
发布时间 : 星期二 文章专升本语法历年真题专项整理更新完毕开始阅读

C. 关系副词引导的定语从句。 关系副词when, where, why 等引导的定语从句分别用来修饰表示时间,地点,原因的先行词。这些关系副

词在从句中均作状语。I don’t know the reason why he didn’t come to the meeting yesterday morning. 我不知道他为什么没有参加座谈上午的会议。

D. 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句与先行词关系密切,从句是整个句子不可缺少的部分。如果去掉它,句子的意思

就不完整或不明确。从句和主句之间不用逗号隔开。Boys who attend this school have to wear uniforms. 在这个学校上学的男孩必须穿校服。 而非限制性定语从句与先行词关系比较松散,从句只是对先行词的附加说明。如果去掉它,句子的意思仍然清楚。从句和主句之间常用逗号隔开。The children ,who wanted to play football, were disappointed when it rained. 那些孩子想踢足球,(因此)都因下雨而感到失望。 常用连词的用法区别:

1. when, while, as : while 表时间,从句需要用延续性动词,切不可用瞬间动词;when 表时间,从句既可以用延续性动词,又可以用瞬

间动词。As 表时间,与when相似,但侧重强调从句动作同点或同段进行。When ,while 后可以接分词短语。 2. because, as, since, for

连词 语气 位置 意义 because 最强 前或后 “原因”;表客观因果关系 as 较强 前 “由于”;把众人所知的事实当做理由 since 较弱 前 “既然”;就对方陈述的事实作为理由 for 最弱 后 “理由”;对某一事实进行推断的理由 3. so that, so?that, such?that. So that 意为“以便”,“结果”表目的和结果。注意:在从句中有情态动词表目的,无情态动词表结

果。So?that 意为“如此的?以致于”表结果。该结构常见于:so + 形/副 + that , so + 形 + a(an) + 单数名词 + that , so + many/much + 复数名词(不可数名词) + that . Such ? that 意为“如此的?以致于”表结果。该机构常见于such + a(an) + 形 + 名词 + that, such + 形 + 复数名词/不可数名词 + that ,so + many/much + 复数名词(不可数名词) + that . Such?that 意为“如此的?以致于”表结果。该结构常见于such + a(an) + 形 + 名词 + that , such + 形 + 复数名词/不可数名词 + that . 二. 状语从句


类别 连词 时间状语从句 When, whenever, while, as, before, after, since, till, once, as soon as. 地点状语从句 When , wherever 原因状语从句 Because, as, since, for, now that 目的状语从句 In order that, so that , that 结果状语从句 So?that ,so that , such ?that, that 条件状语从句 If, unless, as(so)long as 让步状语从句 Though, although, even if , even though, however, whatever, as 比较状语从句 As?as, so?as, than 方式状语从句 As, as if , as though 三. 名词性从句

在主从复合句中担当主语,宾语, 表语或同位语的从句分别称为主语从句,宾语从句, 表语从句或同位语从句。 这些从句在句中的作用相当于名词在句中所起的作用,因此统称为名词性从句。 名词性从句中,在think, believe, suppose, except等动词后, 宾语从句谓语的否定形式常移至主句动词上, 而将从句谓语变为肯定形式, 这一现象被称为“否定转移”。 在hope, believe, imagine, suppose, guess, think, expect, tell, say, fear 以及be afraid 等词语后, 可用so 代替一个宾语从句(指上文涉及之事)。 如: ---He will be fine. --- I hope so.

四. 真题聚焦

1. Such problems _____ air, water and noise pollutions are becoming more and more serious in some big societies. (2001) A. like B. as C. of D. about 2. The final examination will cover all ______ taught this term. (2002)

A. what has been B. that has been C. that was D. which has been

3. Why don’t you bring ______ his attention that you’re too ill to go on working? (2002) A. that to B. this on C. it to D. one as

4. He has made a discovery, ______ of great importance in this progress of science and technology.(2003) A. I think which is B. which I think is C. that I think is D. of which I think it is

5. _______ born in Chicago, the writer is most famous for his stories about New York City. (2003) A. Although B. Since C. When D. As

6. What ______ would happen if he knew you felt that way? (2003) A. will you think B. do you think C. you think D. you would think 7. ______, you will never convince him. (2003)

A. However long you argue B. However you argue long C. However you argue long D. How long you argue

8. She studied hard at school when she was young, ______ contributed to her success in later life. (2004) A. so that B. therefore C. that D. which 9. Smart ____ he is , he can’t find the answer to this question. (2004) A. like B. as C. that D. how

10. Some people consider ______ cruel to use animals for experiments. (2004) A. that it B. it C. it be D. it being 11. The fact is _____ exists no life on the moon. (2004)

A. that B. where C. there D. that there

12. You can’t see the president ______ you’ve made an appointment with him. (2004) A. when B. if C. unless D. except 13. In case he ______, please tell me. (2004)

A. has come B. will come C. comes D. would come 14. He had no sooner finished his speech ______ he withdrew. (2004) A. than B. that C. when D. as 15. I’ve never been to Africa, but it is the place ______. (2005) A. where I most want to visit B. in which I most want to visit C. I most want to visit D. that I want to visit it most 16. No sooner had I ______ than the play began. (2005)

A. been sat B. seated C. sat D. been seated

17. The scientists have come to the conclusion, based on the signals and photographs sent back by the satellite, ____ there is no life on Venus. (2005)

A. that B. which C. what D. where 18. The higher you stand, ________. (2005)

A. the farther you can see B. you can see farther C.the more farther you can see D. the farther you can see

19. Janet, _____ was read by the teacher, is a top student in our class. (2006) A. the composition of hers B. the composition of whom C. her composition D. whose composition

20. _________, the old man had a sharp ear for even the slightest sound. (2006) A. as he was blind B. As blind as he was

C. Blind as he was D. As he was just blind

21. The news _____ our football team has won the match excited all of us. (2006) A. what B. which C. that D. as 22. Hardly had he entered the classroom_____ the bell rang. (2006) A. than B. then C. when D. so

23. The sun heats the earth, _____ makes it possible for plants to grow. (2006) A. that B. where C. which D. what 24. This is the best novel _______ I have ever read. (2006) A. which B. where C. that D. what 25. ______ you say, I am sure that the young man is innocent. (2006) A. Whatever B. Whoever C. However D. Wherever

26. Staying in a hotel costs _____ renting a room in an apartment for a week. (2006) A. twice as more as B. as more twice as C. twice as much as D. as much twice as

27. Shanghai has experienced such great changes that everyone can recognize that it is no longer _____. (2006) A. what it used to B. that it used to like C. the same it used to be D. what it used to be

28. I’m going to spend the winter vacation in Shanghai, ____ I have relatives. (2006) A. which B. nevertheless C. where D. when 29. The new campus is _____ as the old one. (2007)

A. twice as big B. as twice big C. twice big D. big as twice 30. Literature must consist of words, _____music must consist of sounds. (2007) A. even though B. so that C. just as D. ever since 31. Asia is _____ among the seven continents. (2007)

A. largest B. the largest C. larger D. the larger 32. ______ you ought to do is to see a doctor. (2007)

A. how B. what C. which D. that

33. We must begin testing this instrument, no matter ______ difficult it is . (2007) A. however B. how C. whatever D. what 34. The man _____ was stolen called the police. (2007)
