
发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语泛读教程2教案(第三版)更新完毕开始阅读

superintendent – manager(大楼的)管理人 manual – operated by hand 手工操作的

siren – (1) n. (in old Greek stories) one of a number of winged women whose songs

charmed sailors & caused their destruction; (hence) woman who attracts & is dangerous to men; ship‘s whistle for sending warnings & signals塞壬(原指希腊神话中半人半鸟的女海妖,她以美妙歌声吸引水手并使船只触礁沉没); 迷人的女人; 汽笛

(2) a. inducing, luring, seducing 诱人的,迷人的,使用手段引人随从自己的意见 down-home – of, relating to, or reminiscent (怀旧 的)of a simple, wholesome, unpretentious lifestyle, esp. that associated with the rural southern United States 乡土的,田园生活的,尤指美国南方乡村的生活方式

sacrifice – the giving up of sth. of great value to oneself for a special purpose 牺牲 NAACP – National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (美国)全国有色人种协进会

stay the course – to endure or persist 持续到底 Ⅵ. Summary(小结)

1. Ask the students to remember key words and expressions in Text A. And conclude the general idea of section A

2. Ask the student to remember how to write the English advertisements. VII. Homework (作业)

Home reading: Help Yourself Through the Hard Times Discuss the questions in small groups Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 2

Unit 2 Critical Thinking

I. Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage Get some information about Critical Thinking in daily life and education. Master the Reading skills

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1. The usage of new words and phrases

2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3. Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea. 4. Reading skills: Dealing with Synonyms and Antonyms III. Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discussing Practicing

IV. Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V. Teaching Content(教学内容) 1. Lead- in Questions:

In what ways does critical thinking transform thinking?

What are some of the obstacles to the development of critical thinking? What are the standards for assessing our thinking and the thinking of others? 2. vocabulary in context Enlighten

vt. 启发,启蒙; 开导,教导; 〈古〉照耀 arouse; inspire ~sb. on a subject 使某人明白某问题 This book will ~ the reader. 这本书将会启发读者。

启迪后人inspire and ~ the future generation

超越,超出??的限度; 优于或胜过??; go beyond Emotions that ~ understanding. 无法理解的情感收藏指正 I can completely ~myself! 我能够完全的超越自我!收藏指正 Such matters~ human understanding.

这些事情是人类所无法理解的 Ascend(ad+cend)上升,爬坡,追溯

descend下来; 向下倾斜,向下延伸; 遗传下来; 来自,来源于 vi. (from)起源(于); 是??的后裔; (on)袭击; (to)把身份降至 Undermine(under+mine)

vt. 破坏; 侵蚀??的基础; 暗中破坏; 冲蚀,削弱 Synonyms:

Weaken, worsen, demoralize, destroy

Western intelligence agencies are accused of trying to undermine the government. 西方情报机构被指责企图动摇该政府的统治。

I don't want to do something that would undermine the chances of success. 我不想做会影响成功机会的事情。 n. 制裁,处罚; 批准,认可

In 1935 the League of Nations imposed sanctions against Italy following its invasion of Ethiopia.

1935 年国际联盟在意大利入侵埃塞俄比亚之后对其实施了制裁。 He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions. 他对解除制裁表示反对。 3. Text Comprehension

In college education and in daily life, critical thinking is of vital importance. Richard Paul, in the following section, gives an enlightening discussion of the issue. Part 1 (para1-2) definitions of CT

Part 2. (para3) current situation-many people ignore CT

Part 3 (para 4-6)we need thinking more comprehensively (eg. control culture) Part 4(para 7) our task-a critical society Part 5 (para 8-10) barriers to CT

Part 6 (para 11-12) what we should do-be historical thinkers. Part 7(para13-14 )standards to assess CT(eg. Doctor‘s malpractice) Part 8(para 16-17)conclusion:we need CT.

Ⅵ. Summary(小结)

1. Ask the students to remember key words and expressions in Text A. And conclude the general idea of section A

2. Ask the student to remember how to develop critical thinking. The list of core critical thinking skills: includes observation, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation, and meta-cognition. VII. Homework (作业) Home reading: Happy Accident Discuss the questions in small groups Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 3

Unit 3 Recycling

I. Teaching Objectives(教学目标)

Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage Getting to know some information about recycling in USA and our country. II. Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1. The usage of new words and phrases

2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3. Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea. III. Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discussing Practicing

IV. Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V. Teaching Content(教学内容) 1. Related Information

Recycling involves processing used materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from
