
发布时间 : 星期三 文章2017-2018年仁爱版八年级英语下册全册精美导学案(共90页)更新完毕开始阅读

【知识链接】 链接:all--两者以上都;every---两个以上中的每一个; none---两个以上中的没一个 【预习达标】 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 1.告诉我一些有关…的事_________________________ 2.在天寿山脚下_________________________________ 3.在…西北部___________________________________ 4.绵延40多平方公里____________________________ 5.在路的两边___________________________________ 6.一些石兽和石人像_____________________________ 7.在古代______________________________________ 8.骑马通过那里________________________________ 9.开始建造他们的坟墓__________________________ 10.调查地形___________________________________ 11.确保_______________________________________ 12.面朝南方___________________________________ 13.顺便问一下__________________________________ 14.多远________________________________________ 15.两个半小时__________________________________ 16.在神道的每侧________________________________ 17.代表_______________________________________ 18.识别好坏___________________________________ 19.国家的和平_________________________________ 20.很高的威望_________________________________ 21.中国地图____________________________________ 【学习流程】 ●自学指导 1. Could you tell me something about the Ming Tombs? 总结tell:告诉某人有关某事__________________ 告诉某人(不)做某事__________________ 讲故事__________________ 撒谎_____________________ 29

识别好坏______________________________ 巩固: a. 请你告诉大家不要说谎。________________________________________________________ b. I can’t tell her from her sister. They look the same.____________________________________ 2.The Tombs spread over an area of 40 km2 . 译:___________________________________ 点拨:spread over --- 占地, 绵延 an area of …--- 一块…的面积 40 km2 --- 读做:40 square kilometers 练习:我们的操场占地一万平方米。__________________________________________________ 中国有960万平方公里的土地。_______________________________________________ 3. On both sides of the Way, there are… 译:________________________________________ What’s on each side of the Sacred? 译:________________________________________ 点拨:both---两者都,后面的名词用_______形式; each---两个或两个以上中的每一个,后面的名词用______形式 链接:all--两者以上都;every---两个以上中的每一个; none---两个以上中的没一个 巩固: a. Both of the girls ______ (be) from Canada. 译:_______________________________________ b. Each of the girls ______ (be) from India. 译:_________________________________________ c. None of the girls ______ (be) from Cuba. 译:________________________________________ d. Some of the girls ______ (be) from Austria. 译:______________________________________ e. Few of the girls ______ (be) from Japan. 译:_________________________________________ 30

f. All of the girls ______ (be) from France. 译:_________________________________________ g. Most of the girls ______ (be) from Italy. 译:_________________________________________ 4. They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains behind them. 译:____________________________________________________________________________ 思考:不定式to make sure…在句中做__________语;faced south中face是个_____词,意思是_________ 练习:a. She turned and faced him. 译:___________________________________________ b. 这里多数房间朝海。_______ of the rooms here ________ the sea. 点拨: make sure---确保,弄清楚,后面多用宾语从句 练习:a. Make sure all the windows are closed before you leave. 译:__________________________________________ b. He checked it over and over to make sure there was no mistake. 译:_____________________________________________________________________ ? 合作探究 重点 --- 方向与介词in / on / to 总结:1) B is in the north of A. 2) B is on the north of A. 3) B is to the north of A. 根据P36地图做练习: 1. Shanghai is ______ the east of China. 2. Anhui is ______ the east of Henan. 3. Hunan is ______ the south of Henan. 4. Taiwan is ______ the southeast of China. 31

? 展示提升 Zhaoling lies to the west part of the Ming Tombs. 译:__________________________________ 点拨: lie---位于,坐落… 链接:lie还有_______;________的动词意思,以及________的名词意思 区别:lie---lied ( ) lie---lay ( ) lie---________(现在分词) 巩固:a.When walked home yesterday, I saw a snake lying on the sidewalk. 译:__________________________________________________________________ b.The small village lies in the mountains. 译:_____________________________________ c.The boy doesn’t lie to us any longer. 译:_______________________________________ 【盘点收获】 【当堂检测】 I.单项选择 1.Fujian is ______ the south of China, and Taiwan is _____ the south of Fujian. A.in, to B.to, in C.to, to D.in, on 2.There are many trees on _____ side of the road. A.Every B.each C.both D.all 3.-- ______ is it from our school to Lupu Bridge? --About half an hours’ bus ride. A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How much 4.It took her _____ to cook the delicious food. A.Three and a half hour B.three and a half hours C.a half and three hour D.three hour and a half II.根据下图填空(用in on to of from填空) 1.A is ______ B. 2.C is ______ the west of D. 3.C is very close______ D 4.E is a little far away______ D 32
