
发布时间 : 星期六 文章超级资源【人教版新目标】2019年秋季九年级英语:全一册英文版教案(179页,Word版)更新完毕开始阅读

5.Finish the task in 1e

①Read the sample conversation in 1e. ②Students work in pairs.Role-play.

③Ask three pairs to say out their conversations to the class.

⑤Get the students to write their conversations in the exercise book. ★Step 3 Homework

1.Make conversations with other students after class.

2.Write a conversation to talk about the challenges and solutions about learning English. 3.Translate the following sentences into English.

(1)我的笔友认为学习英语的最佳方法是通过大声朗读. (the best way to learn English is…) ________________________________________________________________________ (2)当别人跟他说话时, 他不总是能懂. (can't always)

________________________________________________________________________ (3)常听能对你有帮助.


Board Design 板书设计

Unit 1 How can we become good learners?

Section B(1a-1e)

pronounce, increase, speed, partner;

increase the reading speed, spoken English, make a mistake/mistakes

1.—I can't pronounce some of the words. —Listening can help.

not always/usually/often/…

2.I don't know enough words to write well.

3.—I don't have a partner to practice English with. —Maybe you should join an English club.

Teaching Reflection 【教学反思】

In this period, the students should try to express their English learning problems and give advice to others when they have difficulties in learning.The teacher should get the students to practice them in listening and speaking.They will improve their capacity of language organization and oral output while listening and speaking practice.And new words and expressions are needed.We'd better learn them while listening, speaking and reading.The teacher could give examples and show how to use the new words and phrases.

We always believe that students must write something after they have learned the new items.So we give them some written work to do after they do the listening practice and make conversations.

The Fourth Period—Section B(2a-2e)

Teaching Important Points 【教学重点】

Key words & phrases: born, ability, create, brain, active, attention, connect, review, knowledge, wisely be born with, depend on, in common, pay attention to, connect…with Key sentences: 1.How can you become a successful learner?

2.He succeeded by trying many times and learning from his mistakes. 3.Practice makes perfect.

4.Knowledge comes from questioning. Key structure: verb+by doing

eg:He succeeded by trying many times and learning from his mistakes.

Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】

★Find the learning styles that are suitable and keep a good learning habit.

Teaching Aids 【教学工具】

A tape recorder, CAI or multimedia courseware.

Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

★Step 1 Leading in 【新课导入】(Ⅰ) 1.Greeting

Greet the class and briefly talk about their learning challenges and solutions. 2.Brainstorming

T:Today let's talk about learning habits.Do you preview before class? S1:…

T:Are you active in thinking? S2:…

Practice and prepare the new words for the coming reading. ★Step 1 Leading in 【新课导入】(Ⅱ) 1.Greeting

2.Revision and preparation

T:Today we are going to read about how to become a successful learner.Now I have some problems in learning.Can you give me the solutions?

Collect the students' answers and prepare the new words for this period.

3.Show these learning styles on the board and ask the students to choose which are good: be active in thinking, pay too much attention to the knowledge of grammar, connect something new with knowledge and experience you already have, review well what you have learned, lack concentration in class or when doing homework, feel nervous about making mistakes…

★Step 2 Cooperative inquiry 【合作探究】 1.Finish the task in 2a

①Work in groups.What are good learning habits? ②Write down the learning habits we can think of.

2.Finish the task in 2b

①Read the passage quickly and see if there are any of the habits in our lists.Comprehend the whole passage.

②Copy the habits appearing in the passage.And answer which four habits of successful learners they can find.

③Read the passage again aloud.Learn the new words and expressions and show how to use them.

④Discuss these habits.Get the class to use proper reading strategy-rapid or leaping reading. 3.Finish the task in 2c 4.Finish the task in 2d 5.Finish the task in 2e ★Step 3 Homework

1.Read aloud the passage in 2b three to five times until fluently and learn the new words and expressions in it.

2.Make sentences with the words in 2d.Write them in the exercise books. 3.Translate the following sentences into English. (1)每个人都生来就具有语言能力.

________________________________________________________________________ (2)成功的学习者普遍拥有一些良好的习惯.

________________________________________________________________________ (3)熟能生巧.


Board Design 板书设计

How can you become a successful learner?

be born with, depend on, in common, pay attention to, connect…with He succeeded by trying many times and learning from his mistakes. Use it or lose it.Practice makes perfect. Knowledge comes from questioning. You're never too old to learn.

Teaching Reflection 【教学反思】

In this period, the most important thing is reading.It is a good time to train the students' ability of reading quickly and efficiently.Usually we do some work to deal with new words and phrases before reading.While reading, students should learn to catch the main and the most important ideas as quickly as they can.They must learn some new words and new language items.They are supposed to be able to use dictionaries to look up the new words.They need to have reading strategies and the teacher should teach them these.

After reading, we can talk about the reading passage and discuss some questions to check how well the students learn from the passage.In this period, we can deal with these while we are finishing the tasks.

The Fifth Period-Section B(3a-3b) & Self Check

Teaching Important Points 【教学重点】

Key words & phrases: be stressed out, take notes, bit by bit, worry about, instead of(doing something) Key sentences: 1.There are three good ways to learn English.

2.You could try to improve your English by reading a lot.

3.It is also a good idea to watch English movies because you can practice listening and speaking.

Key structure: verb+by doing

eg:I practice listening by listening to the tape over and over again until I can understand everything.

He could increase his reading speed by learning rapid reading strategy.

Teaching Difficult Points 【教学难点】

★Use the words and structures to write a letter and give advice to someone about the best way to learn English.

Teaching Aids 【教学工具】 CAI or multimedia courseware.

Teaching Steps 【教学过程】

★Step 1 Leading in 【新课导入】(Ⅰ) 1.Greeting

2.Discuss how to become a successful learner.Collect the students' good learning habits. 3.Ask and answer some questions to review the passage in 2b. ★Step 1 Leading in 【新课导入】(Ⅱ) 1.Greeting 2.Revision

①Read aloud the passage in 2b.

②Make sentences with “attention, review, ability and active”. ③Review the good habits about learning English. ★Step 2 Cooperative inquiry 【合作探究】 1.Finish the task in 3a

①Work in groups.Do a summary about good ways of learning English.

②Read the instructions in 3a.Students write three best ways and give their reasons.Then give examples.

③Ask them to fill in the chart on their own and the teacher should help them and encourage the students to communicate with their classmates.

④The students exchange their work with their partners and exchange or discuss their ideas. 2.Finish the task in 3b ①Read the instructions.

②Write the letter.Use their notes in 3a.
