
发布时间 : 星期三 文章从严复信达雅浅析英语广告中双关语的翻译更新完毕开始阅读

emphasis and vividness. Actually, reduplication and repetition of words is commonly used device in Chinese, making the language more expressive and forceful. Due to the requirement of aesthetic value in advertisement, designers will often employ this kind of device to ornament the slogan, highlighting the importance or function of the product (Lian Shuneng170).

Example 8: Double delicious, double your pleasure. Chinese version:双重美味,双重愉悦。

This slogan advertises for chocolate. Obviously, it realizes the pun meaning by the word“double”. The first “double” is an adverb, decorates “delicious”; the latter is a verb, “pleasure” is an object of it. The English version repeatedly use“double” to emphasize the great quality and function of this brand, making readers believe in the sweet taste and joy it brings. Correspondingly, the translator also utilizes the skill of repetition to obtain the same effect. Here the Chinese version repeats the phrase“双重”,representing the original meaning of“double”. The whole sentence“双重美味,双重愉悦”follows the exact meaning of the original in a neat and parallel way. By the assumption of this method, the Chinese version is catchy and telling enough to attract consumers(Xie Xiangxuan66).

Example 9: Part-time Job

Earn Xtra Money.

Chinese version : 业余兼活外快多多。

Xtra is a company providing part-time job information. The literal meaning of this advertisement suggests that doing part-time job can help you earn extra money. It can be seen that “Xtra” is a homophonic pun ,having the same pronunciation as the word“extra”. By using the coiled word “Xtra”, this advertisement is alluring and unique. In the process of translation, how to interpret “Xtra” is a key point because the meaning of it is the highlight. Here the translator smartly applies rhetorical reduplication to push the meaning of it forward. Knowing that“extra” literally means “more of something”, the translator reduplicate the character of Chinese word


“多”,and “多多”in English means “more and more” ,which closely fits the meaning that the business want to convey to the readers. In this example, reduplication of Chinese words enhances the clarity of the language, making the version more attractive and imaginative (Ruan Hongbo52).

5. Conclusion

Serving as an effective approach of transmitting modern social information, advertisement has made a great influence on people’s life and contributed a lot to the economic development of China. The current employment of pun adds great glamour to the advertisement language with its deep connotation and aesthetic value. In this respect, the translation of pun is certainly worth our further study. To conclude, this paper first embarks on pun translation from an overview learning of definition, classifications and function of advertisement and puns, finds out the sound translation approaches by adopting Yan Fu’s Three-Word Translation Theory and then analyzes the practical examples with specific skills in pun translation. What’s more, with the guidance of Yan Fu’s Three-Word Translation Theory, this paper is supposed to make the version reach the maximum equivalence to the original on the translation of pun, conveying the most complete information of the advertisement to the target readers and bringing them aesthetic enjoyment.

Through careful analysis of specific examples, this paper to a certain degree suggests that Pun Translation in advertisement can adopt the principle of “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance”. By achieving that, a good understanding of English and Chinese cultures and solid foundation of language skill is undoubtedly indispensable. Besides, in real translation, maximum equivalence can not be done by applying only one or two methods, so an integration of different skills and flexible and appropriate handling ways are also the keys to produce a good version.

Although the paper is expected to provide a comprehensive analysis of Pun Translation in advertising English, it still has some limitations. First, Yan Fu’s Three-Word Translation Theory may not be the perfect and there may be existed other


suitable approaches for the translation of puns in English advertisement. Second, the examples cited in this paper are rather limited and may not be representative enough. For instance, some information of the brand names and slogans can not be fully presented because of the requirement of adverting. It will be better if there is a well-established corpus of advertisements (Ruan Hongbo55-56).

In brief, advertising is also a science, connecting with many aspects such as marketing, psychology, sociology, intercultural communication, aesthetics and ethnology, etc. So the study of finding out the best way to translate puns in English advertisement still has a long way to go.



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