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英 语 2016.6




选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. What's the matter with the man?

A. He has a fever. B. He has a cough. C. He has a headache. 7. When will the man go to see the doctor?

A. Tomorrow morning. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Tomorrow evening. 请听一段刘话,完成第8至第9小题。 8. Where does the girl want to go?

A. To a university. B. To a hospital. C. To a shopping center. 9. How long does it take to get there?

A. 10 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 30 minutes. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。

10. Why doesn't the woman want to watch a basketball game? A. Because she doesn't like basketball B. Because the ticket is very expensive. C. Because she watched one last weeekend 11. What do they decide to do at last?

A. To go out for dinner. B. To watch a movie. C. To go to a concert. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12. What do we know about Pedro? A. His English is improving. B. He hates doing his homework.

C. His English is better than his mother's.

13. What does the teacher tell Pedro's mother to do at home? A. To speak English with Pedro. B. To help Pedro with his listening. C. To make sure Pedro reads his book. 请听一段独白,完成第14至第巧小题。 14. Where is the speaker at the moment?

A. In a shop. B. On a bus. C. On a river. 15. What's the speaker mainly doing? A. Telling about the tour plan. B. Giving advice on what to do. C. Describing some famous places.



知识运用 (共25分)

四、单项填空 (共10分,每小题1分)


21.These students always do homework very carefully. A. our B. his C. their D. her

22. Many people like to take a long vacation summer. A. in B. on C. at D. of

23. It's difficult for me to learn French, I don't want to give it up. A. and B. but C. or D. so 24.一 I meet him at the airport? 一No,you needn't.

A. Must B. Can C. May D. Should

25. Lucy's parents have four children She's .

A. young B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest 26. There over 3000 students in this school now. A. is B. was C. are D. were

27. Peter and Linda Beijing for Shanghai yesterday afternoon. A. leave B. left C. have lef t D. will leave 28. He playing the music for the show since last month.

A. practices B. practiced C. has practiced D. was practicing 29. These paintings in the museum next month

A. show B. will show C. are shown D. will be shown 30.一Do you know right now in the yard? 一I don't know. I'll go and see.

A. what Jim does B. what Jim is doing C. what does Jim do D. what is Jim doing 五、完形填空(共15分.每小题1.5分)

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A,B、C,D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Is That All?

Christmas was always an amazing time in my home when I was growing up. My parents didn't have a lot of money but they were always very generous(慷慨的)when it came to giving us 31 .In fact,they didn't just give presents to us children. Every year they held a Christmas Eve party and gave all the kids in the neighborhood presents as well.

One year,when I was eight years old,I was hoping that I would 32 a bike for Christmas. I made it clear by leaving hints(暗示)to my parents in every way I knew. On Christmas morning,however,when we got to the end of the present giving,I was very 33 . My last present was not the bike I had hoped for. Without thinking carefully,I said,“Is that all?”The moment I said it I knew I had made a mistake. Those words were 34 in any situation.

My parents looked unhappy,as my disappointment was obvious. I was so upset that I didn't 35 how unthankful I sounded. My whole family felt very uncomfortable. For a few moments there was nothing but silence in the house. I started to realize what a stupid thing I had said. After my parents worked so hard,

how could 1 36 that I did not receive a bike when I had received so many other things? Then my father got up and went outside the living room to the hallway. He came

back with the bicycle that they had 37 to give me after all the other presents were given. Now I felt even worse than before-I had got the bike but had shown my family what an unthankful person I actually was. How could I ever enjoy the bike after that? My parents were very wise people and they knew how to 38 this. They told me to think about how I felt at the moment I received the bike. They told me to remember

that feeling so that I would never repeat that 39 and feel that way again.

For years after that,at the end of all the present giving,my father would ask me what I had to say to everyone. It had become a family joke. I would always say,“Is

that all?”But what I really 40 was“Thanks so much.”And everyone knew that. 31. A. wishes B. lessons C. presents D. greetings 32. A. give B. make C. buy D. get

33. A. upset B. afraid C. nervous D. serious

34. A. useless B. improper C. dishonest D. unimportant 35. A. ask B. wonder C. realize D. remember

36. A. notice B. believe C. understand D. complain 37. A. refused B. planned C. failed D. forgotten 38. A. solve B. prove C. accept D. explain 39. A. question B. joke C. mistake D. advice 40. A. heard B. meant C. answered D. expected 阅读理解(共50分)


41.In the evenings Fran .
