
发布时间 : 星期四 文章21世纪大学实用英语全新版综合教程1翻译更新完毕开始阅读

Unit four ㈠

1、Tom moved to a seat in the front row in order to hear the speaker clearly.(好听清楚演讲者的话)

2、Ms. Li asked for David’s email address in order to keep in touch with him after she returned to China.(以便在她回中国后与他保持联系)

3、In order not to upset her parents , Jenny said that she liked their birthday present very much. (为了不让她父母不高兴)

4、In order to surprise him, they prepared for the party in secret. (为了给他一个惊


5、She swims every day and pays special attention to what she eats in order to keep fit/health . (以保持健康)

6、In order not to forget the important meeting, Joan marked the day red on her

calendar. (为了不忘记那次重要会议)

Unit four ㈡ 增词译 1、网络出了问题,技师正在请一位技术工程师帮忙 (network, technician, technical, engineer) The network has gone down, the technician is asking an expert technician engineer for help. 2、大学生既然是成年人了,老师就不会再要求他们在上课时坐直身体、背诵课文或者不要聊天。(adult, sit up straight, recite, chat) As college students are adults, so teacher no longer ash them to sit up straight、recite text or not to chat in class. 3、为了发展国际化服务,公司需要把原来的中文产品目录(catalogue) 翻译成各种外文。(international, service, company, translate, original, various) In order to develop its international service, the company needs to translate its original Chinese catalogue into various foreign languages. 4、外国客人拥抱了那位一年级小学生;孩子先是有点窘,接着就咯咯笑起来。 (hug, grader, embarrass, giggle) The foreign visitor hugged that first grader;the child was at first embarrassed, and then stared to giggle. 5、虽然他尽量保持沉默,但是很遗憾,他那典型的叹气把他的失望表露无遗。 (silence, regretfully, typical, sigh, disappointment) Although he tried to keep silence,regretfully his typical sigh revealed his disappointment.

6、图书管理员的工作还包括帮助读者查找信息,所以具备与人沟通的能力对他或她十分重要。 (librarian, include, therefore, ability, vital) The job of a librarian also includes helping readers to find information, therefore the ability to communicate with people is vital for him or her. 7、她不能确定毕业后是否在娱乐业发展,这行业看上去既刺激又可怕。 (unsure, career, entertainment, graduation, exciting, scary) She’s unsure whether to start


her career in entertainment after graduation since it seems both exciting and scary. Unit four ㈢

1、And they’d said she would never walk again. 而他们过去却说她将永远也不能再行走了。

2、I was horrified and wanted to say, “Tina, I was just kidding!” 我大为震惊,真想说一声“蒂娜,我只是开玩笑啊”

3、Tina took her time forming the words and said, “Because I want to be like you guys — normal.” 蒂娜不慌不忙的把每个词的音清晰地发出来说“因为我想像你们各位一样—做个正常的学生。”

4、For the safety of his men, Magellan decided to stop the search until spring. 为了水手们的安全,麦哲伦决定停止寻找,到来年春天再寻找。

5、And without another word, he turned back toward the town. 然后一句话没说他就转身回城了。

6、It’s okay to be nervous when first stepping on campus; everyone usually is. 初进校园感到紧张没有关系,通常人人都会紧张。

Unit five ㈠

1、Once people begin to use green energy sources , the pollution in our cities will reduce. (一旦人们开始使用绿色能源)

2、Once people have seen that something actually works, they are much more likely to accept it. (一旦人们发现某种东西确实可行)

3、Once I’ve found somewhere to live, I’ll send you my address. (我一旦找到住处)

4、Once you’ve been to China, you’ll understand why I like it so much. (你一旦去过中国)

5、We didn’t know how we would be able to build the roof once all the money had been spent on just the materials.(一旦这钱都花在了这些材料上)

6、Once you’ve learned the method, it will be easy. (一旦你学会了方法)

7、Not going to class(不去上课) will also tell the professor that you are not serious about your education.

8、Reading on one’s bed(躺在床上看书) often leads to a three-hour nap (if not a full night’s sleep).

9、Making to-do lists(列出待办事情的清单) can help you organize what needs to be done.

Unit five ㈡ 省略译法 1、如果想用植物代替沥青覆盖屋顶,你必须确保屋顶有足够的强度。(instead of, make sure) If you want your roof covered with plants instead of asphalt, you have to make sure that your roof is strong enough. 2、由于房子结构坚固,昨夜的风没有把它刮走。(thanks to, tough, blow away) Thanks to the tough structure of the house, the wind didn’t blow it away last night.


