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drinks) also includes a flavouring from the cola tree; cola extract contains caffeine, which is a stimulant, and the Coca-Cola company adds extra caffeine for good measure. While caffeine is not thought to be an addictive substance in itself, there is considerable evidence that over a period of time the consumption of caffeine has to be increased in order for its stimulating effect to be maintained, and so sales of Coke perhaps benefit as a result.

A more likely reason for the enduring popularity of Coke may, however, be found in the

company's enviable marketing strategies. Over the years it has come up with some of the most memorable commercials, tunes, slogans and sponsorship in the world of advertising, variously emphasizing international harmony, youthfulness and a carefree lifestyle. Few other companies (arguably including Pepsi) have been able to match such marketing policies so consistently or effectively. As suggested earlier, the influences of American culture are evident just about everywhere, and Coca-Cola has somehow come to represent a vision of the United States that much of the rest of the world dreams about and aspires to. Perhaps drinking Coke brings people that little bit closer to the dream.

1. The word \ A) food B) souvenirs C) cans D) clothing 2. According to Para. 1, we learn that _____. A) some shops only sell Coke due to the good taste of the soft drink B) some stores sell all kinds of goods except Coke products C) some stores are allowed to sell Coke at lower prices D) some shops only sell goods with the Coke label to satisfy customers 3. What kind of drink is Coke considered? A) The company holds that Coke is not an unhealthy product. B) The writer thinks of Coke as an unhealthy drink, at least for teeth. C) The company can easily prove that Coke is a healthy drink. D) Coke consists of, as a matter of fact, all healthy ingredients.

4. Based on Para. 3, the crucial change in the recipe of Cola is _______. A) the shift from cocaine to caffeine as a major ingredient B) the increased amount of cocaine to improve the taste of Coke C) the decreased amount of caffeine to improve the stimulating effect D) the use of cocaine substitute

5. What does the writer imply in the last sentence of the passage? A) Most people are eager to live in America. B) Many people dream of lifestyles that they imagine most Americans have. C) Drinking Coke evokes inspiration of living in America for many people. D) Living in the United States seems to be an impossible dream to realize for many people.

Unit 3

The Road to Success

Part One Text-oriented Exercises Words and Expressions Complete the following sentences with the proper words or phrases in the box. Change the forms if necessary.

tempt linger manual contract exhaust wither plunge


veteran elevate painful eventful acquaintance tease come across 1. I am afraid these attractive displays of goods in shops will __________ people into stealing. 2. You have to change gear(排挡) __________ in this car; it is not automatic.

3. I have some __________ with French for I lived in Paris for half a year at the age of ten. 4. Our shop has made a __________ with a clothing firm to buy 100 coats a week. 5. We all have great respect for the __________ Red Army soldier.

6. He passed out(晕倒) from heat __________ after such a long distance of running. 7. The word has been __________ from the status of slang to colloquialism.

8. With her good looks, fine acting and, most important of all, her __________ love life, Cecilia Cheung is always the centre of attention.

9. He used to be __________ shy, but now he's started to blossom out (活泼起来).

10. The beautiful melody was still __________ in my mind even though the concert was over.

Replace the underlined word or expression in each of the following sentences with one word or expression from either Text A or Text B that best keeps the original meaning. 1. I am resigning from the position, but make it known only to yourself. ( )

2. The boys crowded together under the rock to keep warm during the night. ( )

3. He got extremely annoyed at her words, but soon he calmed down and told himself to be patient and tolerant with her. ( )

4. I told her how marvelous the new product was, and I soon sold it to her. ( )

5. Fame and wealth followed after he achieved the great success, and now he has money and a lot of opportunities everywhere. ( )

6. It has been one year since she entered the university, but she still can't adapt herself to college life. ( )

7. He has been unable to get a job for six months. ( )

8. Since he was short of money, he had to ask for a journey with great politeness and eagerness to the drivers on the way to the destination. ( )

9. Do you know where I can find and make use of a second-hand carpet cleaner? ( )

10. Competition for the market makes providers' lives not comfortable at all. ( )

There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four alternative choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. ______ college student works part-time jobs after entering the university. A) A lot of B) Many C) Many a D) Plenty of 2. I use the book almost every day, so I put it ______ I can find it easily. A) the place B) the place where C) where D) at which 3. ______ every three people who agree, you'll find five who don't. A) To B) With C) For D) Of

