
发布时间 : 星期一 文章五年级英语上第一单元教案更新完毕开始阅读

What country is this?

Do you know the capital city of the country? What colour is the country?

What do they speak in this country?

2. 做“Simon Says”游戏以复习north, south, east, west, map以及全班学生已经学会了的国家的名称。

二、 New Concepts

1.出示一张地图,指出澳大利亚的位置。 2.让同学们提问一些有关澳大利亚的问题,(这些问题是学生们在网上没有查到的一些资料)其他同学解答,教师给与帮助。(在这一环节中,教师要将关键的问题板书,并解决生词的问题。)

3.用自己的话介绍一下澳大利亚的情况,先分小组交流,再从全班说。(这些内容都是同学们利用课下时间查阅的资料) 4.教科书。

先听录音跟读,再齐读课文。 5.检查。

教师根据课文内容提问,尽量让还没有发过言的同学回答。 三、 Expanding and application

你喜欢澳大利亚吗?这个国家的什么最令你难忘?你能用英语简单介绍澳大利亚的其他相关信息吗? 四、 Activity Book 五、Class Closing

家庭作业:将所学国家的情况制成习题练习 板书设计

Lesson 14 Australia

The capital city of Australia is Canberra. They speak English.

Australia is south and east of China. The U.K.’s flag is inside Australia,s flag. 课堂练习题 1.连线

China Canberra

Canada Washingtion,D.C. Australia Beijing The U.S. London The U.K. Ottawa 选择填空

( )1.__________is east of China .

A . The U.K. B .The U.S. C.Australia ( )2.__________is south of China. A. Australia b.Canada C. The U.S.

( )3._________ he know the capital city of Australia? A.Do B.Is C.Does

( )4.The U.S. is _____ and_____ of Australia? A. north ,east B.north,west C .west , south 课后反思:

Lesson 15 Are you ready for a quiz? 教学目标:


1、重点词汇:这是一节复习课。以下这些内容是必须掌握的:国家及其首府的单词,彼此之间相对位置,过期的特点,各个国家的著名建筑及景点。 2、重点句子和语法:

(1) 一般疑问句,如:Do you know what country this is?注意 Do you know后面的句子,应该是个陈述句。

(2) 特殊疑问句,如:What’s this? What country is this? Where is west? What do they speak in this country?

(3) 介词of的用法。The capital city of……, a map of……, State of Liberty, East of…… (二) 能力目标:

1、可以把这个单元的重点单词和句子掌握,并会识记和运用。 2、可以熟练的介绍这五个国家的概况。 教学重、难点:

1、词汇:这是一节复习课。以下这些内容是必须掌握的:国家及其首府的单词,彼此之间相对位置,过期的特点,各个国家的著名建筑及景点。 2、句子和语法:

(1)一般疑问句,如:Do you know what country this is?注意 Do you know后面的句子,应该是个陈述句。 (2)特殊疑问句,如:What’s this? What country is this? Where is west? What do they speak in this country?

(3)介词of的用法。The capital city of……, a map of……, State of Liberty, East of…… 教具、学具:

地图、录音带、录音机 教学过程: 一、复习

1、用有关cousin, aunt, uncle的歌来唱“The family in our house” 歌曲,以复习有关家庭成员的单词。

2、将《教科书》中的小测试用作复习。仔细观察学生的理解情况。录音内容为:(张老师)Okay, class! Let’s have some fun. Stand for the right answer. 1) What’s this? It’s a country. It’s a map.

2) What country is this? It’s Chinese. It’s China.

3) North is up. Where is west? This is west. This is not west. It’s east.

4) What country is east of China? The U.K. is east of China. The U.S. is east of China. 5) What do they speak in this country? They speak Australia. They speak English. How did you do, class? Here are the answers! 答案:

1) It’s a map.

2) It’s China. We speak Chinese in China.

3) West is left. She is pointing east. 4) The U.S. is east of China.

5) They speak English in Australia. 二、故事 1、让学生看图,教师尽可能多的使用英语,提出问题让学生回答,为阅读故事做好准备。 Look at the pictures. Who do you think these characters are? Are they part of Maddy’s family? Where do they live?

2、利用录音带讲述“Maddy’s family photographs” 3、教师提问,帮助学生加深对故事大意的理解。

A. Is Maddy older or younger than her grandfather/aunt/uncle? B. Where does Maddy’s grandfather/cousin/aunt/uncle live? C. What does he/she speak? D. What does he/she like to do?

E. What do the students think a “photograph” is? F. Did you like the story? Why or why not? 板书设计: What’s this?

What country is this?

North is up. Where is west? What country is east of China?

What do they speak in this country? It’s a map.

It’s China. We speak Chinese in China. West is left. She is pointing east. The U.S. is east of China.

They speak English in Australia. 课后反思:

Lesson 16: Again, Please

姓名:佘焕静 联系电话: 3899580 教学目标:

1. 掌握本单元重点词汇和句型。

2. 能熟练运用所学句型介绍本单元所学五个国家的概况。

3. 活动激趣,在运用知识复习巩固的同时,使学生体验到获得知识的快乐,培养学生交际能力和小组合作能力。 教学重点、难点:


2.能熟练运用一些描述地图的基本词汇。 教学准备:录音机,教学卡片,表格,地图。 教学过程:

一、 Class Opening and Review


Play“Spell It” to review vocabulary of this unit.

Play “Simon Says” to review : north, south, east, west and map. Teacher can use the phrases as following :Point north / south / east / west to a map. Play the game “Travel”. Teacher may say that: What country is this?

Do you know the capital city of ___?

Is _____north (east ,west ,south) of_____? What do they speak in _____? Do you speak ___?

Do “Happy Face,Sad Face”. Read out each question to check the understanding of the sentences of the unit.


1. Group work: divide the students in group of five, discuss then finish the form. Country Famous for Capital city flag language Ask students to make reports according to their forms.

2. Listen to the tape. Answer the questions. Practice the students listening skills. a. What is it?

b. What is the capital city of China? c. What do we speak in China ? d. Where is the U.S.?

e. What do they speak in the U.S.? f. Where is Canada ? g. Where is the U.S.? h. Where is the U.K.? i. What is Australia ?

3.试着做一次导游,介绍这些国家的基本情况:地理位置、国旗、著名建筑及景点。 三、 Class Closing

Homework : Point to the countries you know on a map of the world. Talk about these countries with your friends. 板书设计: Country China Famous for Capital city flag language Tian’anmen Beijing Square and the Red. yellow stars Chinese
