
发布时间 : 星期三 文章开心英语五年级下册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读


年级 :五年级 科目:英语 编号: 13 备课教师 课 题 白伟强 时间 2015年3月31日 Review 1 1.复习 Unit1~3的Vocabulary,Target和sounds 知识与技能 and words. 2. Activities 1~4 过程与方法 通过评讲练习,复习Unit1~3所学。 情感态度 学生通过练习掌握做题方法。 和价值观 教学重点 Activities 1~4 教学难点 Activity3以及各题的做题方法。 教具准备 PPT 教 学 过 程 I. Review 1.Review the Vocabulary of Unit1~3. 2.Review the Target of Unit1~3. 3.Review the sound and words of Unit1~3. II. Activity 1 :Listen,read and circle. (Page 38) 1.Ss read the sentence from A~E. 2.Listen to the tape. 3.T: I’m going by ??? [Ss: plane.] T: Now, circle the correct answers. 4. Using the same way to finish them . III. Activity 2 :Look ,listen, and write. (Page 38) 1. Ask the Ss to look at the pictures first. 2. Ask the Ss to tell about the each picture. T: What’s he/she going to do ? Ss: He/She is going to??.


教 学 目 标 课时 1 备 注 3. Listen to the tape,fill in the blanks. 4. Listen again,check the answers. IV. Activity 3 :Read and write. (Page 39) 1.Ask the Ss to read the questions first. 2. Find a key word in the questions ,and find the answers in the passages with the key word. 3. T explains the meaning of the passages,and tell them where to find the answers. 4. T:What is Mary going to do tomorrow? (Key word:tomorrow) (Ss: Have a vacation.) T: What is Mary going to do with her cousin? (Key word:cousin) (Ss: Make some model cars.) 5. Using the same way to do passage B. V. Activity 4 :Listen,read and circle. (Page 39) 1. Ask the Ss to tell about the sounds of ph,y,and op in the words photo,by,and shop. 2. Ask them to circle the other words with the same sounds. 3. Check the answers together. VI. Homework 1. Copy the Vocabulary of Unit1~3 2.Read the Story and the Target of Unit1~3 Review 1 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思


P39 3. Key word: A.1. tomorrow A.2. cousin B.1. Where B.2. How B.3. stay


年级 :五年级 科目:英语 编号: 14 备课教师 课 题 知识与技能 教 学 目 标 过程与方法 白伟强 时间 2015年4月1日 Review 1 通过阅读,了解Laura的假日安排。 学生阅读,教师讲解。 情感态度 学会构想自己的假日安排。 和价值观 Reading and writing. 完成课后习题。 课时 教 学 过 程 2 备 注 教学重点 教学难点 教具准备 PPT I.Warm-up 1. Free talk :T: Where are you going for your vacation? S1:I am going to??. II. Presentation (Page 40) 1.T: Now let’s see, where is Laura going for her vacation? Let’s read the conversations,I’ll give you ten minutes. 2. T: Times up. Who can answer the first question: Where is Laura going for her vacation? Ss: She is going to Australia. T: Right. How is she going there? Ss: She is going by plane. T: Great. Where is she going to stay? Ss: She is going to stay in a hotel near the beach with some friends. T: Well done. 3.T translates the conversations to let the Ss know more about it.


III. Practice 3 (Page 41) 1. T: I’ll give you one minute to finish it. 2. Check the answers. IV. Practice 4 (Page 41) 1.T: Complete the conversation. You may use your own answers or words in the box. You can discuss with your desk mate. For example: S1: Where are you going for your vacation? S2: I am going to Guangzhou. S1: That’s great! Are you going by plane? S2: No, I am going by bus. S1: Where are you going to stay? S2: I am going to stay with relatives. S1: What are you going to do there? S2: We are going to go sightseeing. S1: It sounds like fun. Take lots of photos! 2. Ask some groups to read what they write. V. Homework 1. Read the Reading and writing. Review 1 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思

P41 2.(1) She is going to Australia. (2) She is going by plane. (3)She is going to stay in a hotel near the beach with some friends. 28
