
发布时间 : 星期五 文章英语体育新闻特色及翻译论文更新完毕开始阅读

and the target language is the unlike cultural background and social realities.

For instance, the famous tennis player S Williams is going to attend with her knee pain.

Readers may see this title as S 威廉姆斯坚持带膝伤参赛

Under such circumstance, the S Williams was literally mistranslated into S 威廉姆斯. This version of translation, strictly speaking, is not wrong version. But according to the real conditions in tennis game, as we know there are two players named Williams. The S Williams is the short name of the Serena Williams. There is another Williams who named Venus Williams. In Chinese version, people call them 大威廉姆斯 and 小威廉姆斯. Due to such condition, we cannot easily translate the S Williams as S 威廉姆斯, actually we should call her the 小威廉姆斯

Therefore the title should be the “小威廉姆斯坚持带膝伤参赛” 3.1.3Failure to Retain the Original Language Style

As the preceding text, we mainly talk about the unique style of English sports news writing. The well-known translator and scholar Qian Zhongshu came up with the three principles of translation has a great influence till now. The principle goes to the “The faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance”. He said that the faithfulness in translation should include expressiveness and elegance. To be expressive helps to be faithful, but to be elegant does not mean decorating expressiveness. Faithfulness means to render a piece of work in the way that the author intended it till the original style is staged. According to what he said, we should know that we are not supposed to express all the literal meaning of the original language, but to work to keep its writing style.


The two reports were released on the Agencies on Aug.15, 2008. The day before the Aug.15, the Chinese famous athlete, Zhang Juan won the first prize in archery. In addition, she also breaks the ruling of the South Korea since 1988. By contrasting the two reports, it is easy to figure out these to emotional attitudes for the news. The first one clearly showed its delighting to the success of the home player. Meanwhile, the second one shows his pity for the defending player. By contrasting the two reports, the author respectively display the different voice and tone to the same news. Therefore we need to pay attention to the attitude of the original text to translate better. In addition, the translation should not only functionally express the original meaning of


text, but also maintain the original style and feelings, the figurative rhetoric effects and characteristics as far as possible.

All in all, the research and theories in translating English and Chinese is still young for quoting by. Due to various reasons, there are many problems exist in kinds of translations. The key to improve our translation is to have a good understanding of the two languages, as well as the cultural background and the professional information.

3.2 The Lack of Sports Expertise

3.2.1 Professional Athlete

Sport is regarded as the one that own the largest number of terms within the whole fields. Tens of thousands of various jargons stand for different meanings including rules, sports items, actions, and tactics and so on. Such as the following example:

If we have no information about the terms in the game of baseball, we would not report and translate this message clearly for foreign readers about the National League of America. The reason why we cannot understand it because of the writer used few special terms in the process of reporting the game.

The word “hit”, in Chinese means the 安打, but in some news which translated by Chinese news writers, it was mistranslated as “击打”. In the news was mentioned,


the run-scoring single means “击跑得分” which was mistranslated into “跑步得分的单打”. The word “liner” always be mistranslated into the “直球”, but its real meaning is the “直平球”. And the most common mistake in translating English sports news is that the “out”. It has different meaning in various events. In tennis game, it means the ball has out the court. In the boxing competition, it refers to one of the fighter choose to throw in the towel, namely giving up.

Such as these mistranslation make reader misunderstanding.

The football is the most popular sports event in the world. The chart below showing the common mistranslation in the news. Original terms Kick-off Goal kick Throw-in Body check

Obviously if we do not equip with enough professional information and knowledge, it would be easy for us to misunderstand the news and not mention the translating English sports news. Therefore we have to gain more experience from watching sports news and read the correct version of translation of the foreign language news. 3.2.2 Amateur

An outstanding translator have it disadvantage in some fields. But a sports news translator must equip with best knowledge of translation methods. One must seize the every detail of characteristics and features of a sports news. There are three points as follows.

(1) The headline of sports news.

The sports news is different from the others news such as politics. Except for exhibiting the big event of sports circle, its content and principles including the spirit

Mistranslation 罚下场 进球 进球 冲撞 Correct version 开球 球门球 掷界外球 阻挡 14