3、夏天里沥青马路吸收太阳热量,可以热到华氏190度。(absorb, as hot as) In summer, the asphalt road absorbs heat from the sun and can get as hot as 190 degrees Fahrenheit. 4、你一旦知道如何解决这类问题,其实很简单。(once, solve, actually) Once you know how to solve this kind of problem, it is actually quite easy. 5、虽然我想度假,到一个美丽的地方松弛一下,但太多的工作使我无法脱身。(relax, keep… from) Though I want to have a holiday and relax in a beautiful place, too much work has kept me from leaving. 6、想到即将出现的所有问题,汤姆决定先着手解决相对容易的问题。(think about, on the horizon, deal with, relatively) Tom thought about all the problems on the horizon and decided to deal with the relatively easy ones first. 7、一项建造一所医院为瘫痪病人提供特殊照顾的计划正在进行当中。(under way, provide … with, special) A plan is under way for building a hospital that will provide paralyzed people with special care.

8、研究显示,在过去的1,000年中,这一地区的海平面已经上升了1.6米。(as much as) Studies have shown that the sea level in this area has risen by as much as 1.6 meters in the past 1,000 years.

Unit five ㈢

1、 When you finish something, cross it off your list. (当你)做完某件事情,就把它从清单上划掉。

2、 Don’t miss your class. 不要缺(你的)课。

3、 When she was four years old, she had double pneumonia and scarlet fever… (在)她4岁时,(她)得了双侧肺炎和猩红热。

4、 The little girl shook her head. 小女孩摇了摇(她的)头。 5、 Windmills have been used as a power source in the Netherlands for hundreds of years. 风车在荷兰用作(一种)能源已有几百年的历史。

6、 On April 26, 1986, another accident happened. (在)1986年4月26日,又发生了一起事故。

Unit six ㈠

1、Even a 5-year-old kid could do that. (甚至一个5岁的孩子) 2、It is hot there even in winter.(甚至在冬天)

3、Even my 80-year-old grandpa has learned to use a computer. (甚至我80岁的爷爷)

4、Even many experts couldn’t solve the problem. (甚至许多专家) 5、They’ve got to work every day, even on Sundays . (甚至在星期天) 6、Even his parents didn’t know where he had gone. (甚至他的父母) 7、He didn’t even hear what I said . (甚至(没有)听见我说了什么) 8、She never shouts even when she is very angry. (甚至在她很生气时)

Unit six ㈡ 正反译与反正译 1、这个地区去年以来树木死亡的数量已增至三倍。这与污染有关系吗?(triple,


area, pollution) The number of trees dying has tripled in this area since last year. Is there a connection with pollution? 2、如果你想减肥,你应该注意饮食。汉堡包只是一种快餐,但是它含有许多热量。(lose weight, careful about, snack, calorie) If you want to lose weight you should be careful about your diet. Although it’s only a quick snack, a hamburger contains a lot of calories. 3、这种疾病现在正在蔓延,5岁以下所有儿童特别有危险。(spread, at risk) The disease is spreading now, and all children under five are at particular risk. 4、我们吃的食物中有些不那么有益于健康,因此,为了健康与幸福我们需要注意饮食。(less, pay attention to) Some of the foods that we eat are less healthy so we need to pay attention to our diet to be healthy and happy.

5、这家食品制造公司已意识到,他们可以通过生产更多更有益于健康的食物来大幅增加利润。(realize, maximize, healthier foods ) This food-making company has realized that they can maximize profits by producing more healthier foods. 6、我想知道你可否告诉我为什么雨量影响作物的生长。(wonder if, growth, crops) I wonder if you could tell me why the amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 7、你会惊奇地发现,你的同事有你在那儿鼓励他们时,他们的自我感觉会好得多。(how much better, colleague, feel about oneself, lift sb.’s spirits) You’ll be surprised at how much better your colleagues will feel about themselves when you are there to lift their spirits. 8、他已认识到过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。(wake up to, the fact that, lead to) He has woken up to the fact that too much work and too little rest often lead to illness. Unit six ㈢

1、Before I could say a word, she threw her walker to the side, fell to the floor and started doing push-ups. 我还没来得及说话,她已经把助行架扔到旁边,趴到地板上开始做起了俯卧撑。

2、The weather is staying dry. 天老不下雨。(或:天气一直很干燥。) 3、These worries kept her from sleeping properly. 这些烦恼使她睡不好觉。 4、I cannot comment further until I have got all the information. 我要等到掌握全部信息之后才能作进一步的评论。

5、You can never be too careful these days. 这些天你得非常(非常)小心。 6、I wouldn’t mind a cold drink if you’ve got one. 如果你有冷饮的话,我倒想喝一杯。

