
发布时间 : 星期一 文章山东省菏泽市2018届高三第一次模拟考试英语试题Word版答案详解更新完毕开始阅读

C. Whether one is exposed to sunlight. change his life.

34. What does Paragraph 3 imply?

A. Spring has a special meaning to people.

D. Whether one chooses to

B. Students aren’t fond of school in any season. C. The Hypothesis disagrees with Pettijohn’s studies. D. The length of summer time is longer than winter time. 35. How does Pettijohn feel about the findings of his studies? A. It’s unexpected.

B. It’s significant.

C. It’s humorous.

D. It’s discouraging.



Everything is online these days, and it\\s so easy to search online for whatever you want. The Internet is a valuable tool, but it s easy to find yourself disturbed by it. For example, you’re working on an essay, and you need to do some search online. _36_ Before you know it, you’ve spent an hour reading more information than you’ll be able to use. Maybe you notice an attractive title or something else that draws you away from your work. _37_

Addiction to social media is closely related to our general addiction to the Internet. Everyone is always on their phones. _38_ As a result, when I get to work, I don*t have enough attention and energy to put toward the task. If this sounds like you, then your productivity has suffered because of the way you use the Internet.

_39_ So we should learn to live with it. The only way to stop the Internet from occupying all your time and concentration is to disconnect. When you disconnect, you’ll get your attention back and work productively. Thus, when working on a challenging task, keep your phone out of reach. Meanwhile, go into your work with the intention of having greater focus and energy so that you’ll be discouraged from using the Internet. _40_ This pressure will help you get the job done on time.

A. Your search terms bring back 20 pages of results.

B. On the whole, the Internet can be a help or a block. C. It will draw your attention to more important matters. D. The Internet has changed the way our world functions.

E. As a result, time disappears but you still don’t finish your work. F. I have surely caught myself checking my phone every ten minutes. G. Besides? you can force yourself to complete your task in the fixed time. 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


I was 5 that Christmas and couldn’t understand how poor we were. We’d just moved to Manhattan and _41_ nobody there. Dad was serving overseas, so mother and I planned to get the Christmas tree in the evening, when their _42_ usually dropped. After sunset, we walked to the shop in a parking lot _43_ Christmas trees.

“How much is your cheapest tree?” Mother smiled to a salesman. “Thirty dollars.”

Her _44_ disappeared. “Can it be a little cheaper?” “I just work here. I have no _45_ to change the price.”

_46_, the man pointed to a pile of branches in the corner of the lot. “_47_ that pile of cuttings? Behind it is a tree we can’t sell. You can have it for free.” We thanked him repeatedly before hurrying to the _48_ of the pile and discovered a small tree with few branches.

Mother _49_, “Can we take some of these branches?” “Take it all if you like.”

We pulled the tree and some branches home and _50_ them in the living room. I couldn’t imagine how we could hang many decorations on the almost _51_ tree. “Go to sleep now. Santa will _52_ the tree for us.” Mother said.

I woke at dawn and rushed into the living room. To my _53_, the tree had filled out. And it had a beautiful _54_ shape. The decorations shone in the morning light. Out of _55_, I examined the tree closely. Mother had used wire to fix _56_ branches
