
发布时间 : 星期四 文章FPGA不能下载更新完毕开始阅读



mu_naiyi 2007-8-24 13:17

没有别的器件,都是xilinx的,一块xc3s250e一块xcf04s,问题不是不能下载,是不稳定,所以我很郁闷,网上很多人报这个问题,但没有真正的解决国,说用cable 4 就没有问题了。关键是cable 4 好贵哦 waotang 2007-8-24 13:19

那就是cable的驱动能力问题了 robin_liu_xap 2007-8-24 14:27

possible reasons:??A??A'@6D)x7f8O t a. JTAG Cable

looks like you are working on Cable III and most Cable III in using are made by unknown small vendors. Xilinx opened Cable III schematics a few years ago so anyone can make it. However, with different design level of these vendors lots of Cable III showed poor SI performance in field using. It's hard to predict but if you have found issues with IDCODE Looping it is obviously an SI issue.

b. PCB trace on board

It is also possible the SI issue happens on board PCB trace or connector linkes cable with board trace. While you are facing SI problems, do some SI simulation (e.g. IBIS simulation) may help. /N O k i7q\ *D#K'h??b V6a:U*m

Xilinx does offer the IBIS model of FPGA pins including JTAG pins, however the modle of cable pins are not offered. If you open the Cable III, you will find out that the JTAG pins are driven by a buffer, possible 16245 or 16244 (I don't remember) so you can use 74 series IBIS model for the simulation.??E??M

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Xilinx did not open Cable IV design. It means Xilinx or its distributor may be the only source you can buy Cable IV. As well it means most Cable IV are quality guranteed. In Cable IV the JTAG pins are driven by a CPLD which offers better SI performance. However, as you have noted, it is really too expensive.

mu_naiyi 2007-9-6 11:38

非常感谢楼上的分析,idcode looping我测过,只要我的扫描链建立起来后,基本上都会过,但是问题是我经常建立不了扫描链,错误如一楼,robin_liu_xap,你提到的信号完整性问题,能再详细一点吗?因为就我看来这个速率下,这个边沿,对信号完整性不会造成太大影响,那你提到这个信号完整性问题指的是什么呢?我这些天又深入的测了一下,扫描链建立不起来基本都是由于idcode不符造成的,就我测到idcode不符的波形来看,有两个原因,1)tck 在开始回读idcode的时候少一个开始位(0),读出的idcode为00100011 10000011 01000001 00100110,分析波形,刚好是因为缺失的那个tck脉冲造成的;2)tck的脉冲完整,但tdo的波形乱掉,读到的是全0或全1还有另外一个值;这些天和xilinx的技术支持沟通了一下,她说就写波形来看应该是信号完整性的问题,但是也没有具体说是那方面的信号完整性问题,说是cable 3的驱动较弱,建议用cable 4 ,呵呵,而我觉得第一种情况很难归到cable的问题上,cable会cut掉一个高脉冲,这让我有点不好理解,就我测到的波形来看,信号的质量还是非常好的(毕竟速率低,边沿慢),几乎没有过冲,也没有振铃,幅度也没有问题,欢迎大家一起参与讨论,解决掉这个问题 workman 2007-9-20 15:19

牛人啊。我也经常碰到这个问题。但是没考虑那么多。。学习学习 lqt033 2007-9-28 10:42

我向CPLD下载程序时也遇到第2个问题,器件识别码不匹配,我下载3片CPLD,2片可以正常下载程序,那1片就出现问题,并且板子加电时,不能下载程序的那片CPLD片子温度很高,我怀疑可能是CPLD的某些腿没有连接好,或者出现短路问题.你们的CPLD加电时温度正常不??? 大家一起解决掉这个问题:) atu 2007-9-28 10:49

请问jtag链上有几个芯片?如果有多个芯片的话可能是驱动能力不够,如是这样jtag链上要加245驱动芯片。 PharaohKing 2007-9-29 02:37 我也遇到过这类问题,但用别人的计算机就没有事了,有些人告诉我是计算机并口能力问题
