apparent in the pictorial form of the character. Calligraphy, whether done with a knife or brush, can be rendered in ways that exaggerate the form, consequently yielding effects of artistic beauty.

因此书法一直是一门研究艺术。千百年来中国书法家倾 注了大量的心血研究书法艺术的形式、规则及理论。他们的成果对朝鲜、日本和东南亚国家的 汉字书法家产生了巨大的影响。这些国家的书法家经常不断地访问中国,探索书法艺术

Calligraphy, therefore, has been traditionally a subject of artistic study. Down through the centuries Chinese calligraphers have devoted substantive attention to studying the forms, principles and theories pertinent to the art of calligraphy. Moreover, their works have significantly influenced calligraphers of Chinese characters in Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian countries. People from these countries regularly visit China studying calligraphic art.

