
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2012-2013上海高考一模汇编-非谓语动词更新完毕开始阅读

increase in the previous quarter.

A. Tourist spend B. Tourist spent C. Tourist spending D. Tourist spends

39. Although he has suffered an injury, people keep hoping the world will see Kaka, a talented

player,________ the game he loves so much. A. enjoys

B. enjoying C. having enjoyed D. enjoyed

不定式作状语时可以表示目的、原因、结果或条件。表示目的时可用in order to,so as to换用;表示条件时,一般把表示条件的动词不定式置于句首,句中的谓语动词常含有will,shall,should, would,can,must,could等情态动词。例如:

He sat down to have a rest. (表目的 )

He woke up to find everybody gone. (表结果)

I’m very pleased to hear from him. (表原因,主要是表示喜、怒、哀、乐) To look at him, you can’t help laughing. (表条件,谓语动词含有can) He was too excited not to say a word. (表程度)
