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Two impulses, as always, are at work during this period. 在这一阶段往往有两股冲动的力量在发挥作用。

One is to build a firm, safe structure for the future by making strong commitments, to be set. Yet people who slip into a ready-made form without much self-examination are likely to find themselves following a locked-in pattern.


The other urge is to explore and experiment, keeping any structure tentative and therefore easily reversible. Taken to the extreme by people who skip through their twenties from one trial job and one limited personal encounter to another, this becomes the transient pattern.


The balance struck between these two impulses makes for differences in the way people pass through this period of provisional adulthood and largely determines the way we feel about ourselves at the end of it. 如何平衡这两种冲动,便造成了人们在经历成年过渡期方面的差异,并很大程度上决定了我们在这个阶段结束时有怎样的自我感觉。

The Power of Illusions幻想的力量

However galvanizing our vision in the early twenties, it is far from being complete. Even while we are delighted to display our shiny new capacities, secret fears persist that we are not going to get away with it. Somebody is going to discover the imposter.


To have seen the vivacious, 24-year-old junior executive at her work in a crack San Francisco public relations firm, one would probably not have guessed the trepidations underneath, “I realized that I had not grown up. I was amazed at how well I functioned at work. When clients would deal with me as an equal, I’d think, ’I got away with it,’ but the feeling wasn’t one of joy. It was terror that eventually they would find out I was just a child. Simply not equipped. The other half of the time, I would have tremendous confidence and arrogance about who I was — a

hotshot out there accomplishing all sorts of things and everybody thinking I was so terrific. I was like two people.”


Many of us are not consciously aware of such fears. With enough surface bravado to fool the people we meet, we fool ourselves as well. But the memory of formlessness is never far beneath. So we hasten to try on life’s uniforms and possible partners, in search of the perfect fit. 我们中的许多人尚未有意识地认识到这种恐惧。当我们表面的虚张声势足以愚弄我们所认识的人时,我们也在愚弄着自己。但是对自己尚未成型的记忆仍然


“Perfect” is that person we imbue with the capacity to enliven and support our vision or the person we believe in and want to help. Two centuries ago, a fictional young poet in Germany, torn by his hopeless passion for the “perfect” woman, drank a glass of wine, raised a pistol, and put a bullet through his head. It was a shot heard round the world. The lovelorn dropout who fired it was the hero of Goethe’s novelThe Sorrows of Young Werther, which contributed to the romantic movement that colors our expectations of love to this day. Goethe himself was a poet of 25 when he wrote the story. And like the fictional Werther, he suffered from an infatuation with a married woman, an unreachable woman, whose very mystery invited his fantasies of perfection. Goethe’s hero struck such a chord in young people throughout Europe that a wave of suicides followed the book’s publication.


Today, as then, it’s enlightening to speculate on the degree to which a young man invents his romanticized version of theloved woman. She may be seen as the magical chameleon who will be a mother when he needs it and in the next instant the child requiring his protection, as well as the seductress who proves his potency, the soother of anxieties (who shall have none of her own), the guarantor of his immortality through the conversion of his seed. And to what degree does the young woman invent the man she marries? She often sees in him possibilities that no one else recognizes and pictures herself within his dream as the one person who truly understands. Such illusions are the stuff of which the twenties are made.


“Illusions” is usually thought of as a pejorative, something we should get rid of if we suspect we have it. The illusions of the twenties, however, may be essential to infuse our first commitments with excitement and intensity, and to sustain us in those commitments long enough to gain us some experience in living.


The tasks before us are exciting, conflicting, and sometimes

overwhelming, but of one thing most of us are certain in our twenties. 展现在我们面前的任务是令人兴奋、充满矛盾、有时又是势不可挡的,但有一件事对我们中大多数人来说是很确定的。

Will power will overcome all. 意志力将克服一切。

Money may be scarce, the loans and laundry endless. The evil bait of selling out” may tempt the would-be doctor, writer, social worker. But clearly, or so it seems, we have only to apply our strong minds and sturdy wills to the wheel of life, and sooner or later our destiny will bend under our control.

