新人教PEP六年级英语上册Unit - 6 - How - do - you - feel?第二课时同步练习(含答案)

发布时间 : 星期一 文章新人教PEP六年级英语上册Unit - 6 - How - do - you - feel?第二课时同步练习(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读


Unit 6 How do you feel?第二课时同步练习

A Let's learn & Write and say


1.David and his friend______(are/is)at school today. 2.We are having a party and we’re__(happy/sad). 3.He is my friend and he is very_____(friendly/ill) 4.His father is a____(work/worker). 5.The cat is ill and Sarah is___(happy/sad). 二、我会连词成句。

1.father,isn’t,home,my,at,today(.) ____________________________ 2.maybe,mouse,cat,is,our,chasing,now,a(.) ____________________________ 3.feel,I,and,angry,sad(.)

____________________________ 4.talking,are,they,about,books,science(.) ____________________________ 5.I,should,what,do(?)

___________________________ 三、我会汉译英。

1.我的弟弟今天很高兴。 ————————————— 2.英语老师很担心奥利弗。 ——————————————

3.他们在聚会上很高兴。 —————————————— 四、我会选。

( )1.Are you____about him?

A.worried B.worry C.worryed ( )2.He isn’t happy tody.He is___. A.afraid B.sad C.angry

( )3.That old man is_____in hospital. A.happy B.angry C.ill

( )4.MY sister doesn’t do her homework,and the teacher is___with her. A.angry B.afraid C.sad

( )5.Look! How____they are on the playground! A.happy B.sad C.ill 五、补全单词并译成汉语。 1._ngry ________ 2.worr_ _d ________ 3.h_ppy _______ 4.f_ _l ________ 5.c_rtoon ________ 六、选答案。 ( )1.生气的

A.angry B.worry C.sad ( )2.有病

A.hospital B.ill C.doctor ( )3.高兴的

A.happy B.birthday C.unhappy

( )4.担心的

A.worryed B.worried C.playful ( )5.害怕

A.fraid B.afraid C.sad 七、选择题。

( )1Are you ____about your little son? A.worried B.worry C.worryer ( )2.That poor man is___in hospital. A.happy B.angry C.ill ( )3.Look!How___they are!

A.happy B.angrily C.good

( )4.My sister can’t read the words.My mother is____with her. A.angry B.afraid C.sad 八、选一选。

( )1.What does your mother do?

( ) 2.How do you feel today? ( )3.Does your father like cartoon? ( )4.Who is your favourite teacher?

A.Yes,he does.

B.She is a factory worker. C.My favourite teacher is Mr.Li. D.I am happy today. 九、试一试。

1.What colour is the sky? _________________________

2.Who are the mice afraid of? _________________________ 3.Today is your birthday. How do you feel? __________________________ 参考答案

一、1.are 2.afraid 3.friendly 4.worker 5.sad 二、1.My father isn’t at home today. 2.Maybe our cat is chasing a mouse now. 3.I fell angry and sad.

4.They are talking about science books. 5.What should I do? 三、1.My brother is happy today.

2.The English teacher is worried about Oliver. 3.They are happy at the party. 四、ABCAA

五、1.a生气的 2.ie 担心的 3.a高兴地 4.ee觉得;感到 六、ABABB 七、ACAA 八、BDAC

九、1.It’s blue. 2.They are afraid of cats. 3.I’m happy today.

