
发布时间 : 星期三 文章苏教版译林牛津版五年级英语评优课5AUnit8Acampingtrip优秀课教案更新完毕开始阅读

牛津小学英语5AUnit8 A camping trip


牛津小学英语5A Unit8 A camping trip (A) 二.知识目标:

1.掌握四会词:children, hill, show, fish.

2.掌握三会词、词组:a camping trip, a camping site,tent,pot,stove,blanket,telescope. 3.掌握四会句型:What do you/they have? I/We/They/ have? What does he/she have? He/She has?




能运用句型What do you/they have? I/We/They/ have? What does he/she have? He/She has?


1.整体呈现课文,巩固拓展。 2.have与has 在句子中的运用。 五.课前准备:


2.学生自制的pot,blanket,telescope,tin-opener,stove等图片 六.先学提纲: 1.动动你的手(查阅工具书,说出划线部分的音标,给下面单词起个中文意思) hill( ) trip( ) tin-opener( ) blanket( ) pot( ) stove( ) towel( ) site( ) tent( ) have( ) has( ) 2.动动你的脑?(在野营时需要上面哪些东西)


4.动动你的眼(仔细预习A部分,把句子补充完整) David has a _______.

Liu Tao has a __________. Nancy has _____ _________.

Helen has and . Yang Ling ________ _____ ________. Miss Li ________ _____ __________. Mr Green ________ _____ __________. 七.教学过程: Step 1 Revision


1.Look and guess

T:Please use the sentences like this:I can see a ... Can you spell the words?


2.Lead in

T:Now I have a picture,what does he/she have? Ss:He/She has .

T:Look at the picture.

Work in pairs.(由两两合作,问答。复习句型。提醒学生注意三单动词) 3.Let's go camping.

(由问学生在哪里?引出camping site, go camping等词汇,教授)

【设计意图】:还是以单词为学习语篇的突破口,让学生对野营时所需的东西有一个清晰的认识。相信学生都很喜欢野营,固说Let's have a camping trip,OK?激起他们的兴趣。

Step 2 Presentation 1.Listen and answer

T:Listen to a song: What do you have?

T:The song is beautiful. Look, I have a tin-opener. What do you have? (练习What do you have? I have...)

T:(由学生的回答转为第三人称提问)What does he/she have?

引导He/She has...

(让学生观察黑板上的句子有何不同? I have... 和He/She has... ,解决先学提纲3)


2.Watch the cartoon and answer \T:What do the children have? (Who knows children?)

S:They have...(以图片的方式呈现a tent,a chair, a tin of chicken,a tin of fish, a pot,a stove,two blankets,a telescope,a box of chocolates and some fruit.学生边选择图片边用They have...来回答)

【设计意图】:整体看课文动画,指导学生抓住主要信息“他们有些什么”,学习句型What do they have?和单词a tin of fish,a tin of chicken,a box of chocolates 3.Watch the cartoon again and read the books to answer “...has...” David has a _______.

Liu Tao has a __________. Nancy has _____ _________.

Yang Ling ________ _____ __________.


Miss Li ________ _____ __________.

Mr Green ________ _____ __________.(落实先学提纲4)


T:Good.The children have so many things.But do you remember “What does Mike have?”

S:Mike has a _________(检查学生有没有观看仔细) T:Yes, you’re right.

【设计意图】:通过再次看动画,阅读,获得更加详细的信息,在老师的逐步引导下,学生扎实学习第三人称单数做主语的句子...has... 4.Practice: What does ... have? He/She has... 根据预习提纲4,转为提问,再回答。

(如:What does David have? He has a chair.) Step 3 Practice


2.Try to retell PartA


填入have 或 has。

1. I ___ a tin-opener. 2. He ____ a stove. 3. We ___ a nice towel.

4. Helen and Nancy ______ a big tent. 5. Tom ______ a box of chocolates. 6. The students _____ a radio. 7. My sister ______ a new watch. 8. Your friends _____ some toy cars.

Step4 Production and progress

Let’s write! 让我们来写一写。

It is Sunday. Nancy and her friends are in the park. They are having a party. They’re showing their food to each other.

Nancy: What do you have, Liu Tao?

Liu Tao: I______ two ice creams. Here you are. Nancy: Great! Thank you.

Liu Tao: What ______ David have?

