
发布时间 : 星期三 文章上海市浦东新区2016届九年级上学期期末质量调研英语试题更新完毕开始阅读

【70】先在文中找到reserch出现的句子,Since the Mona Lisa Foundation was established in 2008, we have done lots of necessary research on the “Earlier Mona Lisa” and many high technologies were used.根据后面的段落可知,是想要找到谁画的这幅画。 71. The underlined word “stunned” is the closest in meaning to “____” A. surprised B frightened C bored D worried 【71】 A 带到句子中翻译,可以看出表示的是他很吃惊。

72. Which city will the “Earlier Mona Lisa” most probably travel to after Shanghai? A. Los Angeles B. London C. Paris D Beijing


【72】D 需要推理,但比较简单,因为要在亚洲进行展示,所以接下来肯定还是亚洲的城市,显然选D.

73. The organization did many things to keep the painting safe, except_____. A buying an expensive insurance for the painting. B. using a high-tech case to show the painting C. limiting the number of visitors to the exhibiton D. keeping visitors a long distance away from the painting

【73】 D 文中最后一句提到But visitors will be able to come quite close to the painting. 74. In which section of the newspaper can you most likely find this passage? A. Science section B. Sports section C. Arts section D. Business section 【74】本文是关于艺术的,所以很显然会出现在艺术版块。

B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文) (12分) Xiao Yuwei is a 15-year-old beijinger. As the only child in the family, she often feels lonely. She hopes to have a sister or brother as company. Now it is the time for Xiao to realize her dream. Last month, China ____75______ its long-lasted one-child policy. Every couple can have two children. But what would it be like growing up with a sibling(兄弟姐妹)?

A silbling can stop children from having bad feelings such as loneliness and fear, according to Laura Padilla-Walker, a professor of family research from Brigham Young University, US. “Sibling can give kids something that parents can’t,” she says. You may not feel lonely because there is someone else to ________76__________. You can also talk about various things and share secrets with each other.

But there are downsides, too. You have to share things with your siblings, including the TV, toys, the bathroom and even _____77_____ from parents. There could be lots of competition, quarreling and hair-pulling. “Children with siblings need to learn to compromise(妥协) and control their feelings well, _____78______ it will have bad effects on the family relationship,” says Laura Padilla-Walker.

Even the birth order can make a difference. US psychologist Keven Leman says that

the birth order decides how parents treat their children. It will then lead to different ___79_____ in children. Leman explains that parents are usually very nervous and strict with their first child. Firstborns are often responsible and eager to succeed. When the couple has a second child, they are more _______80___. Thus late-born kids are usually funny and creative.

75. A made B ended C started D took 76. A play with B look for C get tired of D pick up 77. A problem B attention C proof D excuse 78. A or B and C so D but 79. A methods B commands C personalities D meanings 80. A confuse B upset C hopeless D relaxed 【75】B 结束,种植,end有动词的意思 【76】A 和…….一起玩耍 【77】B 得到关心 关爱 【78】A 否则

【79】C 父母如何对待自己的孩子会导致孩子不同的个性

【80】D 和上文对待第一个孩子nervous相比,对待第二个孩子他们更放松的。

C Fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空限填一词,首字母已给出) (14分)

Gold is a rare metal with a lovely colour. It is not affected by a___81____ or water. Because gold is so soft,

it can be make into very thin flat pieces and very fine thread.

Over 5,000 years ago, gold had some special meanings for the ancient Egyptians. They believed that all gold b_____82___ to their kings, the Pharaohs. In fact, luckily for us, they put many precious gold objects in the palaces with their Pharaohs when they died, and we can see a lot of them in museums today. The Egyptians had a lot of skill in working with gold; they could make it into sheets so thin that a pile of 35,700 pieces would be only 2.5 cm high. Sheets like this are called gol

d leaf. Gold leaf is still used today to d____83_____ furniture and other things.

The gold used to make jewellery is usually mixed with other metals. This not only makes the things c______84___, but also harder. People use the word \ne carat means one twenty-fourth part of it is made of gold.

Because it was not c____85____ and therefore had a high value, gold was used as money all over the world in the past. Today, we use pieces of paper i__86__, but many countries still keep bars of gold in the banks. They can change this gold into money by selling it to other countries. About two thirds of all the gold in the world is kept in this way.

Gold is found in many parts of the world, usually deep u___87___ the ground. It can also be found in rivers. The sea contains gold too, but it would cost more money to get the gold out of the sea than the gold is worth.

【81.】air 下面有提到水,这里可以想到是空气

【82.】 belonged 他们认为黄金是属于国王的, 这里要注意用过去时态。 【83.】decorate 装饰

【84.】cheaper,注意是比较级,因为not only, but also接的是对等的成分。

【85】 common 较难,很多学生没有想到,价值高,所以不太常见,不太流行,不普通。 【86】 instead, 用纸币来代替 【87】under 在地底下,用under

D. Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题) (12分)

A boy has been injured in a traffic accident. His leg is badly damaged. In the emergency Room of Shanghai No.6 People’s Hospital, the doctors work so hard to save the leg. The boy cries out in pain. There is blood on the bed and on the gloved hands of the doctors. The room is full of tension. In the end, the doctors manage to save the young boy’s leg. This is real life, real drama and ……real TV!

Since its first show last December, The story in ER(急诊室故事) has become popular with audience and pointed to a new direction in

reality TV. We have already got used reality shows such as The Voice of China(中国好声音) and Dad, Where Are We Going.(爸爸去哪)These shows only want to amuse people. Audience may think them interesting and funny while watching. But The story in ER takes us deeper into the lives of others.

Reality TV had its begging in Europe in the early 1990s. Since then, hundreds of reality shows have appeared around the globe---- there are 176 on British television, alone! These shows are not real

documentaries(纪录片), but focus on personal dramas and difficulties controlled by the producers to catch more people’s eyes.

The story in ER, however, is really real---real pain, real suffering, and real situations. No need for controlling here! Some audience may feel uncomfortable, but we can’t help watching, because it’s human nature to be attracted by the ups and downs of the lives of other human beings. Also, we learn things by watching others. The Story in ER gives us a chance to go behind the scenes and see how hospitals work and how hard the medical staff work. It allows us to imagine how we might react in similar stressful situations. It also lets us appreciate how lucky we are.

88. Do the doctors save the boy’s leg successfully in The Story in ER?

【88】:Yes, they do

89How do audience like Dad, where are we going according to the passage? 【89】: Audience may think them interesting and funny while watching. 90Where did reality shows start?

【90】:Reality TV had its beginning in Europe in the early 1990s 91Who makes reality shows more attractive according to the writer? 【91】:The producers.

92Why does The Story in ER need no controlling?

【92】:Because it is real and can not be controlled.

93. Is The Story in ER a good choice for a TV station? Give your reason.

【93】:Yes, it is. It’s human nature to be attracted by the ups and downs of the lives of other human beings.

Writing(作文) (共20分)

94.Write at least 60 words on the topic ”Tom’s Christmas”


汤姆在圣诞节发生了什么事?由此他产生了怎样的感想?请根据图片进行描述。 (注意:短文中不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) The following is for reference only. (以下表达仅供参考) Strange, disappointed At midnight

The next morning
