
发布时间 : 星期五 文章2019_2020学年高中英语Unit5ThepowerofnatureSectionⅡWarmingUp更新完毕开始阅读

8.A.mountains B.the sea C.trees


解析:选D 滥砍滥伐导致森林消失。 9.A.continue B.have C.ought

D.go on

解析:选A 然而人们“继续”我行我素。空前的yet表示转折。 10.A.grow B.plant C.save

D.cut down

解析:选D cut down意为“砍伐”。 11.A.Thus B.However C.Generally

D.Therefore 解析:选B 用however表示转折。 12.A.still B.even C.also

D.certainly 解析:选A still意为“仍然”。 13.A.many B.none C.some

D.few 解析:选D and表示递进,“没有多少法律来制止这一点”。 14.A.production B.pollution C.population


解析:选C 根据下文得知,话题已转向“人口”问题。 15.A.houses B.vegetables C.food


解析:选C 人口增长将导致无法解决的粮食问题。 16.A fruit B.meat C.fish


解析:选B 从下一句中出现的“animals are kept”可知是meat。17.A.feeds B.increases C.supplies


解析:选A feed有“喂养”的意思。 18.A.use B.stay C.keep


解析:选D 自然资源将持续更久。 19.A.control




解析:选A 人口出生率的控制。 20.A.nature C.planet

解析:选C 一个更好更干净的星球。 Ⅴ.短文改错


B.sea D.forest

In the picture,there is a cup,as is usually presented to the winners in sports competitions.The cup is definite a symbol of a great success.But it makes me puzzled is that a magnifying glass is used to seeing its light scratch on the cup,which is not at all obvious.

What I see in this picture reminds me that people who use a magnifying glass to see the faults in others.Those people are usually very demanded and picky.They only see the“scratches”instead of the whole cup.As we all know,everyone had both strengths and weaknesses.Therefore,we should be objective about others' achievements rather than find faults with him on purpose.Only in this way harmony be achieved and conflicts be avoided.


In the picture,there is a cup,sports competitions.The cup is

is usually presented to the winners in a symbol of

great success.But

makes me puzzled is that a magnifying glass is used to on the cup,which is not at all obvious.

What I see in this picture reminds me

its light scratch

people who use a magnifying glass

and picky.They

to see the faults in others.Those people are usually very

only see the“scratches”instead of the whole cup.As we all know,everyone

both strengths and weaknesses.Therefore,we should be objective about others' achievements rather than find faults with harmony be achieved and conflicts be avoided.

on purpose.Only in this way

