
发布时间 : 星期二 文章新课标2019-2020学年新教材高中英语单元综合检测1更新完毕开始阅读

He is a man worthy of 32 .” I heard what she said and was still puzzled.How could this old woman think that an old man with false 33 was beautiful?

The years went on, and I watched grandma and grandpa grow old together. I 34 knew what beauty really was—it was grandma ironing grandpa's pants. I was ashamed and decided to 35 the question I had asked.

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者小时候经常看到祖母为祖父熨烫衣服,尽管祖父只是一个农民。作者开始对此很是不解,后来随着作者不断长大,才逐渐明白他们之间的爱以及什么才是真正的美。

21.A.suits C.pants

B.scarves D.shirts

C [根据第一句中的farmer和work clothes以及后文的ironing grandpa's pants可知答案。]

22.A.helped C.heard

B.watched D.made

B [根据空前的描述可知,因为“我”儿时一直看着祖母这样做,所以一直认为世界上所有的老妇人都是这样做的。]

23.A.miss C.question

B.admire D.appreciate

C [根据空后句子的疑问可知,几年后,“我”开始质疑这种做法。] 24.A.ironed C.dried

B.washed D.changed

A [根据上文可知,此处是指熨烫。祖父是一个农民,所以“我”不知道为什么祖父的衣服需要熨烫,大多数时候,他只见“我”或其他一些农民。]

25.A.honest C.energetic

B.handsome D.intelligent

B [第三段第二句中handsome有提示,祖母告诉“我”说,祖父是世界上最英俊的男人。]

26.A.love C.future

B.mirror D.example

A [根据下文内容可知,祖母很爱祖父。] 27.A.black C.thick

B.curly D.thin

D [祖父是一个身材矮小、瘦瘦的男人,头顶的头发稀薄,而且笑起来时露出的假牙也不太整齐。]

28.A.informed C.asked

B.reminded D.warned

C [根据上文可知,“我”和祖母对祖父的认识不一致,所以“我”又问祖母这个问题。] 29.A.sighed C.nodded

B.apologized D.laughed

D [根据上下文语境可推知,祖母一边笑一边对“我”说:“那是因为你没有从正确的角度观察。”]

30.A.repeated C.continued

B.argued D.accepted

C [祖母继续说道:“我希望他觉得满意。”其它词和该处语境不符。] 31.A.though C.and

B.while D.because

D [本空前后构成因果关系,祖母说:“我每天都给祖父熨烫衣服,因为这些年来,他让我感觉很满意很幸福。”]

32.A.notice C.respect

B.praise D.attention

C [虽然祖父是一个农民,在“我”看来并不帅,但是祖母让祖父每天都穿得体面,因为在祖母心里,祖父是一个值得尊重的人。]

33.A.teeth C.eyes

B.hair D.ears

A [参考上题解析。且上文的false teeth有提示。] 34.A.hardly C.immediately

B.quickly D.gradually

D [几年过去了,“我”看着祖父祖母一起慢慢变老。“我”也逐渐明白了什么才是真正的美。根据上文“我”的困惑以及该空前The years went on可知,该空为“慢慢地,逐渐地”。]

35.A.forget C.answer

B.consider D.face

A [因为“我”明白了祖父祖母之间的爱,所以对自己之前的无知感到羞愧,并决定忘了曾经问过的问题。]


As a boy, Charles Darwin showed a great interest in living things. He loved to walk through the woods, 36.________(look) at plants and birds. At the age of 8, Darwin 37.________(send) to school, where he studied Latin, classical literature and ancient

history. Young Darwin thought that these subjects were boring and useless. He preferred 38.________ (science) studies. As a result, he did 39.________(poor) in his school lessons.

In 1828, Darwin's father, who was very strict 40.________ his son, sent him to Cambridge and he became a student of Professor John Henslow. Upon graduation, Professor Henslow asked him 41.________ (go) with Captain Fitzroy on a survey trip around the world.During the voyage, Darwin collected rocks, bones and 42.________(insect). He noted what he observed.

The widely 43.________(accept) theory in those days was that God created all the creatures on earth. In 1859, Darwin published his famous book, The Origin of Species, in 44.________ he explained his famous theory of evolution (进化).

Today, Charles Darwin is recognized as one of 45.________ greatest scientists the world has ever seen for his great achievements.

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。本章介绍了世界著名生物学家达尔文的生平事迹。 36.looking [looking at plants and birds是现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随情况或方式(分词动作look与逻辑主语之间是主动关系)。]

37.was sent [主语Darwin是动作send的承受者,用被动语态;这里说的是过去的事,用一般过去时。]

38.scientific [空白处所填词在句中作定语,修饰名词studies,故用其形容词形式。] 39.poorly [空白处所填词在句中修饰整个句子,故用其副词形式。] 40.with [be strict with sb.意为“对某人要求严格”。] 41.to go [ask sb.to do sth.意思是“让某人做某事”。]

42.insects [根据空前的rocks和bones可知,此处填insect的复数形式。] 43.accepted [过去分词accepted作定语,修饰theory(分词动作accept与被修饰词theory之间是被动关系)。]

44.which [in which he explained his famous theory of evolution是“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,修饰先行词his famous book。]

45.the [形容词最高级前用定冠词the。] 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(满分15分)

假定你是李华。请根据下面表格中的内容提示,以My Hero为题,为校报的英语园地写一篇英语短文,介绍你最崇拜的一位中国科学家。

姓名 梁建英

出生年份 1972年 职务 中国高铁总设计师 ①1995年大学毕业后开始从事高铁研发工作; 主要经历 ②研制出时速300—350公里高速动车组; ③2015年获奖。 注意: 1.词数80左右;

2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:高速动车组high-speed EMU

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】

My Hero

Each person has his/her own hero. My hero is Liang Jianying, general designer of the China high-speed railway.

Liang Jianying was born in 1972. Since her graduation in 1995, she has been devoting all her time to researching into the development of the China high-speed railway. Thanks to her creative work, China is playing a leading role in high-speed railways all over the world.She has worked hard and overcome many difficulties. The invention of the 300—350km/h high-speed EMU makes it convenient for us to get around quickly. Because of her outstanding contributions to our country, she was awarded in 2015.



One day my dad came back home in his truck and there was a cage in the back. Naturally I was curious, so I went towards the truck when I noticed that there was a small little goat that wasn't even an adult yet.

I asked my dad and he said that he bought the goat from his friend and he was going to kill it twenty minutes after he brought it home so that we would have a big meal.

My sister was there too and she was strongly for my view. We found out we got really mad at my dad and told him not to kill it. After about 10 minutes of complaining
