深港版四年级英语上册 - 全

发布时间 : 星期一 文章深港版四年级英语上册 - 全更新完毕开始阅读

( )5.The old man tells Mr Green the way to his home.

Ⅳ、Think and write. (想一想,写一写)

以”my favourite food” 为题写一篇40字左右的短文,说说你特别喜爱的食品、水果、饮料,再说说理由,注意标点及大小写。


I want some butter

and fried chicken.


Ⅰ、Words and expressions 单词与词组

bread 面包; rice 米饭; egg 鸡蛋; coffee 咖啡; butter 黄油; tofu 豆腐; fried 油煎的; meat 肉; any 任何的; or 或者; list 清单; them 他(她,它)们 (宾格)


Ⅱ、Sentence patterns 句型 1. Do you have any……?

2. Are there any vegetables or eggs?

选择疑问句,回答时只能选其中一项,不能用yes和no回答。 3. I want some butter and fried chicken. 4. Where is the supermarket?

5. What are we going to have in our hamburger? 6. What do you want for dinner?

7. What is Linda going to do on her father’s birthday? Ⅰ、选一选,填一填。

1. Do you want any ____ (bread, breads)? 2. Are there any eggs ____ (and, or) vegetables? 3. There is ____ (some, any) rice.

4. There are some butter ____ (and, or) bread? 5. We don’t have ____ (some, any) tofu?


( )1. Are there ___ biscuits at home?

A. some B. any C. much 30

D. a

( )2. There ___ some meat but there is no milk. A. are B. is C. am D. be ( )3. I’m ___ to buy some potatoes tomorrow morning. A. going B. to go C. goes D. go ( )4. We have bread ___ breakfast.

A. of B. for C. on D. in ( )5. Is there any tofu ___ meat in the fridge? A. and B. but C. or D. /


A. It is in the fridge. B. She’s going to make a cake. C. No, we don’t have any. D. Yes, there are. E. He is going to buy it at the supermarket. ( )1. What is Candy going to do on her father’s birthday? ( )2. Are there any beans or carrots? ( )3. Where is Tom going to buy the food? ( )4. Do you have any coffee or juice? ( )5. Where is the milk? Ⅳ、汉译英


There ___ some butter and ___ here. 2.这儿有一些大米,但没有肉。

There’s some ___ but there’s ___ meat here. 3.冰箱里有一些蔬菜和鸡蛋吗?

Are there ___ vegetables ___ eggs in the fridge? 4.我们没有豆腐。

We don’t ___ any ___? 5.晚餐你想吃点什么?

___ do you want ___ dinner?



( )1.我想要一些黄油和炸鸡。

A. I want sone bread and chicken. B. I want some butter and fried chicken.

( )2.你想要一些鸡蛋吗?

A. Do you want any eggs? B. Would you like some eggs? ( )3.冰箱里有牛奶和面包吗?

A. Are there any milks or breads in the fridge? B. Is there any milk or bread in the fridge? ( )4.对不起,请问超市在哪里?

A. Sorry, where is the supermarket? B. Excuse me, where is the supermarket?

( )5.我们有洋葱吗?

A. Do we have any onions? B. Do we have some onions? Ⅰ、连词成句

1. any potatoes or there Are tomatoes ________________________? 2. is butter there but no bread There some is ________________________. 3. we have vegetables any Do

________________________? 4. tofu is fridge some There the in ________________________ 5. am to chicken I make fried going ________________________.

