
发布时间 : 星期六 文章英语体育新闻特色及翻译论文更新完毕开始阅读

The Features and Translation of English Sports News

Shi Yulun

Abstract: In the current society, with the increasing level of people?s living and on the basis of satisfaction of material life, people started to pursue their spiritual fulfillment. Taking part in and watching sports programs have become a incredible part in people?s spiritual life. As the international competitions increase, the transmission of sports news has been seen as the carrier of sports information, which has made the sports news an irreplaceable part of transmission of international news. Since 1992, the third leapfrog development was made in China?s press, the paper and electrical media enjoyed a rapid development. As the development of media, watching sports news , as an important face and time presented on the various media, has become a topic issue surrounding people?s life.

This thesis firstly introduced the general characteristics and forms including the structure, lexicon, topic,numbers and the opinions and skills the translators came up with. In addition, this paper also displayed the problems always occurred in translating English sports news and its reason. According to the basic principles and elements of translation, this thesis puts the emphasis on the discussion of the standard, condition, skills and method of translation.

Key Words: Translation methods; sports news; application









Abstract in English ...................................................................................................... I Abstract in Chinese ..................................................................................................... II 1.Introduction ............................................................................................................... 2 2. The definition and features of English sports news .............................................. 3 2.1 The definition of English sports news ................................................................. 3 2.1.1 The definition of news ................................................................................ 3 2.1.2 The brief description of English sports news .............................................. 4 2.2 The Features of English Sports News .................................................................. 5 2.2.1 Lexical Features .......................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 Stylistic Features ......................................................................................... 6 3.The Problems of English Sports News Translation ................................................ 8 3.1 The Misconception about Context ....................................................................... 8 3.1.1 Insufficient Understanding of the Context .................................................. 8 3.1.2 Insufficient Background Information........................................................ 10 3.1.3 Failure to Retain the Original Language Style.......................................... 11 3.2 The Lack of Sports Expertise ............................................................................. 13 3.2.1 Professional Athlete .................................................................................. 13 3.2.2 Amateur ..................................................................................................... 14 4.Translation methods and skills in English Sports News ...................................... 17 4.1 Free Translation and Literal Translation ............................................................ 17 4.1.1 Literal Translation ..................................................................................... 17 4.1.2 Free Translation ........................................................................................ 18 4.2 Dynamic Equivalence ........................................................................................ 19 5.Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 21 Bibliography ............................................................................................................... 22 Acknowledgments ...................................................................................................... 23



Sports has become an irreplaceable part to people?s life and is surging increasing attention worldwide. As a major source for the public to learn more about sports knowledge. Sports news have been playing an important role in current news media, and taking up one of the four mainstream news departments. Sports report is becoming a writing style that shows both its own characteristics and common characteristics of news writing.

Due to the different environment just like background and reporting targets, sports news in many countries has different features. According to this reality, the thesis started from the English and Chinese sports news, conducting comparative analysis and research, to come up with the different features and the problems needed to pay attention.

In the processing of translating the language between English and Chinese, the differences of professional terms in sports news remain a problem for translators. The terms includes the name of event, skill and tactics, rules of competition and referee?s command. For the high standard of professional requirements, translation mistakes and other problems have great effects on audiences.

On the website like BBC and CNN, they have two versions including English and Chinese. We started from two point-----on the language level and social and cultural background. The research showed that there are many elements including the ideological diversity effecting the translation of sports news except the language level.