4. The person I trust most was a friend ______ I had grown up in my hometown.

A) who B) that C) whom D) with whom 5. The picture is ______ being taken care of since it is very valuable. A) worth B) worthy of C) worthy to D) worthy

6. She uses her car ______ for going to the shops as she lives far away from downtown. A) mostly B) almost C) nearly D) practically 7. I heard my landlady ______ stealthily up to my door when I was lying in bed. A) climbing B) creeping C) crawling D) slinking 8. The progress of the work was affected by ______ interruptions. A) continual B) consistent C) continuous D) ceaseless 9. She was so angry that she felt like ______ something at him. A) to throw B) throwing C) to have thrown D) having thrown 10. Ann never dreams of ______ for her to be sent abroad very soon. A) there being a chance B) there to be a chance C) being a chance D) to be a chance

Read the following two passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Read

the passages carefully and decide on the best choice for each question or unfinished statement. (Reading in Depth) Passage One

Basically, without the possibility of failure there is little possibility of success. Education is in danger of becoming a branch of the entertainment industry. While education should indeed be entertaining where possible, it cannot always be fun. Often, it needs the \

It appears that some educationalists feel that if something causes worry it should be avoided at all costs. I would disagree. Facing up to challenges helps develop an individual. Avoiding challenges can severely limit their potential. Tougher individuals are able to try and fail. The less tough may simply fail to try anything new.

I am in no way advocating putting children under pressure simply for the sake of it. The real debate is perhaps what pressures are unavoidable. While operating slightly outside your comfort zone can be life enhancing, traumatic events are always destructive. It's not about \people into the deep end\them the skills to float.

This latter approach is basically the work I and my team do at the University of Hull. Firstly, we measure mental toughness and then provide interventions to enhance this. These interventions include psychological skills such as goal setting, relaxation, visualization and thought control. They are simple and straightforward, and have a proven track record of helping a range of people in stressful situations. So, for example, many children will say: \We work hard to rephrase this so that the sentence reads: \word difference, but a world away when thinking about challenges.

We try to help children deal more effectively with life using a three-step approach. Firstly, it is important to find out what the child really wants. In other words, setting appropriate goals. This is complex. Children lacking confidence will often set really low goals or, perversely, really high ones. It is important to set realistic and achievable goals. Then it is a matter of finding out what factors are helping the individual to achieve these goals and what factors are working against this.

The final step is to identify which of these factors can be controlled, or at least influenced, and what factors the child is in reality stuck with. Redirecting children's energies to movable obstacles can produce huge life changes.

However, I think that for most of us we have become stress averse and overreact to it. It has

always been there, and it has always been the case that some people thrive on it, some need help to deal with it and some peoples' lives are ruined by it.

Showing our children that stress can be confronted and beaten offers them a way forward. The more a fear is avoided, the bigger it gets.

1. Which of the following statements about education is true according to the passage? A) Education should always be fun. B) Education is in danger of becoming a branch of the entertainment industry. C) If something causes worry, it should be avoided at all costs. D) The more challenges, the better for the children.

2. Why would the author disagree with some educationalists' opinion that if something causes worry, it should be avoided at all costs? A) Because he believes that facing up to challenges helps develop an individual and avoiding them can severely limit one's potential. B) Because some children are less tough. C) Because some pressures are avoidable. D) Because some children are unwilling to try anything new.

3. What is the work that the author and his team do at the University of Hull? A) Putting the children under pressure by giving them challenges. B) Recording what people do in stressful situations. C) Teaching the children some skills to deal with stress. D) Giving the children challenges first and then providing them with skills to improve the stressful situations.

4. Which one is the implied meaning of the last sentence in Para. 4, \world away when thinking about challenges\ A) If one thinks about challenges negatively, he or she will face them with confidence. B) If one thinks about challenges positively, he or she will always be afraid to fail and can not face them bravely. C) If one thinks about challenges incorrectly, he or she will lose a world. D) Two different ways of thinking about challenges will lead to totally different results. 5. What is the correct attitude towards stress according to the author? A) We should try our best to avoid stress. B) We should put ourselves to the test in stressful situations. C) We should love stress because stress is unavoidable. D) Stress is unavoidable but can be controlled and defeated, so experiencing it and learning skills to deal with it is beneficial to us. Passage Two

Years ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers urged, \Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience.\

How right they were! Enthusiastic people can turn a boring drive into an adventure, extra work
