
发布时间 : 星期六 文章开心英语五年级下册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读


年级 :五年级 科目:英语 编号: 3 备课教师 课 题 知识与技能 白伟强 时间 2015年3月6日 Unit 1 Making Plans 学会阅读的技巧。 教 学 目 标 教学重点 过程与方法 让学生通过带着问题阅读,学会做阅读题的方法。 情感态度 1.懂得尊敬长辈。 2.了解不同文化的学生平常的生活。 和价值观 Reading and writing. 教学难点 Seniors’ Center等词以及阅读后面的习题。 教具准备 PPT 教 学 过 程 I.Warm up 1. Free talk :T:What are you going to do? S1: I’m going to??. II. Presentation (Page 12) (Reading and writing) 1.T:Turn to Page 12, let’s look at these questions: A. Where are the students going? B. What are they going to do? C. What is Xiaoming doing in the Seniors’ Center? Now reading with these questions. I’ll give you ten minutes. 2. T:Times up. Who can answer Q1? S1:They’re going to a Seniors’ Center. T: Good. Who can answer Q2? S2:They’re going to sing, dance, and tell stories. T: Perfect. Who can answer Q3? S3:He is taking photos. T:Very good! 3. T translates the passage to let the Ss know more about the story.


课时 3 备 注 (More reading and writing)(Page 16) 1.T:Look at the pictures,there are three students from different countries. Now reading with questions in Part 2. I’ll give you ten minutes. 2.T:Times up. Where is John from? S1:UK. T: Good. What is May going to sell this weekend? S2:Sell cookies. T: Perfect. What is Colin going to do this weekend? S3:He is going to take the animals to a show. T:Very good! 3.T translates the passage to let the Ss know more about the passages. III. Practice 1. Finish the Part 3 and Part 4 in P13 and P17. 2. Check the answers together. IV. Homework 1.Ask the Ss to prepare a show for their family. 2.Write a short passage about your weekend. Unit 1 Making Plans 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思


P13.(1)They’re going to a Seniors’ Center. (2)They’re going to sing, dance, and tell stories. (3)He is taking photos. P17. (1)UK. (2)Sell cookies. (3)He is going to take the animals to a show.


年级 :五年级 科目:英语 编号: 4 备课教师 课 题 知识与技能 过程与方法 情感态度 白伟强 时间 2015年3月9日 Unit 1 Making Plans 1. 学会 / ?p /与/??/ 的发音。 2. 会读单词shop,stop,hop,song, long, strong。 通过自编小短文,引出新词,学习发音。 训练学生的语音。 教 学 目 标 教学重点 和价值观 单词shop,stop,hop,song, long, strong。 教学难点 / ?p /与/??/ 的发音。 教具准备 PPT 教 学 过 程 I. Warm-up 1. Free talk :T:What are you going to do? S1: I’m going to??. II. Presentation (Page 15) 1. T: There’s a shop near the bus stop. Let’s hop. (板书shop, stop, hop并且在op下面划线) T: Look at these three words. What sound can you hear in the three words? Ss: / ?p /. T: Yes, repeat. O-P, / ?p /. ( Ss: O-P, / ?p /.) 2. T:My hair isn’t long and I am strong and I like to sing songs. (板书long,strong,song并且在ong下面划线) T: Look at these three words. What sound can you hear in the three words? Ss: /??/. T: Yes, repeat. O-N-G, /??/. (Ss: O-N-G, /??/. ) 7 课时 4 备 注 3. Ss follow the tape to read all the words. 4. Ss read together. III. Listen and read. (Page 15) 1. T: There is a fox ,he is hungry. He sees a rooster in the tree. He wants to eat the rooster. Let’s read it together to see what happened. 2. T teaches Ss to read the story, and explains what the passage means. 3. Ss follow the tape to read it twice. 4. Ss read it together. IV. Conclusion T: Today we have learned O-P, / ?p / and O-N-G, /??/. Please find more words with / ?p / and /??/. V. Homework 1. Read the words. 2. Find more words with / ?p / and /??/. 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思


Unit 1 Making Plans shop,stop,hop, O-P, / ?p / song, long, strong O-N-G, /??/.
