
发布时间 : 星期日 文章新东方新概念英语第二册课文与讲解笔记更新完毕开始阅读

☆ however 然而,在写作中常用

however 放在句首或句中都可以,经常用逗号隔开(转折性语气较弱) but 习惯放在两个句子之间(转折性语气较强) ☆ You will enjoy your stay here.(要求背过)

Enjoy your stay here.=Have a good time.

★key structures ☆条件句


真实条件句中从句往往为现在时,主句中会用一般将来时用 使句

eg : if he is sleeping, don’t wake him up. ☆if 引导的叫条件,without 后面引导的也叫条件 without + n. 如果没有 起了条件的作用

without water, fish can’t live. ★special difficulties

☆police 一定会作复数看待

☆ pay attention to ; care ; take care of ; look after pay attention to 在思想上注意 notice =see(眼睛看) care 关心;在意

eg : i don’t care / who care. 我不在乎。 take care of / look after 照顾,照料 ☆remind ; remember remind 提醒;提示

remind sb of sth remind sb to do sth remember 记住,记得

remember to do sth 记得去做某事 remenber doing sth 记得已经做了某事 送行Good bye!

Have you enjoy your stay here? Remember me to your family.


shock,surprise,amuse,please,worry 共同特征:和人的感觉相连 be worried about:为……担心

My house worries me.我的房子让我担心。


Lesson 17


Always young

My aunt Jennifer is an actress.She must be at least thirty-five years old.In spite of this,she often appears on the stage as a young girl.Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon.This time,she will be a girl of seventeen.In the play,she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings.Last year,in another playshe had to wear short sock and a bright,orange-coloured dress.If anyone ever asks her how old she is,she always answers,'Darling,it must be terrible to be grown up!'

★New words and expressions

☆appear v.登场,扮演

appear:1.显示,露面;反义:disappear(都是vi) appear on the stage as:扮演……角色

as:I work as a teacher.比I am a teacher.更好 appear:2.显得(系动词)

☆stage n.舞台

on the stage:在舞台上 in the stage:在某一阶段

☆bright adj.鲜艳的

bright red:鲜红色;bright yellow:明黄色;bright blue:宝蓝色

☆以-or,-er结尾的是男性,以-ess结尾的是女性(不是全部) actor:男演员;actress:女演员

waitor:男服务员;waitress:女服务员 prince:王子;princess:公主 lion:公狮子;lioness:母狮子 teacher男女通用

doctor:男医生;woman doctor:女医生

☆in spite of:尽管

in spite of this:尽管如此

☆take part in,join,attend(参加)的区别:

join: join sb/sth 参加了某一种团体 join the army:参军


join the party:入党

join us:(口语)加入我们中来

take part in:参加某一种活动 take part in the race:参加比赛 take part in a play take part in the party


attend meeting;参加会议,出席会议 attend the party:出席宴会 attend class:上课



☆ever=at any time:任何时候(时间副词)

☆grow up:(人)成长

grown up:(形容词短语)成年人

★Key structures must的用法; must+原形

1.=have to 不得不,必须 2.(对现在的)推测

have to可以被have got to取代

在过去时的句子中,要用have to来表示“必须” must只有两种时态:现在时,将来时 have to可以有任意时态

have to作为实义动词,否定式为:don't have to,will not have to,didn't have to 对现在的推测:must do;对过去的推测:must have done

★Special difficulties


1.介词,“作为” As a young girl... 2.代词,“正如” As I learned,...

3.连词,=because As I am busy...

4.连词,=when,“当……时” As I was leaving the house,... 5.方式状语从句的引导词 Do as you are told. 6.“作为……工作” I work as...



dress:裙子,晚礼服,连衣裙(女式) suit:套装(男式)


