
发布时间 : 星期一 文章新版闽教版英语教案(六年级下册)更新完毕开始阅读

先教学单词show,然后教学该句子。教师告诉学生,这句话是表示请求,类似这种表示请求、命令、禁止、警戒的句子英语中称之为祈使句。如:Let’s go to school. Stand up,please. Look at the man.等。

3.学习最后一段课文。 (1)教师说:“How do Wang Tao and Julia describe the snowman? Please read the third paragraph of the text.” (2)学生自读课文第三段,然后回答问题。教师在黑板上雪人图片的旁边板书:short and fat,a big red nose,a lovely snowman,然后进行教学。 (3)复习有关形容词的单词,并教学单词thin。

教师出示卡片fat,short和big,请学生边读边做相应的动作,然后教学这三个单词的反义词thin,long,tall和small,并请学生用这些形容词来描述一下班级里的人或物,如: ××× is tall.

×××’s hair is long. ××× is thin.

教师再出示lovely,beautiful,interesting,clever等单词卡片,采用相同的方法进行复习巩固活动。 (三)熟读课文并尝试用第三人称叙述故事内容

1.教师播放课文录音或多媒体教学光盘二至三遍,学生模仿跟读。 2.请学生分角色朗读对话。


Sally went to Harbin in winter. She went skating on the lake. She went to see the Ice and Snow Festival. There was a big ice city. There were many people. She had fun in the snow. She made a snowman with Ben. The snowman was short and fat. And it had a big red nose. It’s a lovely snowman. 4.给学生一些时间练习,然后请个别学生展示。 (四)巩固练习

1.完成课本第5页的Look and say.部分。 (1)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。

(2)学生同桌合作,一起读一读四幅图下的内容,互相纠正语音语调。 (3)请几位学生示范朗读。



Look at the elephant. Look at the baby monkey. It’s tall and fat. It’s thin and small. It’s a lovely elephant. It’s a clever monkey. C D

Show me the bag, please. Show me the clock, please. Which bag? Which clock? The pink one. The big one.

2.完成课本第5页的Read. Tick or cross.部分。 (1)请学生自读短文,独立完成练习。 (2)全班核对答案。



3.完成课本第7页的Listen and connect.部分。 (1)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习。 (2)全班核对答案。

(3)教师再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读。 听力材料:

①A: Did you go anywhere in winter,Peter? B: I went back to Australia. ②A: How about you,Ma Li?

B: I went back to Taiwan with my parents. ③A: Did you have a good time in winter,Lily? B: Yes. I went to the fair at the Spring Festival. ④A: Did you go to Hainan in winter,Yang Ming? B: No. I went to Changchun. A: Did you play in the snow?

B:Yes. I made a snowman with my cousin. 4.学唱歌曲:I’m a Little Snowman。

Step 4Extension



I went to Wuyishan in summer. I went there by car. It’s hot and sunny. I climbed the Dawang Peak(大王峰).It’s beautiful and famous. I traveled along the Jiuqu Stream(九曲溪). I took many photos. 2.请学生结合带来的照片,用简短的语句写一写自己的一次旅游经历。 3.每组选一位学生说一说自己的旅游经历。

Step 5 Homework


2.完成《活动手册》中本课的练习。 3.完成课本第8页的自我评价。


Unit 2 Helping Each Other


1.本单元的话题是学校生活,通过学生互助的情景,复习主要的学习科目英语单词。主要功能是人际交往,学习表示悲伤或遗憾的句子I’m sorry to hear that.等。语法方面复习代词所有格his,my,your等,复习情态动词can以及以Don’t 开头的祈使句。语音学习内容为元音字母a,e,i,o,u在闭音节中的读音规则总复习。

2.Wang Tao didn’t come to school today.(王涛今天没来上学。)


由于萨莉、马丽和杨明三人谈话的地点是在学校,因此用 Wang Tao didn’t come to school today.而不说Wang Tao didn’t go to school today. 3. He broke his leg.(他腿摔坏了。)

broke是break的过去式,break 的意思是“打破,折断,使碎裂,弄坏,砸破”,本课指王涛的腿骨折了。

Some boys played football in the classroom and broke the window.(一些男孩在教室里踢足球,打破了窗户。)

Be careful! Don’t break the glass.(小心!别打破了玻璃杯。) 4. He’s in hospital now.(他现在住院了。)

(1)be in hospital是“住院”的意思,在hospital 前面不使用冠词。 (2)如果要表达某人在医院工作则要使用冠词,如: Betty works in a hospital.(贝蒂在医院工作)。 (3)而“同学们在医院看望王涛,正在和他交谈。”要说成:The classmates are in the hospital now. They are talking with Wang Tao.

