深港版四年级英语上册 - 全

发布时间 : 星期一 文章深港版四年级英语上册 - 全更新完毕开始阅读

When’s your irthday?

Ⅰ、单词和词组(Words and expressions)

calendar 日历; month 月份; idea 想法,注意; great-grandpa 曾(外)祖父; date 日期; day (一)天; silly 愚蠢的

1. how many months 多少个月 2. a birthday calendar 生日日历 3. buy Grandpa a present 给爷爷买了件礼物 4. good idea 好主意

Ⅱ、句型 (Sentences patterns) 1. –When’s your birthday? –It is in December.

2. –What’s the date today? –It’s January 15, 2011. 3. –What day is it today? –It’s Monday.

4. How many months are there in a year? 5. I can buy Granma a present. 6. Is your birthday on May 17. 7. It’s my ninetith birthday today.


1. birthday May 17 her on Is

? 2. calendar is Where the birthday

? 3. today is What date the



4. is aunt’s in His birthday September

. 5. there many months How are



A. My sister’s birthday. B. He is sixty-five. C. It’s June 26. D. My birthday is tomorrow. E. They are making cakes. ( )1. How old is your grandpa? ( )2. When is your birthday? ( )3. What’s the date today? ( )4. What are they doing?

( )5. Whose birthday is on Oct 16.

Ⅲ、选一选,填一填。 to at in of on 1. My uncle’s birthday is April. 2. Is your birthday November 22? 3. Let’s buy her a present first.

4. course, I like this card very much. 5. I can give a present him.


1.The first month of the year is . 2.The last month of the year is . 3.The month of the year is October. 4.September is the month of the year.

5.The sixth month of the year is . Ⅰ、选一选,填一填。

When What How How many Who 1.— months are there in a year? — Twleve months.


2. — is the boy in the black shoes? --Tony.

3.-- is Jack’s birthday? --Nov.10.

4.-- are the girls doing? --They are cooking.

5.-- old is her brother? --He is six.


( )1. There are months in a year. A. ten B. twenty C. twelve ( )2. What are the doing? A. children B. girls’ C. child ( )3. When is Kate and birthday?

A. her B. Betty C. Betty’s ( )4. They’re a birthday cake. A. make B. making C. makeing ( )5. How many are there in your schoolbag? A. books B. book C. a book


1. Happy birthday, Susan, this is my present for (your; you). 2. The tall girl is her sister, (she; he) is eleven. 3. (He; Him) is Peter, his birthday is on July 14. 4. –Is your birthday on April. 15? - Yes, (I; it) is. 5. (I; My) am Lily, my birthday is on June 11.


I’m Mike. I’m ten years old. My sister is Mary. She is eleven. We are students. My birthday is on February 12. Mary’s birthday is on December 23. look! I can see a monkey in Mary’s room. It is a toy. I don't like it, but Mary likes monkeys very much. we go to school by bus every day. On weekends, we usually help mum do some housework (家务) at home. ( )1. My name is Mike.


( )2. Mary’s birthday is on February 12. ( )3. I like monkeys very much.

( )4. We go to school by bike every day.

( )5. Mary usually helps mum do the housework on weekends.

Ⅴ、Think and write. (想一想,写一写)

以My birthday 为题写一篇40字左右的短文。注意标点及大小写。

1. Reviewing present continuous tense (复习现在进行时) 2. Learning simple future tense (学习一般将来时) 3. Learning some festivals (了解一些节日) 4
