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华中师范大学网络教育学院《综合英语 (1)》练习测试题库及答案

Part I Vocabulary (1)

Direction: Choose a word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the italicized word or phrase in each of the following sentences.

1. The flight may be a bit bumpy but it will be much faster.

A. long B. unsafe C. luxurious D. uncomfortable

2. The mother is very possessive about her youngest son.

A. wants all the possession of B. is very strict with C. wants all the affection of D. is very kind to

3. I’m not sure whether this kind of socket is available in this hardware shop.

A. expensive B. acceptable C. useful D. obtainable

4. Sexual discrimination should be eliminated in the whole world.

A. paid attention to B. carefully examined C. done away with D. struggled against

5. The critics paid a lot of compliments to his new novel.

A. comments B. praise C. viewpoints D. attention

6. Linda told a few jokes in order to redeem the boring dinner.

A. rescue B. resume C. change D. rearrange

7. You have the alternative of fighting or being taken prisoner.

A. chance B. choice C. right D. freedom

8. They are greatly concerned about his illness.

A. surprised at B. doubtful about C. involved in D. worried about

9. The young interpreter made a hit in the press conference yesterday.

A. made a fool of himself B. made serious mistakes C. achieved great success D. put great influence

10. The low salary is her principal reason for leaving the job.

A. main B. only C. sound D. ideal

11. In wartime everyone should do his bit for the country, either at the front or at home.

A. attribute to B. account for C. do his best for D. contribute to

12. At eighteen he had been captivated by a charming lady named Sybil.

A. liked B. cheated C. attracted D. pursued

13. He has tried his best to adjust himself to the new environment.

A. devote himself B. adapt himself C. contribute himself D. apply himself

14. I went back to retrieve the bag I had left on the train.

A. recall B. return C. regain D. recognize

15. Her necklace is very beautiful. It’s made of genuine pearls.

A. precious B. real C. rare D. expensive

16. Will you please elaborate your viewpoints?

A. change slightly B. talk about C. write down D. explain clearly

17. The increase of population in that nation is approximately 10 million per year.

A. about B. over C. exactly D. actually

18. The president cared much for the security of his family members.

A. health B. safety C. activity D. mentality

19. Fortunately, he survived the accident, safe and sound.

A. cheerful B. happy C. satisfied D. unharmed

20. How can I adjust myself to the new life on campus?

A. devote myself B. apply myself C. contribute myself D. make myself suitable

21. He dreamed of being a great composer in the future.

A. a person who writes compositions B. a person who writes music C. a person who studies compositions D. a person who writes drama

22. We should eliminate sexual discrimination in the whole world.

A. correct B. examine C. remove D. check

23. His homework was virtually finished.

A. hardly B. almost C. completely D. totally

24. Women’s social status in China has greatly improved.

A. identity B. position C. role D. right

25. Although his brain had been seriously hurt, he finally retrieved his memory.

A. regained B. returned C. looked for D. retreated

26. This is the principal idea of Einstein’s theory.

A. elementary B. primitive C. primary D. principle

27.Mary really made a hit in her first performance yesterday evening.

A. won first prize B. made a fool of herself C. exerted great influence D. achieved great success

28. I’m afraid I have no alternative but to tell you the truth.

A. way B. chance C. choice D. change

29. Ted is so intelligent that he has invented a kind of automatic pen.

A. gentle B. able C. smart D. obedient

30. He has accomplished this tough task within 3 days.

A. performed B. achieved C. finished successfully D. cherished

31. This newly invented tool is really convenient for sweeping the floor.

A. efficient B. suitable C. useful D. complicated

32. I’m nearsighted and the room is quite dark. Consequently I had great difficulties

in finding the right button to turn on the light. A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. In the end

33.When you are asleep your unconscious part of your mind is still working.

A. hidden B. subconscious C. precious D. useful

34. The small company will be incorporated into the well-known IBM next month.

A. coordinated B. together C. combined D. made

35. They are greatly concerned about his illness.

A. surprised at B. doubtful about C. involved D. worried about

36. Her ring is very shinning. It’s made of genuine diamond.

A. real B. precious C. expensive D. rare

37. What do you think about the principal actor in the movie?

A. most important B. most famous C. most handsome D. most humorous

Part II Vocabulary (2)

Direction: Fill in each blank with a preposition or an adverb in the box. Notice that there are more words than necessary and some words may be used more than one time.

Exercise 1 do up turn down bring down take over take to look into come across get on do over get through look over bring about. bring around bring on take over

1. Henry tried to join the military but was __________ because of a weak heart. 2. He will be ________ my job while I’m on holiday.

3. He buys second-hand furniture, ________ it _______, and then sells it for new.

4. How is the broken leg __________?

5. We ________ several kinds of cars before we made the decision. 6. I saw him yesterday for the first time and __________ him at once. 7. It will take more than speeches to __________ prices these days. 8. Now the police __________ the disappearance of the little girl. 9. You are the most direct young woman I’ve ever __________. 10. Have you _________ your work assigned by Professor Johnson? 11. The campers usually __________ as soon as it got dark.

12. At first he said he was completely opposed to the proposal, but I managed _________ him ________.

13. He was out all day in the rain and this _________ a bad cold.

Exercise 2 look round set off take to go out bring up come round get on draw on get through bring about look over run into come across get away get at 1. I _________ a serious traffic accident on my way home yesterday.

2. Girls like to go shopping. In most cases they don’t buy anything but just _________.