5. I’m sorry to hear that.(听到这消息我很难过。)

(1)在前几册学过sorry表示歉意的用法,如:I’m sorry. I’m late.(对不起,我迟到了。) (2)在I’m sorry to hear that.的句子中,sorry 的意思是“感到悲伤或遗憾”。用于听到别人说不好的事情时的反应,表示同情。如听到别人说:“My grandma is ill.”(我奶奶生病了。)我们就应该说:“I’m sorry to hear that.” 在教材的第10页图2也有个例子,听到A说:“Yang Ming is sad.He didn’t do well in high jump.”(杨明很伤心,他跳高跳得不好。)B 就应该说:“I’m sorry to hear that.”(听到这消息我很难过。)

6. We can take some fruits with us.(我们可以带一些水果去。) (1)注意复习take 和 bring的不同意思和用法,本套教材六年级上册第3单元第17页的Look and say.栏目有专项训练可以参考。

(2)注意复习take ?with me/us的用法,本套教材五年级下册第4单元第23~24页有很多该句型句子可以用来复习。如:

I’m going to take a camera with me.(我想带个相机去。)

7.本单元语音部分复习元音字母a,e,i,o,u在闭音节中的发音。 a [ ] fat map e [e] red help i [i] film ship o [ ] stop hot u [ ] bus must 8.—Hi,Wang Tao. How are you today? (你好,王涛。今天身体好吗?) —I feel better.(我觉得好一点了。)

(1)feel是“感觉到”的意思,过去式是felt。 I feel cold.(我觉得冷。)

He felt very happy at his birthday party.(在他的生日聚会上他感到非常高兴。) (2)better是well(身体好)的比较级,意思是“身体更好了”。 9. I’m worried about my lessons.(我担心我的功课。)

be worried about是“对??感到担忧”的意思,worried是过去分词作形容词,在句子中当表语,



10. Don’t worry.(不要担心。) 这里worry 是动词。如:

Don’t worry about your dog. It will come back.(不要担心你的狗,它会回来的。) Now we don’t worry about our food.(现在我们不必为食物担忧。) 11. I can help you with your Chinese.(我能帮助你学语文。)

(1)help somebody with something是固定表达法,with是介词,后接名词或动名词,如: I often help my mother with her housework.(我常帮助我母亲做家务。)

(2)help somebody do something也可以表达相同的意思,但是在宾语somebody后要接原形动词,如:

I often help my mother do some housework.(我常帮助我母亲做些家务。) 12. I hope I can go back to school soon.(我希望我不久就能返回学校。) 上述句子中hope接的是一个宾语从句I can go back to school soon。 又如:

I hope we can get to the train station by bus.(我希望我们能乘坐公交车到达火车站。) I hope you are well.(我希望你身体健康。) 13. You will.(你会的。)

这是个省略句,完整的句子是:You will go back to school soon.(你不久就能返回学校。) 14.本单元的C部分要求学生谈一谈可以做哪些事来帮助周围的人们。

(1)On the bus I can give my seat to old people.(在公交车上我可以给老年人让座。) (2)I can help old people carry bags.(我可以帮老人拎袋子。)这个句子用的是help somebody do something 的句型结构。

15.课本第14页的韵律诗及其译文如下: Don’t Worry

Don’t worry, please. I can help you

With your Chinese.

Follow me, follow me. It is as easy As you can see. 别担心





Part A


◆ 语言知识目标

1.学习单词:break(broke),hear,lesson,heavy,light,carry等。 2.学习句型:He broke his leg. I’m sorry to hear that.

