
发布时间 : 星期二 文章外研版七年级英语上册Module8测试题更新完毕开始阅读

七年级(上)Module 8测试题

一. 从A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 1. — Is it the twins’ bedroom?

— Yes, it is. It’s __________ bedroom.

A. Lily’s and Lucy’s B. Lily’s and Lucy C. Lily and Lucy’s 2. ________ Friday afternoon, he often ________ the piano. A. In; play B. On; plays C. In; playing 3. Betty’s brother often buys CDs ______ her favourite singers. A. by B. on C. with 4. — Does Tom often go to the cinema? — ________ A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. No, he doesn’t. 5. We often make a birthday card _______ his birthday. A. for B. of C. to

6. He plays football _______ he never plays baseball. A. and B. but C. or

7. When _________ your brother ________ to school every morning? A. does; goes B. do; go C. does; go 8. Their favourite _______ are jeans and T-shirts. A. food B. clothes C. sports

9. David Beckham is ________ favourite football star. He likes _______. A. he; him B. his; him C. him; his 10. The students can’t ________ TV. A. watch always B. always watches C. always watch 二. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

Hello! I’m Lina. I am ten years old. I 11 a twin(双胞胎)sister. 12 name is Linda. She’s 13 years old, too. Our 14 are on September 16th. Linda and I 15 our birthdays very much. Do you know 16 ?On that day, our 17 give us some nice presents. Our mother usually 18 a big cake for us. Linda and I both(两者都)like 19 . On that day, my father usually buys two white T-shirts for us. Linda and I both love 20 . Of course, on September 16th, we usually go to the cinema. 11. A. has B. uses C. have D. use 12. A. His B. Her

C. Our D. Their 13. A. two

B. three

C. five

D. ten

14. A. names B. Numbers C. Birthdays D. classrooms 15. A. want

B. like

C. need

D. ask


16. A. how B. when C. what D. why D. teacher

17. A. friend 18. A. makes 19. A. blue

B. Parents C. grandparent B. washes

B. red

C. lives

D. wants

D. green

C. white

20. A. English B. art C. music D. films A


Mary is having a birthday party. There will be a cake with candles. Some people will(将要)bring birthday presents. Let’s look at birthdays in some different countries around the world.

Argentina: Ear pulling. They will pull your ear one time for each year of your age. If you are 13, they will pull your ear thirteen times.

Denmark: Flag. If it is your birthday in Denmark, a flag will fly outside a window of your home.

Philippines: Colored lights. Some people put colored lights outside their home if someone is having a birthday.

Russia: Birthday pies. Many Russian children get a birthday pie, not a birthday cake. When you have a birthday, here is a message for you—Happy Birthday from all around the world.

21. In Argentina, what do children get on their birthday? A. A cake with candles. B. Ear pulling. C. Ears.

D. Flag.

22. In Denmark, if it is your birthday, what will fly outside your window? A. A flag.

B. A cake. C. Some lights.

D. A birthday cake.

23. In Philippines, what do some people put outside their home on their birthday? A. A flag.

B. Birthday pies. C. Colored lights. D. Message.

24. How many times they will pull your ear if you are having your sixth birthday in Argentina? A. Thirteen times.

B. Sixteen times. C. Sixty times.

D. Six times.

25. What can Russian children get if they are having a birthday? A. A birthday pie.

B. Colored lights. C. Ear pulling.


D. A birthday cake.


It’s June 6. It’s Jenny’s birthday. She comes home and sees a card on the table. It says, “There is a present for you, Jenny. Go and look for it in your bedroom (卧室).” Jenny runs to her bedroom. She sees a red box on her bed. She opens it. There is another (又一) card in it. Jenny takes it out and reads, “Dear Jenny, I’m your present. My first letter is in ‘some’, but not in ‘come’. My second letter is in ‘have’, but not in ‘save’. My third letter is in ‘live’, but not in ‘love’. My fourth letter is in ‘for’, but not in ‘of ’. My fifth letter is in ‘take’, but not in ‘cake’. What am I?”

Jenny thinks and then she says, “Aha, I know! But where is it?” Jenny finds (找到) it behind the door.

根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 26. When is Jenny’s birthday?

_______________________________________________________________________ 27. What does the card on the table say?

________________________________________________________________________ 28. What does Jenny see on her bed?

________________________________________________________________________ 29. What is Jenny’s birthday present, do you know?

________________________________________________________________________ 30. Where is the present?

________________________________________________________________________ 四. 词汇。(每小题1分,共20 分)

A. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词。注意用其正确形式。

31. He always gets to school early, and he is __________ /’nev?/ late. 32. There are three pairs of __________ /?u:s/ under the bed. 33. He likes to ___________ /we?/ blue clothes.

34. The computer is too _____________/ik’spensiv/ . I can’t buy it.

35. Sally gets some ____________ /eks?’saiz/ on the playground every day. B. 根据句意及中文提示写单词。注意用其正确形式。

36. There are different kinds of ___________ (连衣裙) in the shop. 37. My father likes reading _____________(杂志)after supper. 38. Does your sister wear a ____________(丝绸)shirt?

39. He often goes to ____________(音乐会)at the weekend. 40. I ____________(通常)go to school at 7:30. C.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. Tony always _________ (send) emails to me. 42.Let’s _________ (clean) the classroom after school.

43.What about __________ (play) basketball with them this Friday afternoon? 44. My father likes __________ (read) novels. 45.Tom __________ (not eat) beef

46.Would you like ____________ (drink) juice?

47.They get some _____________(exercise)every day. 48.Be quiet! Can you __________ (hear) the song?


49.My sister and I __________ (have) lunch at school. 50.They buy some __________ (scarf) for their parents. 五. 句型转换(20分)

51. My mother often goes shopping. (改为否定句) My mother __ often __ shopping.

52. She often reads books on weekends. (改为一般疑问句) she often books on weekends? 53. My uncle lives in Shanghai. (对画线部分提问) ______ ______ your uncle ?

54. Tom sometimes goes to the concert with his parents. (对画线部分提问) ______ ______ Tom sometimes with his parents? 55. She sleeps seven hours every day. (对画线部分提问) ______ ______ hours she every day?

六.从方框中选择合适的选项填在横线上,补全对话。有两项多余。(每小题2分,共10分) Peter: Today is my sister’s birthday. She is 13 years old.

A. let’s make a cake for her birthday. Betty: (56) _____________________

B. I haven’t got any chocolate. Peter: She likes a cake for her birthday.

C. Let’s go to the shop to buy some. Betty: OK, (57) __________________

D. What do you like? Peter: What? Can you make a cake?

E. I have some water. Betty: (58) _________________ I often make a cake by myself.

F. What does she like? Peter: Well, what can we do now?

G. Of course, I can. Betty: I have got some milk, but (59) ____________

Peter: (60) ________________

Betty: OK. Let’s go.

七. 书面表达。(20分)

根据表格中的内容提示,谈谈“你”的生日情况,可适当发挥。不少于40词。 father aunt uncle friends some books make a big meal make a cake a pair of trainers different presents mother

My birthday comes on Saturday. My father usually sends some books to me on my birthday. I like reading books. My mother always makes a big meal for my birthday. And my aunt often makes a cake for me. I like it very much. My uncle usually gives me a pair of trainers. My friends send me different presents on my birthday. There are some flowers, cards and pens. I am very happy on my birthday.

