
发布时间 : 星期二 文章上海市普陀区2019届高三质量调研(二模)英语试题word版更新完毕开始阅读

C. We still need someone to look after robots in the future. D. Robots will create more and better jobs for people in the future.


Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A. Once Victor hid in a lifeboat for half an hour while we searched everywhere. B. His head was completely hairless, and he was obviously unsteady. C. He and Claudine made me feel at ease as soon as I met them.

D. There were only two narrow twin beds in your cabin, each covered with dark blue sheets. E. He parted the curtain and looked out of the round window of the ship.

F. He jumped out as we passed below him scaring and delighting us at the same time.

Life on a Ship

We three children were very excited when we walked up the gangway ( 舷 梯 )of the British flagship China Star and saw officers, crew and staff rushing around. A Chinese housekeeper led the way and helped Uncle Jean and Aunt Reine with our luggage. Victor, Claudine and I lagged behind. The housekeeper was tall and thin and towered over everyone. (67) As we followed him down a narrow corridor towards our cabins, Victor Though I was still feeling nervous and tongue-tied because it had only been three days since Aunt Reine took me out of St. Joseph’s, I laughed out loud. That was the effect Victor had on people. (68) ”Boys to the right and girls to the left,” said Uncle Jean. Our two

cabins were directly opposite each other. Inside, everything was neat, bare and clean. While Aunt Reine, Claudine and I were unpacking, there was a knock on the door.

Victor stood there, wearing a bright-red and orange life-jacket. “Why are you wearing that?” Claudine protested. “Our ship hasn’t even sailed yet!” “In case the China Star starts going down. Then you’ll really be sorry you’re not wearing one yourself. Here! Let me show you something!” (69) deep dark water.

Claudine became alarmed, “Mama, how often does a ship sink?” she asked. Before Aunt Reine had time to reply, Victor quipped with a straight face, “Only once!” Aunt Reine and I could not help laughing in spite of ourselves. But then Victor did something my brothers would never have done. He took off his life-jacket, slipped it on his sister and showed her how to adjust the straps. (70) there were three of us.

At night, our housekeeper brought in a tiny roll-out bed because

Our cabin was below deck. Outside we could see nothing but

whispered to me, “One thing about having no hair at all on your head, you always look neat!”

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Ⅳ. Summary Writing

(71) Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the mail point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

China’s National Treasure

Pandas are in danger of extinction at present, with only 1,900 remaining in the world. The scientific name of the giant panda is actually called the cat bear, the number of which is very scarce. It is one of the most precious animals in the world and belongs to the protected animals at

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the national level. Its body color is black and white. Giant pandas are unique to China, very cute. The existing major habitats are in the surrounding mountainous areas such as Sichuan and Shanxi in China. The giant panda has a very powerful function; digesting bamboo. We all know that bamboo is mainly cellulose (纤维素), and most animals can’t digest it except giant pandas. The giant panda’s hometown is in the mountains southwest of China, green bamboos and springs everywhere. Therefore, the giant panda’s main food consists of bamboo and spring water.

Giant pandas are often referred to as living fossils. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was the peak period of giant pandas. This is of great scientific value for studying and protecting biodiversity and environmental changes on the earth. Long, long ago, the climate of the earth became colder and colder, many ice cubes formed on the earth; plants could not grow, and many animals were frozen or starved to death. The giant panda alone survived in the deep valleys of the mountains and became a treasure of the animal world. The giant panda still retains the

characteristics of ancient animals. Therefore, the giant panda is not only popular with adults and children in terms of appearance, but also becomes a living fossil for biologists to study ancient creatures.

The status of giant pandas has been politicized. Giant pandas can be seen in almost all the major countries in the world. The giant panda has become a witness of friendship between China and foreign countries. For decades, wherever the giant panda goes, a panda whirlwind will blow. With its charmed figure and natural cuteness, the Chinese giant panda attracts numerous fans around the world, and at the same time plays the role of friendship ambassador in China’s foreign exchanges, becoming one of the most famous symbols in China.

Ⅴ. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 微笑能照亮最暗的日子,让生活更美。(brighten) 73. 当你感到压力时,听一些舒缓的音乐会大有帮助的。(can)

74. 做事业, 不是仅仅赚几个钱的问题。要实实在在、心无旁骛地做一个主业。(It) 75. 电影《流浪地球(Wandering Earth)》讲述了人类一个宏大的计划:当地球面临毁灭的时候,人类将地球推出太阳系,寻找新的家园。(tell of, in search of ) Ⅵ. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

第五届高中生创业大赛(Entrepreneurship Competiton)近期在深圳落下帷幕。本次活动目的是通过创意、组队、制作、路演等环节启动一个创业项目,为社会带来属于新生代的力量。


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1. 对本次大赛的看法: 2. 对大赛活动提出建议。

(注意: 不得透露考生的真实信息)

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