
发布时间 : 星期四 文章新四级听力讲稿模拟和训练更新完毕开始阅读

Test Nine

Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A

11.A) a department store. B) a library. C) an electrical shop. D) a bus station. 12.A) it’s too spicy. B) it’s too salty. C) it’s too bland. D) it’s too sour. 13.A) customer and estate agent. B) customer and travel agent. C) customer and shop assistant. D) customer and lawyer. 14.A) a shop B) a university campus. C) a library. D) an airport. 15.A) a university campus. B) a book store. C) a department store. D) an airport. 16.A) he enjoys dancing. B) his shoes don’t fit him. C) he’s an excellent dancer. D) he’s a terrible dancer. 17.A) to the dentist. B) to the vet. C) to the bus stop. D) to the library. 18.A) on the 4th floor in the electrical department. B) on the 2nd floor in the food court. C) on the 4th floor in the food court. D) on the 3rd floor in the food court.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19.A) her bags. B) her passport and tickets. C) her children. D) her seats. 20.A) at the back of the plane. B) in aisle seats. C) in window seats. D) near to the toilets. 21.A) K10-15 B) K20-24 C) E10-12 D)F1-3 22.A) 3 bags. B)10bags. C) they don’t have any bags. D) 5 bags. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23.A) few things. B) not many things. C) plenty of choice. D) nothing in his size. 24.A) blue. B) green. C) white. D) red. 25. A) by credit card. B) with cash. C) with a cheque. D) he doesn’t want to buy them.

Section B Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26.A) teen pregnancy and difficulty in school. B) low self-esteem and poor nutrition. C) difficulty in school and physical abuse. D) illiteracy and teen pregnancy. 27.A) more relative depravity

B) more relative depression. C) more relative deprivation. D) more relative degradation. 28.A) 34% B)41% C)17% 8%

Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. 29.A) shortage of days. B) superstition. C) inability to divide the year. D) too many months. 30. A)355. B) 366. C) 365. D) 445. 31.A) we lose a day. B) we add 24 hours. C) we gain 12 hours. D) we add an extra month.

Passage Three

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 32.A) swim in public pools. B) give blood. C) over exert yourself. D) expose your skin to the sun. 33.A) measles, HIV, hepatitis. B) diabetes, hypertension, HIV. C) hepatitis, syphilis, diabetes. D) HIV, hepatitis, syphilis. 34.A)anemia. B) shingles. C)hepatitis. D)HIV. 35.A) several weeks. B) until your doctor tells you. C) 12 months. D) at least 6 months.

Section C

Italians are known for them and 36) suggest they may have originated in the Middle East but 37) said Wednesday the world’s oldest known noodles, dating back 4,000 years, were made in China.

―Our discovery 38) that noodles were first produced in China about 4,000 years ago,‖ Lu Hou Yuan from the Chinese Academy of Science said in an interview. The noodles were 39) in an overturned, sealed bowl in an archaeological site near the Yellow River in north west China.

Until the 40) , reported in the science journal Nature, the 41) written account of noodles was in a book written during the East Han 42) in China sometime between 25 and 220.

―This is the 43) evidence of noodles ever found,‖ said Lu.

44) The scientists think a large earthquake and catastrophic flooding probably destroyed the ancient settlement where they were discovered.

45) Wheat was not introduced from central and western Asia to north west China until about 5,000 years ago.

Prehistoric farmers knew hot to pound and grind the hard millet seeds and mix them to make noodles. The dough was probably repeatedly stretched by hand to form long strands and cooked in boiling water to make noodles, according to the researchers. 46) Lu said.

Test Ten

Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes) Section A

11A) this and that B) America C) England D) university 12 A) it was 50pounds B)it was 80pounds. C) it was 20pounds D)it was 40pounds 13.A) a man who played football. B) a man who built a football stadil. C) a man who played baseball. D) a man who built a baseball stadil. 14.A)a book about computer programming. B)a book about computer science. C)a book about natural science. D)a book about physics. 15.A)she's really hungry. B)she's really thirsty. C)she's really angry. D)she's really sleepy. 16.A)on holiday. B)to university. C)to study abroad. D)to the shop. 17.A)a hotel. B) a university. C)a library. D)a restaurant. 18.A)to work. B)on holiday. C)to a party. D)to a lecture.

Questions 19 to 22 based on the conversation you have just heard. 19.A) steak. B) chicken. C) fish. D) seafood. 20.A) he got a promotion. B)he got engaged. C) he got married. D) he cooked dinner

21.A)at the office B)at school C)at university D)in the park 22.A)if he can cook her dinner B)for a promotion C)to marry him D)for some more money

Questions 23to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard 23.A)no, he doesn’t like of them B)Yes ,they are being made

C)yes ,he has bought them from a shop. D)no, he will not wear a wedding ring .

24.A)Mexican B)Russian C)Chinese D)Japanese

25.A)beer and red wine B)white wine and some Russian drinks

C)red wine and some Chinese drinks D)champagne and some Mexican drinks

Section B Passage one

Questions 26to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard

26.A)Celsius B)Claudius C) Lupercalia D)Lubricant Day 27.A)he didn’t like women

B)because he hated St .Valentine

C)because he believed bachelors made better soldier. D)he didn’t approve of celebrations. 28.A)from several myths .

B) St.Valentine was put to death on the 14th of February .

C) St.Valentine was a legendary romantic .

D) St.Valentine was in disfavor with the Roman emperor

Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31are based on the passage you have just heard 29. A)eating disorders ,low immunity and poor motor skills B)difficulty concentrating ,poor motor skills

C)low immunity ,poor self esteem, eating disorders

D)Poor motor skills ,difficulty concentrating, low immunity

30.A)go home for a break B)try to finish their assignments C) cram for exams D)go to parties

Passage Three

Questions 32 to35are based on the passage you have just heard 32.A)vertically handicapped B)short

C)secondary handicapped D)height challenged 33.A)health B)age C)weight D)height 34.A)financial security B)education C)career D)age 35. A)career, age ,economic status B) height, age ,economic status

C) social status, economic status, career D) social status, career, height

Section C

A canine cop took early 36) after bosses at South Yorkshire Police noted his poor motivation — and a fondness for making friends with noisy drunkards ,his former 37) said Monday .

Buster, who spent six months as a police dog ,has been 38) with a family in Sheffield ,near this town in northern England ,Police Constable David Stephenson said .

―He has a lack of drive and 39) when asked to do operational work ‖,Stephenson told The Associated Press .―He’s just a lovely pet ‖

Two–year–old Buster 40) well at the start of his 14-week training program but his work41) deteriorated and the problem 42) once he stated patrolling the streets ,he said .

43) His handler couldn’t believe what the dog was doing .

44) Stephenson said .―You would have expected him to use his nose to locate him ‖

45) ―He just stopped working ,‖Stephenson said―He just lay down and there was nothing we could do .He has got a very low drive for finding people‖.

In Rotterdam at bar closing times, the streets are often crowded with drunken revelers .46) , his former handler said .
