
发布时间 : 星期日 文章新视野大学英语视听说教程第三版第4册更新完毕开始阅读

for promotion as baby boomers retire. 4Q: What can we conclude about the reasons behind job dissatisfaction?

C. The reasons for job dissatisfaction

are found to be various.

Passage 2

1) prevalent 2) scary

3) be classified as 4) epidemic 5) ratio 6) diagnosed 7) keeping track of

8) was still associated with 9) affirm 10) in terms of


Short conversations

1 Q: What does the man say about the singer?

C Her music style is unique. 2 Q: What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

D What to do on their tour of Rome. 3 Q: What’s the man’s area of study?

B Modern opera.

4 Q: How long does the exhibit open on Saturdays?

C 7 hours.

5 Q: What is special about the movie?

D The actors remain silent throughout it.

Long conversation

1 Q: What is the woman’s impression of San Francisco when visiting this time?

B She finds many sites stay unchanged. 2 Q: What does the woman suggest they do before going to the Golden Gate Bridge?

D Viewing the bridge from a hill. 3 Q: What does the man want to do?

C Eat before continuing their tour. 4 Q: What does the woman consider to be the best way to enjoy culture?

A To truly experience it in no rush.

Passage 1

1 Q: Who is the person painted in the Mona Lisa?

C The wife of a wealthy merchant. 2 Q: What made it possible for the Mona Lisa to survive for centuries?

A The use of a wood panel. 3 Q: What is mentioned as one of the techniques used for painting the Mona Lisa?

D Drawing the subject with accurate details.

4 Q: What does the passage mainly discuss?

B The reasons for the fame of the Mona


Passage 2

1) anticipation 2) glamorous

3) be conferred upon 4) collective 5) nominate for 6) exceptions to 7) accomplished 8) absolute 9) recipients 10) is entitled to


Short conversations

1 Q: What does the man think of today’s


B They are disappointing.

2 Q: What is the woman probably doing?

A Hosting a radio program.

3 Q: What does the man say about reality TV?B It makes viewers feel superior. 4 Q: How do young people socialize today according to the man?

D By communicating on the Internet. 5 Q: What does the man think of modern communications technology?

C It is bringing families closer.

Long conversation

1 Q: Why is the son required to turn off his computer while his father is not?

C Because the father is meeting with his colleagues online.

2 Q: Why doesn’t the son want to turn off his cell phone?

D Because he wants to check the news about a golf player.

3 Q: What rule does the mother decide to set for the family?

A Having dinner without any electronics.

4 Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

C Electronics sometimes cause family


Passage 1

1 Q: Why is celebrity news prevalent in our media?

D Because it gives us a break from the harsh realities.

2 Q: What can we learn about celebrities from the conversation?

C They do their utmost to gain attention.

3 Q: Why are celebrities’ lifestyles

attractive to people?

D Because they contain things desired by common people.

4 Q: What should we keep in mind when watching or reading celebrity news? B Celebrities’ lives are similar to those of common people.

Passage 2

1) differentiate themselves from 2) frown upon 3) concise 4) combat 5) severe

6) is geared up for 7) embraced 8) compact

9) is supplemented with 10) sensational


Short conversations

1 Q: What is the problem with driving schools?

B They need more supervision over the high charges and bribes. 2 Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

A More food assistance programs are needed for ill nourished people.

3 Q: What does the man expect his report on old people will achieve?

C Help people change their

understanding and feelings about old age. 4 Q: What can we learn from the man about the issue of climate change?

B Governments should cooperate more to solve the problem.

5 Q: What is implied in the woman’s words?

D She often gives up what she tries to do.

Long conversation

1 Q: What will the couple do to prepare for the storm?

D Go to a store to get more emergency items.

2 Q: What things do they have at home for emergency situations?

B Flashlights and cash.

3 Q: Why does the woman suggest they bring cash with them?

D Because the credit card machines may not work properly.

4 Q: What’s their budget for clothing every month?

A $200.

Passage 1

1 Q: What problem is commonly faced by

retail businesses?

B The stealing of retail items from their stores by thieves.

2 Q: What may retailers do to compensate for the losses caused by shoplifting?

A Sell goods at higher prices than they normally do.

3 Q: According to the speaker, who can usually better absorb the losses caused by shoplifting?

D Larger retailers.

4 Q: What prevention method against shoplifting is mentioned by the speaker?

C Putting security devices on products.

Passage 2

1) motivations 2) hazard

3) develop an appetite for 4) associated with 5) contribute to 6) follow suit 7) consensus 8) authorities 9) inadequacies 10) exaggerationure


Short conversations

1 Q: What does the woman say about good


D They enable readers to have different experiences.

2 Q: Why does the woman like going to a book club?

C Because she can meet people with similar interests.

3 Q: What are the two speakers complaining about?

B People today are too distracted and read little.

4 Q: What does the woman imply?

A She doesn’t do much reading to her children.

5 Q: What is an important feature of a classic novel according to the man?

C It remains popular all the time..

Long conversation

1 Q: What does the man want to know about the song “Starry Starry Night”?

B The writer of the song.

2 Q: Why did Don McLean write the song?

C To show his respect for Van Gogh. 3 Q: What can we learn about Van Gogh from the conversation?

A He wasn’t popular during his lifetime.

4 Q: What did Van Gogh and Don Mclean have

in common?

D They both showed persistence in their pursuit of art.

10) virtually

Passage 1

1 Q: What does the program of Reading Recovery intend to do?

A To help first-grade students overcome reading problems.

2 Q: How do teachers in the Reading Recovery program teach?

C They help students find the best way to learn.

3 Q: When will students stop taking Reading Recovery lessons?

B When they have reached the average level of the class.

4 Q: What is considered by some critics as a disadvantage of the program?

D It costs more than other programs.

Passage 2

1) refugee 2) desperate 3) entitled

4) became informed of 5) are confronted with 6) spokesperson 7) seek out 8) profiles 9) stayed loyal to
