
发布时间 : 星期六 文章英语作文55篇更新完毕开始阅读


这几年,―考生该不该复读‖这个话题一直为社会各界所关注。下表是你班同学讨论的结果,请你给英文报社写一封信,客观介绍讲座情况,并简要阐述自己的观点。 多数同学认为 少数同学认为 1.不该复读 1.应该复读 2.对应届生不公平 2.可以考上好大学 3.增加家庭经济负担 3.有利于未来就业 4.精神压力大 4.上何种大学是人生重要转折点

要求: 1.信的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。 2.词数: 120左右. Dear Editor:

I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether students retake classes after failing the college entrance examination.

Yours truly, Li Hua

Dear Editor,

I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether students retake classes after failing the college entrance examination.

Opinions are various on the question.Many students are against the idea of retaking classes.They think it unfair for the students who take the exam for the first time.Besides,it also adds the family burden. So many of them suffer mental pressure as well as economic problems.Others think that it can be done because through one more year of hard study, they can make better preparations and may get a chance to enter their ideal universities.Afer all, the kind of university they enter,an important turning point in life, will directly affect their future employment.

However, I think, this depends on different situations.If one student has no chance to be admitted to one university, maybe he can choose to retake classes.

Yours truly, Li Hua




西瓜皮:water-melon skin 长凳:bench

One possible version

The boy and the girl in the picture sat on a bench talking merrily while eating a water-melon. When they went away they left the melon’s skin on the bench, making it very dirty. They didn’t want to take any trouble throwing it into the dustbin although it was very near where they were sitting. Instead, they said that there would be someone who should clean the rubbish.

However, what they did violate public morality. If everyone behaves in this way, the world will be a big rubbish dump with flies flying round and people will live in a world of diseases. Besides, dustmen will have a very, very hard job to clean the world we live in.


假定你是李华,看到班上有部分同学在完成作业时,不自己独立完成而是抄袭他人的作业,针对这种现象,请你以My opinion on copying others’ homework为题谈谈你自己的看法。

主 要 原 因 作业量大,偏难 对功课不感兴趣,懒惰 完成任务,取悦老师 个 人 看 法 抄袭不对,违反校规 要诚实,勤奋学习 有困难可请教同学和老师 注意:1. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;2. 短文标题与开头已为你写好,不计入总词数:3.词数:100-----120。

My opinion on copying others’ homework

It is known to us all that some students copy others’ homework.______________________ My opinion on copying others’ homework

It is known to us all that some students copy others’ homework. As students, we have to do plenty of homework both at home and at school, but sometimes we have some homework which is too difficult for us. On the other hand, some students are lazy, and are not interested in their lessons. They don’t work hard. In order to finish the assignments and please their teachers, some students copy others’ homework.

In my opinion, it is wrong to copy others’ homework because it breaks the school rules. Students should be honest and try to finish our homework by ourselves instead of by copying. Even though we have trouble doing our homework we can ask our classmates or teachers for help.


假如你叫Jack,参加学校开展的―有困难向谁求助‖(Whom do you turn to when in trouble?)的调查活动,调查结果如下表。请用英语给校报编辑写一封信反映相关内容。

求助对象 同学、朋友 老师、家长 无 比例 58% 30% 12% 理 由 年龄相仿,容易理解与交流 有爱心、有经验,可以信任 不愿与人交流,难以与人沟通 注意:1.内容要点全面,并表达出你的观点。为了使文章连贯,可适当增加内容。 2.词数:100词左右。 3.文章的开头和署名已给出。

Dear editor,

I'm a student in Senior Three. We have made a survey—\do you turn to when in trouble?\

Yours Jack

Possible version: Dear editor,

I'm a student in Senior Three. We have made a survey--\do you turn to when in trouble?\

Most of the students will go to their classroom or friends when in trouble they're almost of the same age, so they can talk with and understand each other easily. Some students will tell their teachers or parents about their troubles and ask for their help as the teachers and parents have rich experience and love them very much. They can be trusted by these students. Only a few students solve their problems all by themselves. They hate to talk with others and can’t get on well with others. They have few friends.

In my opinion, when in trouble we’d better ask our teachers, parents, friends or classmates for help. Different people have different experiences. And they are likely to help you out of the troubles. Then you can remove some of your difficulties and feel relaxed.

Thank you. Best wishes! Yours Jack


阅读下面这封中学生来信(摘自 China Daily 21 Century). Dear Editor:

I am a new student at Haining Hongda Senior High School. My home is far from Haining, so I must live at school. This is the first time for me to get away from my parents. I feel very sad. When I left home, I couldn’t help tearing myself away from them. I do not want to be alone at school, and I am a shy girl. I have been crying in bed at night these days. I want to stay at home
