
发布时间 : 星期三 文章2017年pep人教版小学英语三年级英语下册各单元测试卷及期末测试卷20更新完毕开始阅读

三、2. This is my family. 3. That girl is my sister.

4. The monkey has a long tail. 5. That boy is my brother.

四单元第 3. chair 5. watermelon 4. lamp 2. five 一.1. peach 10. gij

9. box 8. QSE 7. red 6. green

二、1. The ball is under the box. 2. The ball is in the box. 3. This is a car. 4. This is a ball. 5. This is a pen.

三、1. Can I have some juice? 2. Where is my eraser? 3. Let's go to the zoo! 4. Are you a boy? 5. Happy birthday! 第五单元

一、1. Draw a strawberry. 2. Draw a watermelon. 3. Draw an orange. 4. Draw a banana. 5. Draw an apple. 二、1. I like grapes. 2. I don't like peaches. 3. I don't like pears. 4. I like oranges.

5. I don't like watermelons.

三、1. I like pears . 2. I don't like apples .

3. Can I have some strawberries ? 4. Have some grapes .

5. Do you like bananas ?


一、1. Jj 2.Kk 3.Ii 4. Gg 5. Hh

monkey 2. seven 3.twenty 4. jeep 5. N G pencils do you have?

三、2. How many cats can you see? 3. Look at my new crayons.

二、1.1. How many

4. She is my mother. 5. I have a new kite.

1. How many eggs do you have?

四、 2. Hi, Chen Jie. Let's have a race.3. Who are you?

4. How old is he? 5. Who's that girl?

期末测试卷(一) 一、

1. a cat 2. a ball 3. a bear 4. a taxi 5. a tiger

6. UK, UK, I am from the United Kingdom. 7. This is my grandpa. 8. Let's fly a kite. Great.

9. How many rabbits can you see? Thirteen 10. Where is my bag?. It's in the desk. 二、

1. pear 2.twenty 3.Canada 4.ball 5.elephant 三、

1. Where are you from? 2. Who's that man? 3. Let's go home! 4. Do you like pears? 5. Who's that woman?


一1. Hi, I'm Amy. I'm from America. 2. Draw a boy.

3. --- How many books do you have? --- I have 15. 4. Look, I have a car.

5. --- Do you like pears? --- No, I like peaches. 6. You see, the fox is in the box. 7. Look at my ruler, it's short. 8. Wow, the elephant is so big. 9. This is a bag.

10. Can I have some juice?

二、1. bed 2. man 3.teacher 4. small 5. that

三、 1. Who's that boy?

2. How many kites do you see? 3. How many apples do you have?

4. Where is the cap? 5. Where are you from?
