
发布时间 : 星期三 文章(16份试卷合集)北京市海淀区名校高中2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,Mike是你的留学生朋友。你看到一则关于中美两国文化差异的讲座海报,决定给他写封邮件,将该讲座信息转告给他,建议他去听这个讲座,并说明为什么有必要去听这个讲座。 讲座信息包括:讲座内容、讲座人(自定)、讲座的时间和地点(自定)。 注意:

1 词数100左右;

2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

高二升级试题参考答案 听力答案

1—5BACAB 6—10BAABA 11—15BBBCC 16—20ABCAC 阅读理解答案: 题号 答案 题号 答案 题号 答案 题号 答案 21 D 31 A 41 B 51 C 22 B 32 D 42 A 52 B 23 D 33 C 43 C 53 D 24 C 34 A 44 D 54 D 25 B 35 B 45 A 55 C 26 D 36 D 46 B 56 C 27 A 37 F 47 C 57 A 28 A 38 C 48 A 58 D 29 C 39 A 49 D 59 A 30 B 40 E 50 B 60 B 完形填空答案: 语法填空答案:

61.to 62.worse 63.grades 64pared 65.fully

66.to remove 67.is 68.which 69. a 70.promising 短文改错答案: I’m more than happy to hear︿ you. You told me you were having trouble learn Chinese and wanted from learning some advices from me. advice

Firstly, why not to learn to sing Chinese songs? It’s a good way to learn Chinese and can make you feel


relaxing. Secondly, you can make some Chinese friends. Although you get along well with it, relaxed If them

they will help you to learn Chinese. Beside, it will be helpful if you watched some Chinese TV

Besides watch

programmes and read some Chinese novels. Finally, joining a club is also the good way to learn a

Chinese. In this way, you will get more chances to practice Chinese.

I hope the suggestions will be useful. 作文参考范文: Dear Mike,

I happened to see a poster at the school gate for a lecture on the cultural differences between China and the United States. The lecture is to be given at 7 on Friday evening in our school hall by Professor Wang Wen from Beijing University, who is an expert in human society and culture. Why don’t you go and attend the lecture? I know you have taken a special interest in traditional Chinese culture, so I think this is a good opportunity for you to develop your understanding of what it is like.

I’m sure you will find the lecture worth listening to.

Yours , Li Hua


21.D细节理解题。根据Three Blocks of Stones Forest Park部分的描述可知,这里自然环境优美,有山有水、植被茂盛。故选D。

22.B细节理解题。根据Fushun Royal Ocean World部分对票价的介绍Admission ticket: 90 yuan/adult 50yuan/kid (free for kids under 5 years old, acpanied by at least one adult)可推算出,这一家人需要支付的票价为90*2+0+50=230。故选B。

23.D细节理解题。根据文章内容可知,Hetuala City和Exhibition hall of Fushun war criminals都属于历史性旅游景点,但是Exhibition hall of Fushun war criminals每周一不开放。故选D。 【解析】试题分析:文章主要讲了作者鼓励他的学生John加入田径队,一个月后作者发现John是一个一流的球运动员。作者本认为John更应该去球队,而作者对John的鼓励使得他坚持在田径队努力训练。 24.C细节理解题。由第一段“John changed to our school from Greece, and seemed to be interested in sports, so I encouraged him to join our track team.”可知,作者看到John似乎对体育感兴趣,因此鼓励他加入田径队。说明作者对John的运动方面的兴趣给予更多的关注。故选C。

25.B细节理解题。由第一段最后一句“He accepted the offer, and began to work hard at every practice.”可知,John接受了他的老师的鼓励而参加了田径队。故选B。

26.D主旨大意题。由最后一段最后一句“I’ve found that a simple “I trust that you can do it!” can go a long way! ”可知,鼓励是非常重要的。故选D。

27.A推理判断题。由最后一段“I told it to a friend and she suggested I write it down to share somewhere with more teachers.”可知,这篇文章主要是写给老师的。故选A。

【解析】本文介绍了向日葵是一种很好种的植物,并讲述了种植向日葵的一些注意事项。 28.A 主旨大意题。根据文章第二段第一句“However, planting the sunflower seeds is a skilled job.”以及下文的内容可知,本文主要说明的是如何种植向日葵,故A项正确。

29.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中“This allows ripe plants enough space for the seed heads to ripen without knocking the ripe seeds off before gardeners have a chance to harvest them.”可知,这将使得成熟的向日葵在收获之前不会把葵花籽给弄掉,也就是说在收获之前保护葵花穗(葵花的顶端),故C项正确。 30.B 细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句“Most sunflower seeds, especially those with eatable seeds, are large enough to handle without the need for seed sorters. This is why sunflowers make an excellent choice for a children’s garden as well.”可知,葵花籽足够大,不用筛选就能种植,这是孩子们进行花园种植的极佳选择,故B项正确。 31.A 词义猜测题。根据下文的内容可知,Most pests and diseases are not a bother to the sunflower, however, more than one gardener has said that their lovely looking plants were ravaged overnight by hungry squirrels, mice or birds. To preserve their harvest, gardeners can cover the ripening seed head with stockings or net cloth to help keep the destroyers off the seeds.(大多数病虫害不是向日葵的麻烦,然而,不止一个园丁说,它们有可爱外表的植物在一夜之间被饥饿的松鼠、老鼠或鸟类__________。为了保护他们的收成,园丁可以用长筒袜或布盖住成熟的花穗,以帮助破坏者远离种子。)可推知,应该是“破坏”的意思。被破坏才要保护。故选A项。


