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Second, grasping Student Competition. The central task of the school is to educate students and improve teaching quality. Teaching ideas related to culture what is correct or not and how to train people that education is all about. In the reform and opening up the process of establishing market economy system, the correct teaching ideas is particularly important. Under the leadership of our school up to the teacher to fully understand the teaching to overcome the \pursuit of\phenomenon, and comprehensively improve the quality of students, the real from the \education\to quality education to the track, the full implementation of quality education in the process, to train their sense of innovation, creativity and innovation. Because teaching students from my school to teach students to learn science teaching towards opening the closed teaching, students' overall quality is improved. Education Society in the province this year at the \angels speak\primary site creative essay contest, my school 28 winners, and there are two students to participate in the competition in Hangzhou: \defense \departments and other social essay competition held in our school students are awarded. County speech contest organized by the education sector, ancient poetry reading competitions, our students actively participate and awards. In the fourth festival, the primary group had 47 people winning my school, instrumental music encompasses a


group of 15 people, second and third. In addition to the activities organized by the higher authorities, but my school every year in science and technology festival, festivals, sports, etc., content writing, calligraphy, painting, handmade, instrumental music, karaoke, dance, table tennis, campus Guinness and so on. Requires full participation, in order to achieve overall development.

Since the promulgation of the implementation of policies related to quality education in China in 1987, quality education has since been placed in the top of education and the full implementation of quality education has become China's education slogans at this stage. However, some cutting of the more serious problem exists and the situation is quite urgent. So we have to face the facts. Our high-quality education on how exactly, I think, as a personal experience along the way, that quality education is still the castle in the air, do not have in-depth investigation, we can also see students around us are receiving the early, middle and higher education and full-time exam-oriented education will be their time at school, crowded fully. They do not have any extra time to learn things other than books. Though the burdens have been calling on for several years, the reality is that most students are at school from 6: 30 in the morning to 6: 30 in the evening. There's even study up system in individual schools and in the middle is just a short span of 10 minutes of rest time. May I ask that where the quality education implements


are from? Even if students are sometimes engaged in some social group activities, it is, in fact, only a drop in the bucket. Despite a massive emphasis on quality education, the implementation of the specific educational practice is just like a blank sheet of paper and seems powerless.

The current exam-oriented education in China, there is still, to completely shake off the pressure of scores and ranking is not realistic. Therefore, the key to the implementation of family quality education is to make the child understand that there is a consensus between parents and their children: examination is only a means to an end. Further said that is to develop an early age children the proper concept of success. With the changing times and the meaning of success is continually updated, but the real success is not in the modern examination results must be good, not necessarily the focus should be admitted to high school, the prestigious universities. Believe that all parents would prefer their children to be a happy future, ordinary people do not want to see their children because in the face of various pressures of mental disorder, a phenomenon occurs from time to time in our country, so it reminds us of the parents must be to re-examine their own evaluation criteria of success for children. So that children will embrace a wide range of education is to enable the children will be happy. The true meaning of success is happiness, but happiness is a unique experience available to everyone.


Just as the old say, what kind of parent would have what kind of child. Parents' own attitude to life, lifestyle, taste mood, quality and behavior, are a child¡¯s invisible role models. For the children, parents of the words and acts are a child¡¯s mirror. In the family quality of the education process when the Central Standing Committee has such a problem: parents rearing attitudes, delinquency, educate their children a set of his own act is another. This will not only affect the child¡¯s judgments affect the education of parents so eloquently and so that parents and dignified in front of the children greatly reduced, thereby affecting the future of parent education. What is worse for the child¡¯s fault provides a case in the parents to establish such a pathological ¡°example¡± of a direct impact on the child¡¯s education has become more complicated. Therefore, parents in the education their children must first examine their own prior behavior, attitude towards; make every effort to set a good example for the children. Truly understand the home education of parents should first get himself off soon as well, set a good example for the children is willing to make certain sacrifices, give up and change the unscrupulous individual preferences, individuals do send. In the process of the Child¡¯s education while improving the quality of their children¡¯s quality level, in a certain sense, improve the overall quality of the citizens.

Moral Quality Education, also known as moral education. Both in the human consciousness nascent primitive society and in the modern

