
发布时间 : 星期三 文章U5新理念第五单元答案更新完毕开始阅读

? Script: M: I just heard about that big news you are going to have another baby. Congratulations! W: Thanks, but meanwhile that also means I have to take another break in my career. Q: What does the woman mean?

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): B

6. A) She doesn't like driving when she travels.该选项共0人选择 B) She doesn't want to go to Beijing.该选项共0人选择 C) It's more comfortable to go to Beijing by train.该选项共0人选择 D) It's more expensive to go to Beijing by train.该选项共0人选择

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Script: M: I've figured it all out. It looks like it'll take us about 7 hours to drive from here to Beijing. W: It'd be more relaxing to take the train. Q: What does the woman imply?

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): C

7. A) Beautiful.该选项共0人选择 B) Terrible.该选项共0人选择 C) Exciting.该选项共0人选择 D) Fantastic.该选项共0人选择

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Script: M: Oh, My! Look at the view from the window! W: Oh, no. That's dreadful. Not at all what we had expected. Q: How is the view from the window?

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): B

8. A) They are old schoolmates.该选项共0人选择 B) They are very good friends.该选项共0人选择

C) They were both businessmen years ago.该选项共0人选择 D) They are professors of a certain university.该选项共0人选择

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Script: W:Hello, Peter. I haven't seen you since we were at the university. M:That's right. It's been a long time. You took business administration, didn't you? Q:What's the relationship between the two speakers?

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): A

9. A) A play.该选项共0人选择 B) A lecture.该选项共0人选择 C) A movie.该选项共0人选择 D) A performance.该选项共0人选择

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Script: M: I felt awful when some of the audience left in the middle of my lecture. W: Don't read too much into it. Not all people are interested in the topic like you are. Q: What are they talking about?

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): B

10. A) Mike's friends didn't plan to go to the game.该选项共0人选择

B) All of them couldn't ride in the woman's car.该选项共0人选择

C) Mike had a scar on his ear.该选项共0人选择 D) Mike's car wasn't available.该选项共0人选择

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Script: W: Mike said he can give us a ride to the game. M: Oh good, then he does have his car. Q: What did the man assume at first?

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该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(2.00分): D

Part II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

? What drives you to succeed as a creative person? Is it the dream of fame, 11 and recognition? Is the thought of seeing your name up in lights that 12 you out of bed in the morning? Having such a strong and clear goal is a 13 motivator and, if you work hard and pay your dues, you can 14 achieve that goal. However, if you want to be successful without the feeling that you are battling your way through life your motivation to get out of that comfy bed in the morning has to come from somewhere else. There must be an even bigger motivating driver.

To have 15 and want to be successful is a fine thing but it isn't enough. Ambition and want are just words that describe desire. To understand WHY you have such desires is quite another thing. True 16 , true art in any form, comes from passion. Great actors aren't great because of their technique. Anyone can learn technique. They move an audience as great actors because of their passion. Passion is the driver that 17 every bone and breath in your body to achieve.

If your desires are not in alignment with your passion you can be successful but you will not be 18 , satisfied. You will live a rich famous life and still 19 for the elusive thing. You will get up in the morning wondering what is wrong with you. You have all that you desired yet you feel that there is still something missing. You are missing the nourishment that feeds your soul, your heart.

Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it. Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, and then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart. When work, 20 commitment, and pleasure unite to become one and you reach into that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible. Through the experience of devoted passion you will reap richer stores of knowledge than any text-book or course of study can give you. A) wealth E) motivates I) confront M) genius B) passion F) concentrated J) yearn N) definite C) supportive G) propels K) fulfilled O) appropriately D) dedicated H) ambition L) absolutely ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

11. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): A

12. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): G

13. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): N

14. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): L

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15. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): H

16. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): M

17. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): E

18. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): K

19. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): J

20. ______________________

该题共0人答题,答对0人,答错0人,正确率为0%,错误率为0% 正确答案(1分): D

Section B

Directions: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice.

? Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

Since Tiger was so fortunate with the game of golf, he decided to start a foundation called: The Tiger Woods Foundation which starts schools in urban American cities that provided an education for less fortunate kids. Tiger also supports and donates money to The First Tee program. The First Tee program's goal is to provide learning facilities and educational programs that promote character development and life enhancing values through the game of golf. Tiger, himself has also been an idol or hero for many kids around the world because of his dominance and records throughout his golfing career. Because of this many kids have started learning the game of golf.

Tiger's real first name is Eldrick. He was born on December 30, 1975 and grew up in Cypress California.
