VB资料之家 计算机二级考试一扫空(36)

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9.3 数组应用例题(根据时间可以选择一个讲!) 根据需要,选择1-2道下面的题目,给学生讲清楚算法的思想!

1 排序

例5-3 选择排序法 直接排序法

Option Explicit

Option Base 1

Private Sub CmdSort_Click()

Dim Sort(10) As Integer, Temp As Integer Dim I As Integer, J As Integer Randomize For I = 1 To 10

Sort(I) = Int(Rnd * (100 - 1)) + 1 Text1 = Text1 & Str(Sort(I)) Next I

For I = 1 To 9

For J = I + 1 To 10

If Sort(I) > Sort(J) Then Temp = Sort(I) Sort(I) = Sort(J) Sort(J) = Temp

End If Next J

Text2 = Text2 & Str(Sort(I)) Next I

Text2 = Text2 & Str(Sort(10)) End Sub

Option Explicit Option Base 1

Private Sub CmdSort_Click()

Dim Sort(10) As Integer, Temp As Integer Dim I As Integer, J As Integer Dim Pointer As Integer Randomize For I = 1 To 10

Sort(I) = Int(Rnd * (100 - 1)) + 1 Text1 = Text1 & Str(Sort(I)) Next I

For I = 1 To 9 Pointer = I

For J = I + 1 To 10

If Sort(Pointer) > Sort(J) Then Pointer = J End If Next J

If I <> Pointer Then Temp = Sort(I) Sort(I) = Sort(Pointer) Sort(Pointer) = Temp End If

Text2 = Text2 & Str(Sort(I)) Next I

Text2 = Text2 & Str(Sort(10))

End Sub

2 查找

例:5-4 顺序查找程序 (界面见P105) 先介绍For Each –next 结构的语句: Option Explicit

Option Base 1 Dim Search As Variant
