
发布时间 : 星期一 文章2018版高考英语课标通用大一轮复习:全套课时作业(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

C.gathered 19.A.rain C.hotel 20.A.sunny C.warm

D.reached B.garage D.line B.freezing D.quiet


1.B 解析:由最后一段中的“the cold”可知,男孩因天冷将连帽衫拉起来遮住脸,故选pulled。

2.A 解析:由空后的“driven”可知,此处指男孩和他的母亲若交不上25美元的房费就会被驱赶出去,故选come up with,表示“提供,拿出(钱款)”。

3.C 解析:由下文中的“took out an additional $20; then I returned to the gas station”可知,作者明白这25美元对男孩意义重大,否则他们当晚就会被驱赶出去,故选same。exact意为“确切的”。

4.D 解析:由上文中的“sought out social services”可知,作者反问男孩,为何他的母亲不向社会福利部门求助,故选assistance。

5.A 解析:由下文中的“for one more week”和“take them in”可知,此处指在男孩的外婆收留他们母子之前他们仍需在宾馆多待一个星期,故选remain“停留,留下”。

6.C 解析:由上文中的“$25”和“I gave the boy what I had —$5”可知,男孩所需的房费没有凑够,他继续在停车场徘徊,寻求帮助,故选wander“徘徊,闲逛”。

7.B 解析:由下文中的“some weeks ago”可知,此处指作者回想起几周前一个不同的时间里发生的事,故选separate。appointed意为“规定的”。

8.D 解析:根据下文的内容可知,此处指一个男孩向作者要钱,尽管作者有钱,但他却告诉男孩他没钱。前后句之间是让步关系,故选though“尽管”。

9.D 解析:由上文中的“I told him I didn't have any________I did”和“The skeptic in me”可知,此处指作者的疑心最终胜出了,故选择won。win out“(克服困难)获得成功,最终胜出”。

10.B 解析:由“to give him a dollar. But it seemed...air”可知,此处指作者虽然因疑心而没有给男孩钱,但内心一直很惭愧,故选ashamed“惭愧的,羞愧的”。deserved意为“理所当然的”。

11.B 解析:由下文中的“But it seemed that he had disappeared into thin air”可知,此处指作者去寻找(looking for)要钱的男孩,但他似乎已消失得无影无踪了。

12.C 解析:由上文的内容及“This time”“I'll do it”可知,此处指作者这次吸取了上次的教训,决定改变做法,去帮助向他要钱的男孩,故选differently“不同地”。

13.B 解析:由“reached into”和“took out”可知,此处指作者把手伸进钱包,取出了额外的20美元。

14.A 解析:由下文中的“approaching strangers who walked past him”可知,男孩仍在停车场,故选still“仍然”。

15.D 解析:由“approaching strangers who walked past him...handed him the $20 bill”可知,为了凑够房费,男孩不断地接近从他身边经过的陌生人,但无人理会他。constantly“不断地”。

16.D 解析:参见上题解析。take no notice of “不理会”。

17.B 解析:由空前的“waved”和下文中的“I handed him the $20 bill”可知,此处指作者把车停在了油泵旁边,向男孩招手让他过来。wave at/to sb.“向某人招手”。

18.D 解析:由下文中的“through my car window and gave me a huge hug”可知,男孩把手伸进车窗,给了作者一个大大的拥抱,故选reached。

19.A 解析:由文章开头的“One rainy evening”可知,故事发生在雨夜,而最后男孩凑够了房费,这意味着他可以不用待在雨中了,故选rain。

20.C 解析:由上文中的“the cold and the darkening sky”和“go inside”可知,此处指男孩可以走进温暖的宾馆房间。同时此处也升华了文章的主题,即帮助他人,让他人感觉到温暖。



Sammy Armstrong was driving to his office when he 1.________(notice)a car was stuck on railroad tracks.Then he heard a train whistle.Sammy threw down his sunglasses and keys and ran toward the car.2.________elderly man,Jean Papich,eighty-four,sat in the driver's seat,3.________(turn)the key and hitting the gas.His wife,Marion,seventy-eight,was looking 4.________(nervous)at him.Then Sammy walked 5.________the car and pushed it forward,but his boots slipped on the warm asphalt (沥青).He could see the train approaching fast.

It might be 6.________(easy)to push the car backward,Sammy thought.He ran around to the front of the vehicle and shouted at Jean 7.________(put)the car in neutral (空挡).Sammy could feel the ground trembling under his feet.He put his boots against the track and pushed forcefully.Finally,the car rolled off the tracks.When Sammy looked up,the train was just a couple of 8.________(foot)away.Sammy,shocked and 9.________(speech),went back to work as crowd gathered at the scene.

Weeks later,Marion called to thank Sammy.He responded,“I just did 10.________I had to do.”

答案:[解题导语]本文为记叙文。Sammy Armstrong在开车上班的路上解救了一辆卡在铁轨上的汽车。

1.noticed 解析:考查动词时态。文章的整体时态为过去时,且主句中用的是过去进行时,故填noticed。

2.An 解析:考查冠词。man在文中第一次提到,应用不定冠词,且elderly的读音以元音音素开头,故填An,注意首字母大写。

3.turning 解析:考查非谓语动词。空处与句子主语是主谓关系,应用现在分词作伴随状语,并与hitting 并列,故填turning。

4.nervously 解析:考查副词。副词作状语修饰动词,故填nervously。

5.behind 解析:考查介词。根据下文的“pushed it forward”可知,此处表示走到车的后面推车,故填behind。

6.easier 解析:考查形容词的比较级。根据语境可知,向前推车不好推,所以他想向后面推可能更容易,故填easier。

7.to put 解析:考查非谓语动词。此处为不定式作宾语补足语,他向老人喊让老人挂空挡,故填 to put。

8.feet 解析:考查名词的数。a couple of后跟可数名词的复数形式。故填foot的复数形式feet。

9.speechless 解析:考查形容词。与shocked 并列,根据语境可知,应填speechless。 10.what 解析:考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导的从句作did的宾语,且空处在从句中充当 do的宾语,故填what。



I am an only child in my family.While eating,my parents always leave myself the best dish.But I don't eat out much because I don't have some appetite all the time.One day,my friend Alice asked me come to her home for dinner.In her family,a feeling was so pleasant because there had two kids in the family.When they were eating,my friend and her sister fight for the food.They ate a lot and laughed happy.I joined them in fighting for the food.I felt so happy but ate a lot.I got to know that the eating atmospheres could be very important.




With the press of a button,a person with severe spinal cord (脊柱) injury is able to walk again,thanks to the Walking Assistive Exoskeleton Robot(WAER).

Powered suits that could help paralyzed (瘫痪) people walk and others lift and carry heavy loads with ease have been a dream since late 19th century.But they can realize their dreams in the 21st century.

The 20-kilogram robot has four battery-powered motors that can run for up to three hours.Inventor Wu Chenghua,from Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute,says it has successfully been in tests on 12 patients.“We have learned from our research process that patients whose injuries are below the fourth chest joint(关节) are able to use our robot to stand,walk and sit down,”he said.

Since walking contributes to muscle exercise,Wu says patients receive some additional benefits.“In the clinical process,we would check their bone mineral density (密度),and we found that the bone mineral densities of these patients had been improved,” he said.Wu says his exoskeleton may be available for consumers by 2018.

Meanwhile,baggage handlers at Tokyo's Haneda Airport will soon start testing a similar robot,developed by the Japanese firm Cyberdyne.The battery-powered robot
