深港版四年级英语上册 - 全

发布时间 : 星期三 文章深港版四年级英语上册 - 全更新完毕开始阅读

1. 你准备打扫你的房间吗?

_____ you going to _____ your house? 2. 新年时你们将干些什么?

_____ are you going to do ___ Chinese New Year? 3. 我会和我的朋友一起玩。

I’m going to _____ _____ my friends. 4. 汤姆将会走亲访友。

Tom is going to _____ his _____ and friends. 5. 我们将会得到很多压岁钱。

We are going to _____ lots of lucky _____. Ⅰ、看一看,写一写。

1. five (序数词) _________ 7. he (形容词性物主代词) ____2. he (复数) __________ _ 3. clean (现在分词) _______ 8. this (对应词) _________ 4. can (否定形式) ________ 9. would like (缩写) _______ 5. it (宾格) ___________ 10. eighth (基数词) _______6. potato (复数) _________ _


1. 打扫房间___________ __ 2. 说“谢谢!”_________ 8. play with dogs ________3. 吃团圆饭___________ __

4. 买新衣服___________ 9. write a poem_________5. 拿压岁钱___________ __ 6. put on new clothes ______10. wash the dishes__________ __ 7. visit family and friends_____


1. There isn’t any butter or milk in the fridge. (肯定句)


There is _____ butter _____ milk in the fridge. 2. My uncle works in a pet shop. (一般疑问句)

_____ your uncle _____ in a pet shop? 3. He wants to buy five packets of bread. (划线提问)

____ _____ packets of bread does he want to buy? 4. She is going to stay with Pat’s family. (划线提问) _____ _____ she going to stay with? 5. This is my book. (复数句)



1. New is Year Next Chinese week

______________________________. 2. going you What do are to


3. are from going lucky parents money We get to our ______________________________. 4. visit will family their People friends and

______________________________. 5. to fun lots It’s of going be



Candy is an English girl. She is now in Shenzhen with her parents. Candy doesn’t know Chinese. She often speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don’t understand (明白) her because she can’t speak Chinese well.

It’s Saturday morning. She goes out. She is going to the zoo to see the monkeys, but she doesn’t know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper, she draws a monkey on it, and she shows the picture to the boy. The boy understands now, and he shows Cnady the way to the zoo. ( )1. Candy is an American girl. ( )2. She is in China.

( )3. Candy speaks Chinese very well.


( )4. She wants to go to the zoo.

( )5. She shows a picture of an elephant to the boy.

Ⅵ、Think and write. (写一写)

以“Chinese New Year”为题,写一篇40字左右的短文,简单地介绍一下你在新年将要做的事情,尽量将所提供的词组用上去。注意标点及大小写。

buy new clothes; eat a big dinner; visit family and friends; clean the house;

say “Happy New Year”; get lucky money; say “Thank you !”

Chinese New Year





一、 单项选择

( )1. ___ is on December 25.

A. Children’s Day. B. Christmas Day. C. Teacher’s Day. ( )2. What can you see ___ the room? A. in B. on C. to ( )3. ---___ is this ball? ---It’s our ball. A. What B. Where C. Whose ( )4. ----______. ----It is July 4.

A. What day is today? B. What is the date? C. What is the time?

( )5. ----___ do you get at Christmas? ----We get presents.

A. Where B. What C. When

( )6. ----___ are you going to do on Mother’s day? A. Where B. What C. When ( )7. -----_________.

-----A bowl of rice and a hanburger, please.

A. What would you like? B. What do you like?