32.D 细节理解题。由第二段的最后一句:“When protecting their child from suspected hardships, not wanting anything bad to happen to them, they very well may be preventing good things from happening to them.”可知,如果父母过度保护自己的孩子,也许阻止了好事情的发生。故选D。 33.C 推理判断题。由文章内容可知,作者对父母过度保护自己的孩子持批评的态度,故选C。

34.A 推理判断题。由最后一段第一句Whatever it may be, let them at least try.以及后面的内容可推知,这段讲述父母应该转换自己的角色,要充当一座桥梁,而不是充当一堵墙阻碍孩子的发展。故选A。


【解析】本文为介绍说明文。文章给读者提供了几条提高快速阅读技能的技巧。 36.D 根据下文的分条陈述可知,此处指“这里有一些快速阅读的技巧”。故选D。

37.F 根据本段主旨Look at groups of words, not single words.及空后句子However, if you can get into the habit of reading groups or chunks of words at one time, then you can read much faster.可知,此处应指一次只看一个单词会造成阅读速度慢。故选F。

38.C 根据本段主旨Scan for keywords可知,本段主要讲如何快速浏览关键词。故选C。

39.A 根据本段中的You can train yourself to read faster by timing yourself as you go. Start by getting your base time.可知,本段主旨应为“和时间赛跑”。故选A。

40.E 根据空前句子Set a timer for fifteen minutes, and speed read as you normally do.及空后句子Do not count the words, just the pages or paragraphs.可知,此处指当设定时间到了之后,看看自己读了多少了。故选E。


41.B考查副词。A. down 向下; B. up 向上; C. in 在里面; D. forward向前。如果他能找到并带上来一些贝壳,他就能大赚一笔。根据句意可知选B。 42.A考查动词。A. wave挥动; B. rise 上升; C. hold 握住; D. extend延伸。wave one’s arms \挥手\。由下文可知,一条鲨鱼出现了,因此此处是Ofai挥动手臂向作者他们发出求救信号。故选A。 43.C考查动词。A. lying躺; B. crawling 爬; C. moving 移动; D. jumping跳跃。这时作者看见一条深色的大鱼在水下游动,所以用moving。 44.D考查形容词。A. annoyed 感到烦恼; B. excited 感到兴奋; C. astonished 感到吃惊; D. frightened感到害怕。突然我感到害怕,我吓得一下子屏住呼吸。故选D。

45.A考查动词。A. appeared 出现; B. existed 存在; C. reflected 反射; D. flashed闪烁。突然他脸上露出担忧的表情。appear\出现,呈现\。故选A。

46.B考查动词。A. called叫喊; B. stared 盯着; C. laughed 大笑; D. shouted呼喊。作者他们盯着叔叔看,等待他采取措施。故选B。

47.C考查名词。A. measure测量; B. step 脚步; C. action 行动; D. advice建议。作者他们盯着叔叔看,等待他采取措施。故选C。 48.A考查形容词。A. tired 疲倦的; B. excited 兴奋的; C. disappointed 失望的; D. satisfied满意的。现在他一定很累,很难游得足够快以摆脱困境。故选A。

49.D考查动词词组。A. put up with忍受; B. break away from 摆脱; C. get along with 取得进展; D. get out of逃避,避免。现在他一定很累,很难游得足够快以摆脱困境。get out of trouble\摆脱困境\。故选D。

50.B考查动词。A. make 制造; B. stand 忍受,站立; C. hold 握住; D. accept接受。想到Ofai的生命危在旦夕,叔叔再也不能忍受了。stand\忍受\。 51.C考查名词。A. difficulty困难; B. permission 许可; C. delay拖延; D. preparation准备。他毫不犹豫地拿着刀跳下水。without delay\一刻也不耽搁\。

52.B考查动词。A. waiting等待; B. heading 朝着; C. fighting战斗; D. looking看。鲨鱼径直朝Ofai游去。head for\朝……前进\。故选B。

53.D考查动词。A. turned 转变; B. passed 通过; C. took 拿走; D. sent寄派。叔叔强有力的手臂已把刀深深地插入了大鲨鱼身体的一侧。send在此处表示\使移动\。故选D。

54.D考查形容词。A. sad 伤心的; B. calm 冷静的; C. brave勇敢的; D. angry生气的。联系上下文可知,由于受到攻击鲨鱼被激怒了。calm\平静的\勇敢的\伤心的\均不符合语境。故选D。

55.C考查动词。A. see 看见; B. help 帮助; C. attack 攻击; D. protect保护。他转过身来,攻击伤害他的那个人。故选C。

56.C考查形容词。A. quiet 安静的;B. frightened 害怕的;C. still 静止不动的; D. discouraged丧失信心的。有一分钟的时间,鲨鱼躺在那儿,一动不动。still\静止,不动\符合语境。quiet\安静,不出声\这里强调鲨鱼被刺后一动不动,故选C项。 57.A考查名词。A. life 生命; B. notice 注意,通知; C. mind 理智; D. an end结束。e to life苏醒,振作起来,故选A。

58.D考查名词。A. movement 移动; B. weight重量; C. crash坠毁; D. blow吹,打击。a hard blow\重重的一击\。鲨鱼重击船身以至于船几乎被撞翻了。故选D。

59.A考查名词。A. courage 勇气; B. kindness 善良; C. cleverness 聪明; D. enthusiasm热情。根据文章内容以及20空前的courage可知答案为A。

60.B考查动词。A. matters 重要; B. means 意味着; C. suggests建议; D. predicts预测。从这一经历中作者他们得到启示——在危险时刻勇气意味着一切。mean\意味着\。故选B。
