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down, covered him in wet towels to ease the pain of his burns, and then picked up the phone. “我们遭火烧了,”他低声道,几乎说不出话来。“快去叫人。”维基扶比尔坐下,用湿毛巾敷在他身上以减轻烧伤的疼痛,随后便拿起了电话。

20 Throughout the bumpy, hour-and-a-half ride to the hospital in Horsham, neither of the two injured men spoke of their pain. \keep their spirits up. Bill grinned weakly. 他们坐上汽车前往霍舍姆的医院,在长达一个半小时的颠簸的路途中,两位伤者只字未提自己的伤痛。“咱们真该去看足球赛,”罗伊斯开口说道,想让自己和朋友振作一下精神。比尔也轻轻一笑。

21 Not long after Bill found himself at Government House being presented with the Bravery Medal for his courageous rescue. (4) But the real highlight for Bill came six months after the fire, when Royce, just out of hospital, walked into the Eureka Hotel and bought him a beer. 不久,比尔在镇公所被授予勇敢奖章,以表彰其勇救他人的壮举。(4) 但真正最令比尔激动的时刻是火灾发生六个月之后,刚刚出院的罗伊斯走进尤里卡饭店,请他喝啤酒。

22 \ \could have.\ “咱们赢了,”两人举杯时,罗伊斯说道,“为生死之交干杯。”
